FBI Raided Home of Politico Reporter Who Published Ashley Biden’s Diary, So……

Good question.
And we all know the answer.

EXCLUSIVE: Florida woman who found Ashley Biden's diary in 'halfway house' is under FBI investigation for SELLING the journal in which president's daughter recalled 'showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)' and details of her drug and sex addiction​

  • I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate),' she wrote in a January 2019 entry
  • The diary contained shocking and sensitive information, such as details about her chronic drug abuse, sex addiction, and being 'hyper-sexualized' in her youth
  • Aimee Harris is under investigation for selling Ashley Biden's diary after the president's daughter left it behind at a Palm Beach 'halfway house'
  • Previous reports claimed the Bidens reported it stolen in an alleged burglary, but DailyMail.com has learned Harris is not being investigated for theft
  • 'It's her selling of the property that could be considered a crime. And the fact Ashley is the president's daughter kicks it to a different legal level,' a well-placed source said
  • Harris, 39, moved into a Palm Beach home and found the diary under the mattress shortly after Ashley moved back to Philadelphia in 2020
  • She is said to have later passed the private journal around at a Republican fundraiser before selling it for $40,000 to right wing organization Project Veritas

Joe Biden is sick. He couldn't even run his family properly, and you Dems expected him to run a nation?

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