FBI warns about domestic violent extremist who praised Uvalde shooting

When the FBI actually does something about the ongoing domestic violence promoted and financed by the Democratic Party then we can take them seriously. We already see the Party openly planning and escalating their violent confrontations and stalking of judges and candidates by their mobs in the build up to the mid-terms, yet the terrorists are still allowed to operate openly, raise money, and still have their tax exempt status.
It doesn't matter if it is right or left...extremist are dangerous. Right wing nuts and left wing nuts are a danger to our country.

I wonder why right wing extremist are more prevalent since 2016?

You shallow commies are still whining and hounding Zimmerman for defending himself from one of your pet hood rats trying to murder him. Quit pissing on our legs and claiming it's raining. You have a dire shortage of Great White Defendants and desperately trying to hype up what few actually exist, and pretty much failing. See Chicago's violent gun crime rates for why that is.
He said ......"FIGHT LIKE HELL" if you want to save your country. Does that say "peacefully" march to the Capitol. He inflamed his cult to try and stop Biden's electoral count. And as we will find out soon....he enjoyed it and rebuffed calls from even his children to stop the attack.

When he finally made the lame video....he told the criminals that he "loved them." They have been indicted and arrested and he is walking around telling lies.
Fighting does not require violence.

Ever hear of the "Fight for Women's Rights", or the "Fight for Civil Rights", or "fighting like hell not to go broke"?

What an idiot.
It was LIVE! So trump did not say FIGHT LIKE HELL! Try telling the truth sometimes.
Lol he also said to peacefully let your voice be heard. But now just the other week we have Schumer calling out two justices and telling them. They are gonna pay, and we have a guy trying to kill Kavanaugh. So Schumer needs to be investigated.
It doesn't matter if it is right or left...extremist are dangerous. Right wing nuts and left wing nuts are a danger to our country.

I wonder why right wing extremist are more prevalent since 2016?
So just ignore the CHOP and billions of dollars of damage during the "mostly peaceful" protest across the country. Don't forget the firebombing of a pro-life pregnancy center. Sure the right wing has been more prevalent.
It doesn't matter if it is right or left...extremist are dangerous. Right wing nuts and left wing nuts are a danger to our country.

I wonder why right wing extremist are more prevalent since 2016?
You have no good evidence of that and no good reason to think that whatsoever. You are literally telling fantasies to yourself out loud to soothe your childish political fetishes. Does that not embarrass you even a little bit?
The hell I don't-----------every shooting the swamp/dem corrupted DOJ tries to use to gain more power over the populace telling boogie man stories of the evil whitey nationalists that are going to shoot something--a school up.

Almost every fucking one of these shootings--is a stupid mentally deranged lib with a drug history. Outlaw drugs---and dems.
You have no good evidence of that and no good reason to think that whatsoever. You are literally telling fantasies to yourself out loud to soothe your childish political fetishes. Does that not embarrass you even a little bit?
DHS has been entirely politicized under this administration and the vagueness of their statement show's it was BS.
The hell I don't-----------every shooting the swamp/dem corrupted DOJ tries to use to gain more power over the populace telling boogie man stories of the evil whitey nationalists that are going to shoot something--a school up.

Almost every fucking one of these shootings--is a stupid mentally deranged lib with a drug history. Outlaw drugs---and dems.
None of that is evidence. You are embarrassing yourself and lying your ass off.
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Fighting does not require violence.

Ever hear of the "Fight for Women's Rights", or the "Fight for Civil Rights", or "fighting like hell not to go broke"?

What an idiot.
Haha, look at the lengths you are willing to go to embarrass yourself for the orange pile of s*** and his cultist insurrectionists. You are embarrassing yourself. Every single one of them has said to a man or a woman that Trump invited them to do it, had their back, and wanted them to do it. So you can stop embarrassing yourself now with these dimestore fortune cookie phrases.
Facts are facts and you cannot prove me wrong.
Compare one nut case on the left with thousands of delusional far right MAGA nuts that tried to destroy our electoral system. Are you Crazy?
Compare one nut case on the left with thousands of delusional far right MAGA nuts that tried to destroy our electoral system. Are you Crazy?
Schumer got one of you loons to try to kill Kavanaugh. All you got is people trespassing in the Capitol. You loons tried to burn a federal building to the ground with people in it. During your summer of love. Your party owns the crazies.

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