FBI Raided Home of Politico Reporter Who Published Ashley Biden’s Diary, So……

Sorry bout that,

1. The DNC seems to always get what it wants.
2. The RNC seem to stand back and watch them go.
3. Americans suffer.
4. The DNC don't care.
5. Neither does the RNC.
6. So the point is, the people suffer these fools.

Sorry bout that,

1. The FBI-CIA are not for USA, they are directly opposed to us.
2. That will never change, they do the bidding for the Democrats.
3. And the DNC is directly opposed to the USA too.
4. Sooner they are closed up, all the better.

Sorry bout that,

1. They know who released to SCOTUS ruling, it was the DNC cohorts, and they will turn a blind eye to it, no early morning raids, on CNN, sorry folks.
2. Isn't it wonderful to have that kind of power, corrupted bastards.

I see it's "make stuff up" day again.
Sorry bout that,

1. Shits about to hit fan on somebody, lets bet on who ends up going into the meat grinder.
2. I know its a libtard.
3. You perhaps want to live in a *fan-nasty*, world thinking it was a conservative.
4. READ:

"Maybe it is. But maybe not. The leaker, once he or she is found, will without any doubt be lionized as a hero on the Left for allowing for what Daniel Greenfield called an attempt to “intimidate the Supreme Court” with “narratives, protests, and threats.” This is the Left that has likened violent and destructive Antifa thugs to the American heroes who stormed the Normandy beaches. This is the Left that has so much contempt for American history that it was torn down or overseen the removal of statues of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Ulysses S. Grant. This is the Left that has made it abundantly clear that it intends to “fundamentally transform the country,” as Old Joe promised to do in May 2020, echoing Barack Obama’s 2008 pledge."

6. Its piling up on the DNC folks, no amount of soap will be ever to wash it off your hands.
7. Might as well move to another country now, *Ole Shit Hooks!*

Sorry bout that,

1. Shits about to hit fan on somebody, lets bet on who ends up going into the meat grinder.
2. I know its a libtard.
3. You perhaps want to live in a *fan-nasty*, world thinking it was a conservative.
4. READ:

"Maybe it is. But maybe not. The leaker, once he or she is found, will without any doubt be lionized as a hero on the Left for allowing for what Daniel Greenfield called an attempt to “intimidate the Supreme Court” with “narratives, protests, and threats.” This is the Left that has likened violent and destructive Antifa thugs to the American heroes who stormed the Normandy beaches. This is the Left that has so much contempt for American history that it was torn down or overseen the removal of statues of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Ulysses S. Grant. This is the Left that has made it abundantly clear that it intends to “fundamentally transform the country,” as Old Joe promised to do in May 2020, echoing Barack Obama’s 2008 pledge."

6. Its piling up on the DNC folks, no amount of soap will be ever to wash it off your hands.
7. Might as well move to another country now, *Ole Shit Hooks!*

haha, join us in reality. The SCOTUS leak just drummed up votes and turnout for democrats. The only people who take your line are already on team deplorable.
haha, join us in reality. The SCOTUS leak just drummed up votes and turnout for democrats. The only people who take your line are already on team deplorable.
Sorry bout that,

1. The DOJ will have to be forced, I know to, persue the leaker.
2. And the leaker, will end up being a Libtard.
3. And she will most likely a female, and will be a *Flaming Libtard*.
4. And she will likely be a black women, who cries and protests she is being treated, or *HOUNDED* by the KKK, the GOP, of her leaking a SCOTUS, opinion, Maybe it came through that new judge, whats her name, Brown.
5. And she will be asked why?
6. And she will not have a good answer.
7. And going on her bended knees like a certain poster here's usual stance will avail *NOTHING*. lol!
8. G-D that felt good, was it good for you too girl?
9. And interesting tidbit.

"Leftists today have repeatedly demonstrated their hatred for America’s heritage, laws, traditions, and Constitution. Why should they respect the time-hallowed custom of preserving the secrecy of unpublished Supreme Court documents, or punish the person responsible, especially when that person’s actions have helped them further their agenda? A vote to overturn Roe v. Wade would likely be five to four; only one Justice has to be threatened or frightened into changing his or her vote for the Left’s sacrament, the centerpiece of its worship of radical individualism and personal autonomy, and its refusal to accept biological reality, to be preserved. The person who would be responsible for that Justice changing his or her vote would be hailed with more gusto and fervor than the Left hailed even George Floyd, or Huey P. Newton, or Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, or Alger Hiss."

10. I have done my job here, vanquished the enimies of the upstanding people of the World.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Another exert of the link I just posted.


"And now Barack Obama has called for protests: “We’re asking you to join with the activists who’ve been sounding the alarm on this issue for years and act. Stand with them at a local protest. Volunteer with them on a campaign. Join with them in urging Congress to codify Roe into law.” The intimidation will begin. Chief Justice Roberts, however, insists that it won’t work: “To the extent this betrayal of the confidences of the Court was intended to undermine the integrity of our operations, it will not succeed. The work of the Court will not be affected in any way.”

2. Its Obama, a bright light needs to be shinned on this *LOSER.*
3. Make him go away quietly, or be flung headlong into jail, pick one.


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