FBI raids homes of Tea Par... oh wait...


Jeffersonian Liberal
May 22, 2010


(Star Tribune.com) — The homes of six Twin Cities activists, including three prominent leaders of the Twin Cities antiwar movement, were raided Friday by the FBI in what an agency spokesman described as an “investigation into activities concerning the material support of terrorism.”
An FBI spokesman Steve Warfield confirmed that six Minneapolis homes were raided this morning.
Among the homes raided were the apartments of Jessica Sundin, who was a principal leader of the mass antiwar march of 10,000 on the opening day of the Republican National Convention two years ago, and Mick Kelly, who was prominent in that protest and among those who announced plans to march on the Democratic National Convention in Minneapolis, if the city is selected to host it in 2012. Neither has been arrested.
Kelly said in an interview this morning he had “absolutely not” been involved in illegal activities.
A raid was also in progress at the home of Meredith Aby, another local antiwar leader who was frequently the spokeswoman for the march on the GOP convention. Sundin and another source said that a fourth raid took place at the home of Tracy Molm, a leading activist in Students for a Democratic Society, an organization at the University of Minnesota. The source said raids occurred at the addresses of two other activists whose names he did not disclose.
Supporters of Sundin, Kelly and Aby had gathered on the sidewalks outside each of the residences.

Terrorist Charges:
… Dooley said the search warrants cited a federal law making it a violation to provide, attempt to provide or conspire to provide material support to designated foreign terrorist organizations.
In the search warrant on Kelly’s apartment, Dooley said, “It appears they are looking into any connections, travel, etc., to Palestine and Colombia, also around the United States,” he said. He said that in Kelly’s case, the warrant mentions a political organization called Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
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The filthy puppet Obama has a full court press going against the right in an attempt to label them as terrorists. A filthy tyrant to the very core. This is all politics. Terrorists my ass.
“It appears they are looking into any connections, travel, etc., to Palestine and Colombia, also around the United States,” he said. He said that in Kelly’s case, the warrant mentions a political organization called Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

The country or the university? :lol:
Wow! Not Tea Party? Is there another group today? Guess so...

Wow, how did you get to 45K posts on this site? How long did it take you to reach that number? That is simply an astonishing number of posts. I had 35K on another site and it took me 10 years.
Wow! Not Tea Party? Is there another group today? Guess so...

Wow, how did you get to 45K posts on this site? How long did it take you to reach that number? That is simply an astonishing number of posts. I had 35K on another site and it took me 10 years.

I'm a teacher. There were times I could post 125 X a day, but not recently. Sides, none of you are worth me digging up post worthy stuff to that degree.

Now I'm much more in mode for stuff that interests me, if others it's a side benefit.
Yes, god forbid they go to Columbia or Palestine.

Ray Robison at The Examiner reported on the links between the RNC Welcoming Committee activists and the Marxist FARC terrorists in the Colombian jungles.
Here is part of that report:
The website ProtestRNC2008.org carries a press release which sheds light on the activities of the RNC Welcoming Committee. The online notification posted June 8th, 2007 by a woman named Jessica Sundin calls for a meeting at the University of Minnesota Student Union Center co-hosted by the RNC Welcoming Committee. Sundin is a clerk at the University of Minnesota. Another press release was posted by Sundin in the name of the RNC Welcoming Committee after the convention began.
Ms. Sundin told the Pioneer Press outlet TwinCities.com that she had discussions with the anarchists “but only to make sure they don’t disrupt the march.” Sundin claimed “They’ve made a commitment not to interfere”.
A website called fightbacknews.org describes another meeting held at the University of Minnesota last February. It claims that a gathering of sixty anti-war organizations including the RNC Welcoming Committee met to plan for the protest. Speaking at that meeting was Jessica Sundin. Also headlining the event was Phyllis Walker “president of AFSCME Local 3800, the campus clerical workers union”. That website describes the meeting as such:
“In the weeks leading up to the organizing conference extensive discussions took place among the forces that are planning actions at the Republican National Convention, including the anarchist-oriented RNC Welcoming Committee …”
Videos of the speeches are on Google. These websites indicate that Walker, the union leader and Sundin, a union member coordinated for the RNC Welcoming Committee and that it was open knowledge at the time that it was an anarchist group. The “fight back” website also cites a speech in 2004 by union President Walker about a trade dispute with U of M in which she stated that the union should use “any means necessary”. In 2005 she was served with a summons for obstructing legal process but the charges were dismissed for her role in a campus protest.
The website UnionFacts.org lists Phyllis Walker as a member of the Executive Board of the State, County, and Municipal Employees AFL-CIO Council 5 from which she drew over $11,500 in salary from the Union in 2005-2006, the latest time-frame available at the website. The Council 5 website doesn’t currently list Walker as an executive board member although it does list her as the local 3800 president.
Jessica Sundin was a coordinator of the protests. In media reports she tried to distance the law abiding protest groups and herself from the anarchist group. However, a thorough review of the online record shows that the RNC Welcoming Committee was integral to the planning led by Sundin and Walker.
In one article on the “fight back” website Sundin describes a trip to Columbia to meet with the now deceased infamous FARC commander Raul Reyes as a representative of the “US solidarity activists”. Reyes was a Communist guerrilla fighter known for cocaine trafficking and kidnapping Americans. Saint Paul Police have alleged a kidnapping plot by the anarchists aimed at the RNC.
Sundin described the FARC leader who was convicted of the murders of over a dozen Columbian police officers as such “I enjoyed his warmth and humor. He had a friendly, round face, a quick smile, and surprisingly gentle hands.” Of his death she wrote “The criminal Colombian government and their U.S. accomplices should be called to pay for this cowardly and criminal attack.” The Republican Party strongly supports the government of Columbia in its’ fight against the FARC. Some experts consider anarchist groups to be based on communist ideals and fronts for communist activities.

Hatem Abudayyeh protests against Israel in Chicago in January 2009. (Daylife)

The AP reported on the raid in Chicago.FBI agents in Chicago took a laptop and documents from the home of a Palestinian-American anti-war activist in an attempt to silence his advocacy, an attorney said Sunday.
The FBI on Friday searched eight addresses in Minneapolis and Chicago, including the home of Hatem Abudayyeh, who is the executive director of the Arab American Action Network, attorney Jim Fennerty told The Associated Press.
“The government’s trying to quiet activists,” Fennerty said. “This case is really scary.”
More than half a dozen agents went to Abudayyeh’s home on Friday and took any documents containing the word “Palestine,” Fennerty said.
Abudayyeh, a U.S. citizen whose parent immigrated from Palestine, wasn’t home at the time of the raid because he was at a hospital with his mother who is battling liver cancer, Fennerty said.
There’s more…
1. Hatem Abudayyeh is the executive director of the Arab American Action Network (AAAN).
2. Hatem Abudayyeh has been with the Arab American Action Network (AAAN) since 1999, and was appointed Executive Director in 2003.
3. The Arab American Action Network was founded by former PLO operative and close Obama family friend Rashid Khalidi.
4. Obama was director of the Woods Fund 1994 through 2001, when the board approved a $40,000 grant to the Arab American Action Network.
5. 2003 Barack Obama was an honored guest at a dinner sponsored by the AAAN for former PLO-operative Rashid Khalidi.
6. Barack Obama gave a toast to a Rashid Khalidi at this going away party. The LA Times will not release the video from this Jew-bashing dinner.
cpt spaulding makes an interesting thread without using a tired bait & switch.... oh wait...
Crucifixion of the FBI via information anarchy is underway at Yahoo Groups: Acarology, a public mailing list. We will be critiquing such things as the deliberate introduction of complexity: example being the URL for the Star report, which makes it difficult to transcribe.

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