FBI won't release files on Hillary criminal case. Says NOBODY CARES!!

Hillary almost got elected president and may well run again but the FBI says nobody cares if she's a criminal!!

FBI says lack of public interest in Hillary Clinton emails justifies withholding documents

aug 29 2017 Hillary Clinton’s case isn’t interesting enough to the public to justify releasing the FBI’s files on her, the bureau said this week in rejecting an open-records request by a lawyer seeking to have the former secretary of state punished for perjury.

Ty Clevenger, the lawyer, has been trying to get Mrs. Clinton and her personal lawyers disbarred for their handling of her official emails during her time as secretary of state. He’s met with resistance among lawyers, and now his request for information from the FBI’s files has been shot down.

“You have not sufficiently demonstrated that the public’s interest in disclosure outweighs personal privacy interests of the subject,” FBI records management section chief David M. Hardy told Mr. Clevenger in a letter Monday.

“It is incumbent upon the requester to provide documentation regarding the public’s interest in the operations and activities of the government before records can be processed pursuant to the FOIA,” Mr. Hardy wrote.
Nobody cared about if the Russians had influenced the election.

She did neglect to follow the protocol of turning over her emails initially, allegedly because she thought the govt had all of her gvt files because she always forwarded the information to one of her staff members who were on the system... but once she found out that she flubbed up, their systems could not simply sort out everything with Hillary Clinton as a sender or receiver, she and her staff and the fbi has been trying to track down all of her govt emails since.

As far as all the other so called crimes and lies you right wingers have hung on to like they are the Word of God, they are all bull crud and NOTHING, NADA, NIENTE, ZIP in evidence has supported your claims, the evidence and hearings and investigations have ALL cleared her from your fabrications over the past few decades.

THAT was the biggest 'Tap Dance' and bullshit-fest I have ever read.

You ADMITTED she broke the law but tried to say so in a way that didn't SOUND like she did:

"She did neglect to follow the protocol..."
- 'Protocol'
? The FOIA and the Federal Records Act are not 'Protocols' - they are LAWS, Laws she BROKE....over 15,000 times according to the FBI.

'When she found out...'
- You mean when she got BUSTED. Hillary had no intention of handing over any of those documents, and they would never have seen the light of day if the FBI had not dug them out of her server.

You are lying, denying, and justifying your ass off!

"As far as all the other so called crimes..."
Why do you snowflakes continue to embarrass yourselves by saying complete BS, exposing your ignorance?

Allowing anyone who doesn't have a proper security Clarence, or a security clearance at all, to have access to classified information is a violation of the law.
- According to testimony, Hillary allowed her maid to access and print off classified information.
- She let a company that did not have the required security clearance to have access to her information to keep and maintain her server, her classified server, in the unsecured bathroom of their company. Again, these are crimes.

According to testimony and evidence, Hillary and her team destroyed classified devices with hammers, they took the SD cards out of phones before they turn them in, they never turned in all of the devices, she used bleachbit on her computer in order to wipe the computer of evidence she did not want the FBI to see after they told her to turn over everything...
- These are violations of the law. There are laws and government regulations governing the proper destruction of classified material, none of which she followed. Not turning over devices, not turning over the SD cards that held the information that was inside them, and not turning over all of the devices are all obstruction of justice, impeding an investigation - CRIMES.

As I have said before, there isn't even any question of whether Hillary Clinton broke laws or not.

Former FBI director James Comey himself declared Hillary broke laws. His claim ... and yours ... that she was too ignorant to know she was breaking the law is NOT a legally acceptable defense for anyone breaking the law.

As far as the claim that there was no intent to break the law, after sending out an email warning all of her State Department employees not to do what she did because they could break the law in the process, she went on to set up her own server, did not turn over thousands of classified documents, deleted emails after she was told to turn over everything, refused to turn over all of her devices after she was told to turn over everything, illegally destroyed documents and Equipment after she was told to turn over everything, bleach-bitted her computer after she was told to turn over everything... almost all, non-partisan, legal experts have declared all of this to be evidence of her intent to go around and Brake laws rules and regulations to keep the contents of her server and her Communications Secret.

As every official document she failed to turn in is a violation of both the Freedom of Information Act and the federal records Act, each official document and email is one criminal count of each law. Since the FBI has exposed that they have found over 15,000 documents and emails she never turned over, that means there are at least 30,000 criminal counts that can be charged against Hillary Clinton on the documents and emails alone that she did not turn in.

There are enough criminal charges there alone to ensure Hillary Clinton never sees daylight again after being sentenced to prison for her crimes, if this country's Justice System were applied equally and fairly to the self-appointed ruling class who are 'too big to jail'.

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