FBI Informant IDed, Being Investigated...Halper At Center of Mueller-FBI Papa/Page/Flynn-Targeting


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Noose / Net Gets Tighter: The DOJ's internal watchdog is now scrutinizing the identified FBI Informant In Russia Probe

Stefan Halper, an American professor who is reportedlydeeply connected with British and American intelligence agencies, has been identified as a confidential source for the FBI during the bureau’s original investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Halper has been identified as at the center of the investigations and key in the eventual indictments of George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, and General Flynn.

"The Justice Department’s internal watchdog reportedly is scrutinizing the role of an FBI informant who contacted members of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, as part of a broader review of the early stages of the Russia investigation.

The New York Times reported that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz is looking into informant Stefan Halper’s work during the Russia probe, as well as his work with the FBI prior to the start of that probe."

Halper is THE key FBI informant linked to the FBI / Mueller investigation of General Flynn, leading to his eventual indictment.

General Flynn was NOT indicted for 'Russian Collusion' but was indicted for lying to the FBI about something that was not even illegal, something the FBI already knew about thanks to Halper.

Halper's involvement in the eventual targeting and 'take down' of General Flynn goes all the way back to 2014, during which time Halper helped organize University of Cambridge, England, academic events. Flynn attended a dinner in 2014, along with about a dozen other people. This dinner was organized by Halper and others, to include Sir Richard Dearlove, former head of British intelligence service MI6. It was a set-up.

The event was also attended by a Russian-born academic named Svetlana Lokhova. Despite claims by Halper, the FBI, and others on the Left, Lokhova is an historian whose academic expertise is in Russian Intelligence, NOT a ‘Russian Spy’.
-- Evidence has been produced proving her background and her testimony regarding the events of this Cambridge dinner.

According to reports, Flynn was the guest of honor at the event and sat at the center of the table across from Lakhova. The two were never alone with General Flynn and never talked away from the table.

In 2016 General Flynn began working for the Trump administration. Shortly afterwards, ‘out of the blue’, Halper contacted Lakhova and invited her to a dinner party. She stated this was strange because despite running in the same academic circles Halper was an ‘obnoxious academic’ who hated all Russians.

In early 2017 General Flynn was fried from the Trump administration as allegations surfaced claiming Flynn had been in contact with Russian spies as part of some Trump administration ‘Russian Collusion’. The ‘Russian Spy’, she learned, was HER.

Lakhova stated she believes Flynn was set-up in 2014 by Halper and British Intelligence (MI6), placed in a ‘compromising’ situation, one that could be used later exactly as it was – ‘to take Flynn down’ – and that she was used to help do so.


Russian academic linked to Flynn denies being spy, says her past contact was ‘used’ to smear him
The Noose / Net Gets Tighter: The DOJ's internal watchdog is now scrutinizing the identified FBI Informant In Russia Probe

Stefan Halper, an American professor who is reportedlydeeply connected with British and American intelligence agencies, has been identified as a confidential source for the FBI during the bureau’s original investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Halper has been identified as at the center of the investigations and key in the eventual indictments of George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, and General Flynn.

"The Justice Department’s internal watchdog reportedly is scrutinizing the role of an FBI informant who contacted members of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, as part of a broader review of the early stages of the Russia investigation.

The New York Times reported that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz is looking into informant Stefan Halper’s work during the Russia probe, as well as his work with the FBI prior to the start of that probe."

In 2014, Halper was connected to and working with the British intelligence service MI6, AND Halper was an informant working with the Obama administration's FBI. In 2017, Halper helped take down Flynn, who was working on Trump's team, with false allegations that Flynn was connected to Russian spies, which has been exposed as false. It was enough for the FBI to interrogate Flynn and for the FBI's top Counter-Intelligence Agent to catch Flynn in a lie about something that was not even illegal, something they already knew about thanks to Halper.

Also working for Obama's FBI was known Trump-hater and former Brit spy, Richard Steele, who not only was working for the FBI but was working with the DOJ's Ohr and Mueller on the Dossier BEFORE the FBI illegally acquired warrants to spy on Carter Page from the FISA Court, BEFORE official investigation of Trump had begun, and BEFORE Mueller had been appointed Special Counsel.

And of course there is the fact that Hillary Clinton PAID Trump-hating ex-foreign spy Steele and the Russians for their help in trying to win in 2016, in the form of 1 Russian-authored / CNN blog page-contributing dossier which Ohr briefed the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI was 'unreliable' (and certainly NOT 'Legitimate Intel' as they illegally presented it to the FISA Court and Congress.)

What an amazing set of 'coincidences'...


Old pickle nose Halper is up to his eyeballs in this bullshit.
BTW, pickle nose is an old Bush stooge...Any bets that some of this stench reaches back to Poppy Bush's grave?
I remain doubtful anyone will be held accountable in these scandals. Hitlery got away with her her bullshit, the meat puppet faggot will never be even questioned about corrupting the DOJ with Holder and none of their minions in the FBI will face a serious penalty. Even though McCabe lost his pension, Soros bought a million dollars worth of his bullshit fiction book to make up for it.

I'd love to wake up one day and be shocked at the news Comey, Strozk, Page, Lynch Et Al had their doors kicked in and were dragged out in the middle of the night but I seriously doubt it's going to happen. It would repair some of the credibility of the federal government, but there are too many egos and reputations that are apparently more significant.

I remain doubtful anyone will be held accountable in these scandals. Hitlery got away with her her bullshit, the meat puppet faggot will never be even questioned about corrupting the DOJ with Holder and none of their minions in the FBI will face a serious penalty. Even though McCabe lost his pension, Soros bought a million dollars worth of his bullshit fiction book to make up for it.

I'd love to wake up one day and be shocked at the news Comey, Strozk, Page, Lynch Et Al had their doors kicked in and were dragged out in the middle of the night but I seriously doubt it's going to happen. It would repair some of the credibility of the federal government, but there are too many egos and reputations that are apparently more significant.

The way I hear it told, both Page and Ohr have rolled over.
BTW, pickle nose is an old Bush stooge...Any bets that some of this stench reaches back to Poppy Bush's grave?
Bush was one of the architects of the globalist mafia within the federal government, that's why the republicrat party is token opposition to the DNC and has to be dragged kicking and screaming to effectively undo the regressive damage the liberals have done.

Don't get me wrong, I'll sign up for "globalism", if it's based on a free market economy, not a collective and EVERYONE ON EARTH gets the whole Bill of Rights applied to them. The God, the guns, the private property, the privacy and the protection FROM GOVERNMENT. Otherwise fuck off.

More and more light is being shed on how widely spread / widely connected the 'globalist' network of spies, collaborators, conspirators...'mafia' (if you want to refer to them as that in this case)...has been / is. By that I mean...

The Ukraine Prosecutor has exposed the Obama administration / Democratic connections inside the Ukraine and their collaboration to help Hillary against Trump (as well as Obama's appointed Ambassador blocking his attempts to deliver the evidence he has of this).

In this case we have the Obama administration's FBI connected to Halper who is connected to British Intel MI6 who are involved in setting up events / dinners to, what it appears, set up important people in (compromising / questionable) situations they can later use against them (or at least did in this case).

Then you have the Govt's fingers in GPS Fusion (Ohr's wife) who is working with a British Spy who is working with the FBI and Russians to find 'dirt' on Republican candidates, information Hillary paid for and which was used by Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI illegally.

And ALL OF THIS - Ukraine, the UK, Russia...and who knows who else's involvement...was going on with the intention of affecting a US election....


Not only do you have the Ukraine, British Intel MI6, and Russia exposed as having their fingers in some way in the 2016 election....ALL OF THEIR INVOLVEMENT WAS FOR THE BENEFIT OF HILLARY CLINTON...

So how the hell did we get to the false narrative, again, that it was TRUMP who was attempting to collude with foreign entities / the Russians to beat Hillary?


Robert Mueller PROMISED to let his investigation take him wherever he found evidence of criminal activity....Barr is re-tracing his and the FBI's steps and finding a lot of evidence of crimes Mueller missed / ignored.

The List is quietly growing bigger...

** Geoffrey Pyatt (US Ambassador to Ukraine - alleged Obstruction)
** Steele
** Halper
The Noose / Net Gets Tighter: The DOJ's internal watchdog is now scrutinizing the identified FBI Informant In Russia Probe

Stefan Halper, an American professor who is reportedlydeeply connected with British and American intelligence agencies, has been identified as a confidential source for the FBI during the bureau’s original investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Halper has been identified as at the center of the investigations and key in the eventual indictments of George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, and General Flynn.

"The Justice Department’s internal watchdog reportedly is scrutinizing the role of an FBI informant who contacted members of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, as part of a broader review of the early stages of the Russia investigation.

The New York Times reported that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz is looking into informant Stefan Halper’s work during the Russia probe, as well as his work with the FBI prior to the start of that probe."


So Comey was working with British Intelligence. We already know that. I will tell you something you don't know.

The British Intelligence Comey worked with goes a lot deeper than you think and it involves Anti_Brexit forces in The British Government who did not want to see a man like Trump become President of The United States because he is opposed to Globalism and Opposed to The EU.

Trump was profiled as being inclined to be tougher on Russia, The EU, was going to require more from NATO allies, and was going to advocate things like BREXIT, renegotiating trade deals to our Benefit.

For this reason, he had a lot of forces arrayed against him. He was a bought and paid for prepackaged Establishment Status Quo Politician.

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