FBI Informant Speaks, Says Feds Asking New Questions About Clintons

What scandal? It only exists in the fevered minds of the Clinton-haters. Is this coming from the same people who are defending Trump to the hilt? Deflection? Cognitive-dissonance? Partisanship gone wild?

Moron, the guy was an under cover operative for the FBI working on the Uranium One scandal for 5 years.....he kept all of his information on the clinton's illegal activity....

You are the crazy moron. There is no scandal except the one the Trump crazies have drummed up. The fact is that Russia wanted Trump not Clinton and the revelation that Guccifer 2.0 is a Russian intelligence agent proves that.

Everyone thought Trump was going to lose......and they already paid for hilary with 145 million dollars to her money laundering foundation.....

Is that anything like The Trump Foundation that Rump shut down due to illegal activities?

It's worse...since they actively conspired with Russia to get 20% of our Uranium and to control the world supply of Uranium...and she did this while she was Secretary of State...not a private citizen.

All this has been debunked, even by other RWNJ's on Faux Paus Nuz Network.
What scandal? It only exists in the fevered minds of the Clinton-haters. Is this coming from the same people who are defending Trump to the hilt? Deflection? Cognitive-dissonance? Partisanship gone wild?

Moron, the guy was an under cover operative for the FBI working on the Uranium One scandal for 5 years.....he kept all of his information on the clinton's illegal activity....

You are the crazy moron. There is no scandal except the one the Trump crazies have drummed up. The fact is that Russia wanted Trump not Clinton and the revelation that Guccifer 2.0 is a Russian intelligence agent proves that.

Everyone thought Trump was going to lose......and they already paid for hilary with 145 million dollars to her money laundering foundation.....

Then why did the Russians waste their time boosting Trump? The second hurdle is that it took 9 votes to approve the deal. Even if Clinton had supported it, it still took 8 more votes. When the AG of Florida was making a decision to join a class action lawsuit on behalf of Floridians who were bilked by Trump University, Trump gave money to organizations with ties to Bondi. She chose not to join. So shall we say that Trump paid her off?

Trump actually praised the Clinton Foundation indirectly. In a recent speech Trump praised a initiative by Adapt Pharma and the Clinton Foundation to fight the opioid addiction by providing medications to American universities which reverses overdoses. You call it a money laundering foundation. The trouble is that so many stories have been bandied about by right wing extremists like you, it is hard to know what is true. Let's also look into the Trump Foundation as well. By the stories, it looks like a money laundering operation.
What scandal? It only exists in the fevered minds of the Clinton-haters. Is this coming from the same people who are defending Trump to the hilt? Deflection? Cognitive-dissonance? Partisanship gone wild?

Moron, the guy was an under cover operative for the FBI working on the Uranium One scandal for 5 years.....he kept all of his information on the clinton's illegal activity....

You are the crazy moron. There is no scandal except the one the Trump crazies have drummed up. The fact is that Russia wanted Trump not Clinton and the revelation that Guccifer 2.0 is a Russian intelligence agent proves that.

Everyone thought Trump was going to lose......and they already paid for hilary with 145 million dollars to her money laundering foundation.....

Is that anything like The Trump Foundation that Rump shut down due to illegal activities?

It's worse...since they actively conspired with Russia to get 20% of our Uranium and to control the world supply of Uranium...and she did this while she was Secretary of State...not a private citizen.

There is no evidence of any active conspiracy. You are a typical right wing kook job.
What scandal? It only exists in the fevered minds of the Clinton-haters. Is this coming from the same people who are defending Trump to the hilt? Deflection? Cognitive-dissonance? Partisanship gone wild?

Moron, the guy was an under cover operative for the FBI working on the Uranium One scandal for 5 years.....he kept all of his information on the clinton's illegal activity....

You are the crazy moron. There is no scandal except the one the Trump crazies have drummed up. The fact is that Russia wanted Trump not Clinton and the revelation that Guccifer 2.0 is a Russian intelligence agent proves that.

Everyone thought Trump was going to lose......and they already paid for hilary with 145 million dollars to her money laundering foundation.....

Then why did the Russians waste their time boosting Trump? The second hurdle is that it took 9 votes to approve the deal. Even if Clinton had supported it, it still took 8 more votes. When the AG of Florida was making a decision to join a class action lawsuit on behalf of Floridians who were bilked by Trump University, Trump gave money to organizations with ties to Bondi. She chose not to join. So shall we say that Trump paid her off?

Trump actually praised the Clinton Foundation indirectly. In a recent speech Trump praised a initiative by Adapt Pharma and the Clinton Foundation to fight the opioid addiction by providing medications to American universities which reverses overdoses. You call it a money laundering foundation. The trouble is that so many stories have been bandied about by right wing extremists like you, it is hard to know what is true. Let's also look into the Trump Foundation as well. By the stories, it looks like a money laundering operation.

Hilary was the only vote that counted....you did not go against what she wanted.....they have an actual under cover agent who worked in the Uranium One deal.....he kept records.....listen to what he says....
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Justice is coming and the unlawful Clinton's will be held accountable


The former FBI informant at the heart of the Russian Uranium scandal, William D. Campbell, has given an exclusive, on camera interview to The Hill - in which he reveals that he was interviewed in December by FBI agents from the Little Rock, Arkansas for five hours about the Clintons.

Of note - Campbell's attorney is Victoria Toensing, a former Deputy Assistant Attorney General under Reagan who is now handling the Mueller investigation for President Trump along with her husband, former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova (also of note, newly minted National Security Advisor John Bolton was Reagan's Assistant AG, presumably while Toensing was a Deputy Assistant AG in the criminal division).

After Campbell spent decades working for the CIA, he was "turned over" to the FBI for counterintelligence work due to relationships he had forged deep within the Russian uranium industry. While deep undercover, Campbell uncovered two related bribery schemes involving Russian nuclear officials, an American trucking company, and efforts to route money to the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) through an American lobbying firm in order to overcome regulatory hurdles, according to reports by The Hill and Circa.

FBI Informant Speaks, Says Feds Asking New Questions About Clintons

is the Russian company that bribed people about spent uranium, NOT MINED Uranium....

the same people that gave money to a charity foundation of Bill Clinton?

HOW are the 2 related? A trucking company bribery scheme and donations to a charity?
What scandal? It only exists in the fevered minds of the Clinton-haters. Is this coming from the same people who are defending Trump to the hilt? Deflection? Cognitive-dissonance? Partisanship gone wild?

Moron, the guy was an under cover operative for the FBI working on the Uranium One scandal for 5 years.....he kept all of his information on the clinton's illegal activity....

You are the crazy moron. There is no scandal except the one the Trump crazies have drummed up. The fact is that Russia wanted Trump not Clinton and the revelation that Guccifer 2.0 is a Russian intelligence agent proves that.

Everyone thought Trump was going to lose......and they already paid for hilary with 145 million dollars to her money laundering foundation.....

Then why did the Russians waste their time boosting Trump? The second hurdle is that it took 9 votes to approve the deal. Even if Clinton had supported it, it still took 8 more votes. When the AG of Florida was making a decision to join a class action lawsuit on behalf of Floridians who were bilked by Trump University, Trump gave money to organizations with ties to Bondi. She chose not to join. So shall we say that Trump paid her off?

Trump actually praised the Clinton Foundation indirectly. In a recent speech Trump praised a initiative by Adapt Pharma and the Clinton Foundation to fight the opioid addiction by providing medications to American universities which reverses overdoses. You call it a money laundering foundation. The trouble is that so many stories have been bandied about by right wing extremists like you, it is hard to know what is true. Let's also look into the Trump Foundation as well. By the stories, it looks like a money laundering operation.

Hilary was the only vote that counted....you did not go against what she wanted.....they have an actual under cover agent who worked in the Uranium One deal.....he kept records.....listen to what he says....

Yep, and its the 'other' things they have uncovered. Look for some more 3 gun shots to the head suicides in the coming weeks

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