FBI won't release files on Hillary criminal case. Says NOBODY CARES!!

1. McCabe an Obama appointee is running the FBI.

2. Obama is still running The Federal Government Power Structure with over 800 holdovers still in key positions and The Senate on a massive Slowdown of Confirmations, and The Deep State trying to disrupt The Trump Administration in Collusion with the media.

1. McBabe report to FBI Director Christopher Wray ------- report to Jeff Sessions. Are you saying Sessions and Wray are both inept?

2. Most are totally false.

Trump administration posts 'help wanted' signs for government service

The Top Jobs in Trump’s Administration Are Mostly Vacant: Who’s to Blame?
CONFIRMED: Comey Decided He Wasn't Going to Refer Hillary For Prosecution Long Before FBI Investigation Was Over

"According to new transcripts released by the Senate Judiciary Thursday afternoon, former FBI Director James Comey made the decision not to refer then Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for prosecution long before ever interviewing key witnesses. Members of the Committee allege Comey made the decision months before FBI agents were finished with the criminal investigation of her mishandling classified information during her time as Secretary of State.

The transcripts were revealed in a letter sent to current FBI Director Christopher Wray, in which lawmakers are demanding an explanation and more documents surrounding the case.

"According to the unredacted portions of the transcripts, it appears that in April or early May of 2016, Mr. Comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating Secretary Clinton. That was long before FBI agents finished their work. Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership. The outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts," the letter, signed by Chairman Chuck Grassley and Committee member Lindsey Graham states. "Conclusion first, fact-gathering second—that’s no way to run an investigation. The FBI should be held to a higher standard than that, especially in a matter of such great public interest and controversy."

Obama, Lynch, and Comey - as this bombshell proves - were NEVER going to allow Hillary to be held accountable for her crimes!

So: "FBI won't release files on Hillary criminal case."

The question must be asked now - 'Is the FBI still protecting Hillary, now protecting themselves, or BOTH?"
IF the FBI is investigating any citizen, and the investigation ends with no criminal charges against the citizen, then the FBI should NOT release their investigation on this private citizen....that would be abuse of power by the govt against the citizen's privacy and the ability to move onward.
Why not? Just limit it to not confidential information. If there were not charges there should not be anything to hide.

But we all know that isn't true. No matter what is released or not the opposing side will spin and spin. Of course not releasing the information does the same thing except that outrage has to be invented.

Right wingers are positively deranged when it comes to the Clintons. 30 years of Republican lies about the Clintons and the base is foaming at the mouth over every little thing.

She's done nothing illegal, but you dolts are still screaming "Lock her up" on cue.
She, as Capone, has done many things illegal and gotten away with it. The establishment is protecting her very well.

Whitewater produced 15 convictions on 40 crimes and she hid the Rose Law firm billing records in her home, until the stay of execution expired. YOU try doing that and find out what happens.

So what is Trump and his cronies waiting for? Why not charge her now?
CONFIRMED: Comey Decided He Wasn't Going to Refer Hillary For Prosecution Long Before FBI Investigation Was Over

"According to new transcripts released by the Senate Judiciary Thursday afternoon, former FBI Director James Comey made the decision not to refer then Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for prosecution long before ever interviewing key witnesses. Members of the Committee allege Comey made the decision months before FBI agents were finished with the criminal investigation of her mishandling classified information during her time as Secretary of State.

The transcripts were revealed in a letter sent to current FBI Director Christopher Wray, in which lawmakers are demanding an explanation and more documents surrounding the case.

"According to the unredacted portions of the transcripts, it appears that in April or early May of 2016, Mr. Comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating Secretary Clinton. That was long before FBI agents finished their work. Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership. The outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts," the letter, signed by Chairman Chuck Grassley and Committee member Lindsey Graham states. "Conclusion first, fact-gathering second—that’s no way to run an investigation. The FBI should be held to a higher standard than that, especially in a matter of such great public interest and controversy."

Obama, Lynch, and Comey - as this bombshell proves - were NEVER going to allow Hillary to be held accountable for her crimes!

So: "FBI won't release files on Hillary criminal case."

The question must be asked now - 'Is the FBI still protecting Hillary, now protecting themselves, or BOTH?"
IOW, it was a crock of RW BS from the start. Who knew? Well everyone with brain function, and no dupes...
I think we now know why Comey didn't indict Hillary:

FBI officials are claiming a lack of public interest justifies their decision to keep Hilary Clinton’s very controversial archived records from being released to the public.

“We have determined you have not sufficiently demonstrated that the public’s interest in disclosure outweighs personal privacy interests of the subject,” says the August 28 letter from David Hardy, the FBI’s record manager.

“I’m just stunned. This is exactly what I would have expected had Mrs. Clinton won the election,” Clevenger told the Washington Times. “It looks like the [Barack] Obama Administration is still running the FBI,” Clevenger added.

“It is incumbent upon the requester to provide documentation regarding the public’s interest in the operations and activities of the government before records can be processed pursuant to the FOIA,” said the time-wasting response, which will likely be appealed by the filer, New York lawyer Ty Clevenger.

Clinton’s records have been the focus of global attention, especially in the run-up to the shocking November presidential election in 2016 as the FBI renewed investigation into her emails, computer records and her husband’s secret runway meeting with the serving Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. In fact, Democrats blame Clinton’s November defeat on the public furor over her records.

President Donald Trump’s pick to head the FBI, Christopher Wray, took office August 2.

His arrival forced the acting director, Andrew McCabe, back to his role as deputy FBI director. McCabe’s wife is a Democratic activist, and he served under fired FBI director James Comey.

I can assure you 100% Obama is NOT running the FBI.
Just because this dude Ty Clevenger request got rejected then make that kind of false accusations that doesn't mean he is telling you the truth.

Sadly you people believe everything.

Are you saying that the FBI will just Willy Willy released someone's information just because a lawyer requested it?

Can I instruct one of my lawyer to request Trump Tax returns?
BTW it garnered 1 million signatures of PUBLIC INTEREST. So where is the tax returns? Talking about corruption.
I think we now know why Comey didn't indict Hillary:

FBI officials are claiming a lack of public interest justifies their decision to keep Hilary Clinton’s very controversial archived records from being released to the public.

“We have determined you have not sufficiently demonstrated that the public’s interest in disclosure outweighs personal privacy interests of the subject,” says the August 28 letter from David Hardy, the FBI’s record manager.

“I’m just stunned. This is exactly what I would have expected had Mrs. Clinton won the election,” Clevenger told the Washington Times. “It looks like the [Barack] Obama Administration is still running the FBI,” Clevenger added.

“It is incumbent upon the requester to provide documentation regarding the public’s interest in the operations and activities of the government before records can be processed pursuant to the FOIA,” said the time-wasting response, which will likely be appealed by the filer, New York lawyer Ty Clevenger.

Clinton’s records have been the focus of global attention, especially in the run-up to the shocking November presidential election in 2016 as the FBI renewed investigation into her emails, computer records and her husband’s secret runway meeting with the serving Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. In fact, Democrats blame Clinton’s November defeat on the public furor over her records.

President Donald Trump’s pick to head the FBI, Christopher Wray, took office August 2.

His arrival forced the acting director, Andrew McCabe, back to his role as deputy FBI director. McCabe’s wife is a Democratic activist, and he served under fired FBI director James Comey.

I can assure you 100% Obama is NOT running the FBI.
Just because this dude Ty Clevenger request got rejected then make that kind
of false accusations that doesn't mean he is telling you the truth.

Sadly you people believe everything.

Are you saying that the FBI will just Willy Willy released someone's information just because a lawyer requested it?

Can I instruct one of my lawyer to request Trump Tax returns?
BTW it garnered 1 million signatures of PUBLIC INTEREST. So where is the tax returns? Talking about corruption.
The FBI, like every other Govt Agency, must obey the FOIA. Obama, of course, set a new US record for illegal non-compliance with the FOIA, which is quite an accomplishment for the man who vowed to run 'The Most Transparent Administration Evuh'. The FBI / Obama loyalists, apparently, are still following his precedence.
800 Obama Holdovers running EVERY GOVERNMENT BUREA & AGENCY with OBAMA right down The Street Directing it all, and no DOUBT, Clinton working with her cronies too. The Senate is acting as part of THE RESISTANCE....and is dragging their feet on Confirmations.

Obama is not only running the FBI, he is running the DOJ, IRS, NSA, CIA, and many other agencies. He even has his hands in our courts...as The Senate refuses to allow recess appointments, or Confirm Already made nominees for many offices and bench seats.

There are over 4,000 positions to fill....and The Senate has only filled about 55 of them.
There are 1,200 they directly have to confirm, and the rest are deputies etc. that cannot be filled until the 1,200 positions are confirmed.

  • President Obama had 206 of his nominees confirmed in the first six months of his administration, while President Trump has had only 55 nominees confirmed.
Unprecedented Nominations Blockade

Senate Republican Policy Committee

Commentary: For Trump, filling 4,000 government jobs will be easier than you think

Does the Senate really need to confirm 1,200 executive branch jobs?

Trump administration is running this country. Not Obama.
Thank you for proving Trump total ineptness.

BTW Trump hasn't blamed anyone yet. Is this mean he is not lying?
IF the FBI is investigating any citizen, and the investigation ends with no criminal charges against the citizen, then the FBI should NOT release their investigation on this private citizen....that would be abuse of power by the govt against the citizen's privacy and the ability to move onward.
Why not? Just limit it to not confidential information. If there were not charges there should not be anything to hide.

But we all know that isn't true. No matter what is released or not the opposing side will spin and spin. Of course not releasing the information does the same thing except that outrage has to be invented.

Right wingers are positively deranged when it comes to the Clintons. 30 years of Republican lies about the Clintons and the base is foaming at the mouth over every little thing.

She's done nothing illegal, but you dolts are still screaming "Lock her up" on cue.
She, as Capone, has done many thing illegal and gotten away with it. The establishment is protecting her very well.

Whitewater produced 15 convictions on 40 crimes and she hid the Rose Law firm billing records in her home, until the stay of execution expired. YOU try doing that and find out what happens.

Bullshit. Republicans spent $100 million dollars investigating the Clintons and came up with nothing. No evidence, no witnesses, no charges. But you continue the fiction that she's guilty of something. And then you lie and say she's guilty of stuff when she's been cleared of any wrong doing.

When the FBI was pursuing Al Capone, they didn't have the investigative tools that are available today. No DNA, no fingerprint data base, no electronic surveillance, no computers.

With all of the tools, paper trails and electronics available they can't find a single thing on Hillary. My conclusions is that there's nothing there. Not because I'm a big fan of Hillary, but because I'm a realist.

But Repulicans and especially Trump, keep lying. The Clinton Foundation. Is not and has never been pay for play. Hillary didn't sell uranium to Russians, they didn't steal stuff from the White House, and Benghazi is not her fault. Endless repetition is not going make these things true. Conservative belief that they're true, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, doesn't make them real.
15 conviction in the law firm she worked, on 40 different crimes. That is truth that is not BS. She had the Rose Law firm billing records in her home until the stay of execution expired. That too is FACT. Those two facts we know for fact. Not to mention the 100,000 in cattle futures she just happened to invest in by reading the paper. Yeah she's as clean as Capone.

People at law firms I worked at stole money from clients and covered it up by firing the guy's secretary. I had no knowledge of it even though I worked for the same lawyer. I would have reported him to the Law Society if I had found evidence of it. Some of the partners at the firm had no knowledge of it either and believed the senior partner when he said he'd dealt with it. His son-in-law was the real culprit.

The Accountant at the bank branch where I worked embezzled money. Again, I had nothing to do with it and wasn't aware he was doing it.
IF the FBI is investigating any citizen, and the investigation ends with no criminal charges against the citizen, then the FBI should NOT release their investigation on this private citizen....that would be abuse of power by the govt against the citizen's privacy and the ability to move onward.

LOL, releasing the information would prove corruption within the FBI and DOJ
It never ceases to amaze me the bull crud lies right wingers imaginations come up with!!!!:lol:

it is clear to anyone who has a working brain that she violated laws regarding the protection of classified data and then lied about it.

tell me, why do you think Hillary Clinton is above the law?

She is not and never been above the law. No one is above the law. Not even Trump.
She, as Capone, has done many thing illegal and gotten away with it. The establishment is protecting her very well.

Whitewater produced 15 convictions on 40 crimes and she hid the Rose Law firm billing records in her home, until the stay of execution expired. YOU try doing that and find out what happens.

Bullshit. Republicans spent $100 million dollars investigating the Clintons and came up with nothing. No evidence, no witnesses, no charges. But you continue the fiction that she's guilty of something. And then you lie and say she's guilty of stuff when she's been cleared of any wrong doing.

When the FBI was pursuing Al Capone, they didn't have the investigative tools that are available today. No DNA, no fingerprint data base, no electronic surveillance, no computers.

With all of the tools, paper trails and electronics available they can't find a single thing on Hillary. My conclusions is that there's nothing there. Not because I'm a big fan of Hillary, but because I'm a realist.

But Repulicans and especially Trump, keep lying. The Clinton Foundation. Is not and has never been pay for play. Hillary didn't sell uranium to Russians, they didn't steal stuff from the White House, and Benghazi is not her fault. Endless repetition is not going make these things true. Conservative belief that they're true, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, doesn't make them real.
15 conviction in the law firm she worked, on 40 different crimes. That is truth that is not BS. She had the Rose Law firm billing records in her home until the stay of execution expired. That too is FACT. Those two facts we know for fact. Not to mention the 100,000 in cattle futures she just happened to invest in by reading the paper. Yeah she's as clean as Capone.
Nothing will be done about Hillary's many criminal activities, because the government and media will not allow it. The focus needs to stay on Trump, in full 'hair on fire' mode.
You can't get a file from the local police on Joe Schmo if you are not Joe Schmo...

if it involves criminal activity you can.

No you cannot unless you work for the authority that is involved in an investigation or a lawyer that are involved in a specific case.
She, as Capone, has done many thing illegal and gotten away with it. The establishment is protecting her very well.

Whitewater produced 15 convictions on 40 crimes and she hid the Rose Law firm billing records in her home, until the stay of execution expired. YOU try doing that and find out what happens.

Bullshit. Republicans spent $100 million dollars investigating the Clintons and came up with nothing. No evidence, no witnesses, no charges. But you continue the fiction that she's guilty of something. And then you lie and say she's guilty of stuff when she's been cleared of any wrong doing.

When the FBI was pursuing Al Capone, they didn't have the investigative tools that are available today. No DNA, no fingerprint data base, no electronic surveillance, no computers.

With all of the tools, paper trails and electronics available they can't find a single thing on Hillary. My conclusions is that there's nothing there. Not because I'm a big fan of Hillary, but because I'm a realist.

But Repulicans and especially Trump, keep lying. The Clinton Foundation. Is not and has never been pay for play. Hillary didn't sell uranium to Russians, they didn't steal stuff from the White House, and Benghazi is not her fault. Endless repetition is not going make these things true. Conservative belief that they're true, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, doesn't make them real.
15 conviction in the law firm she worked, on 40 different crimes. That is truth that is not BS. She had the Rose Law firm billing records in her home until the stay of execution expired. That too is FACT. Those two facts we know for fact. Not to mention the 100,000 in cattle futures she just happened to invest in by reading the paper. Yeah she's as clean as Capone.
Nothing will be done about Hillary's many criminal activities, because the government and media will not allow it. The focus needs to stay on Trump, in full 'hair on fire' mode.
You can't get a file from the local police on Joe Schmo if you are not Joe Schmo...
WTF...stop posting to me, if you are going to post stupidity. PLEASE.

Truth hurts.
I think we now know why Comey didn't indict Hillary:

FBI officials are claiming a lack of public interest justifies their decision to keep Hilary Clinton’s very controversial archived records from being released to the public.

“We have determined you have not sufficiently demonstrated that the public’s interest in disclosure outweighs personal privacy interests of the subject,” says the August 28 letter from David Hardy, the FBI’s record manager.

“I’m just stunned. This is exactly what I would have expected had Mrs. Clinton won the election,” Clevenger told the Washington Times. “It looks like the [Barack] Obama Administration is still running the FBI,” Clevenger added.

“It is incumbent upon the requester to provide documentation regarding the public’s interest in the operations and activities of the government before records can be processed pursuant to the FOIA,” said the time-wasting response, which will likely be appealed by the filer, New York lawyer Ty Clevenger.

Clinton’s records have been the focus of global attention, especially in the run-up to the shocking November presidential election in 2016 as the FBI renewed investigation into her emails, computer records and her husband’s secret runway meeting with the serving Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. In fact, Democrats blame Clinton’s November defeat on the public furor over her records.

President Donald Trump’s pick to head the FBI, Christopher Wray, took office August 2.

His arrival forced the acting director, Andrew McCabe, back to his role as deputy FBI director. McCabe’s wife is a Democratic activist, and he served under fired FBI director James Comey.

I can assure you 100% Obama is NOT running the FBI.
Just because this dude Ty Clevenger request got rejected then make that kind
of false accusations that doesn't mean he is telling you the truth.

Sadly you people believe everything.

Are you saying that the FBI will just Willy Willy released someone's information just because a lawyer requested it?

Can I instruct one of my lawyer to request Trump Tax returns?
BTW it garnered 1 million signatures of PUBLIC INTEREST. So where is the tax returns? Talking about corruption.
The FBI, like every other Govt Agency, must obey the FOIA. Obama, of course, set a new US record for illegal non-compliance with the FOIA, which is quite an accomplishment for the man who vowed to run 'The Most Transparent Administration Evuh'. The FBI / Obama loyalists, apparently, are still following his precedence.

So if I instruct one of my lawyer to file FOIA against Trump, any government lawmakers or you. They will just willy willy release those confidential information to me? That is pure lawlessness. Don't you think? That's very funny Easy.

Just because Clevenger request got rejected then run to a Breitbart an ALT RIGHT WING MEDIA----- that doesn't mean it's true.
I can assure you Obama is not running FBI and if that is true then that proved Trump is totally weak.
Swamp is deep.

Libs love forgone conclusions.

Hillary Clinton has never done anything unethical or illegal in her entire life by definition...she is Hillary Clinton.

Every single thing Trump has ever done in his entire life is 100% wrong.

Prog logic.
CONFIRMED: Comey Decided He Wasn't Going to Refer Hillary For Prosecution Long Before FBI Investigation Was Over

"According to new transcripts released by the Senate Judiciary Thursday afternoon, former FBI Director James Comey made the decision not to refer then Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for prosecution long before ever interviewing key witnesses. Members of the Committee allege Comey made the decision months before FBI agents were finished with the criminal investigation of her mishandling classified information during her time as Secretary of State.

The transcripts were revealed in a letter sent to current FBI Director Christopher Wray, in which lawmakers are demanding an explanation and more documents surrounding the case.

"According to the unredacted portions of the transcripts, it appears that in April or early May of 2016, Mr. Comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating Secretary Clinton. That was long before FBI agents finished their work. Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership. The outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts," the letter, signed by Chairman Chuck Grassley and Committee member Lindsey Graham states. "Conclusion first, fact-gathering second—that’s no way to run an investigation. The FBI should be held to a higher standard than that, especially in a matter of such great public interest and controversy."

Obama, Lynch, and Comey - as this bombshell proves - were NEVER going to allow Hillary to be held accountable for her crimes!

So: "FBI won't release files on Hillary criminal case."

The question must be asked now - 'Is the FBI still protecting Hillary, now protecting themselves, or BOTH?"

As I have mentioned several times, it was reported to the Public in early May of 2016 that the investigation and all interviews with Hillary associates was over, and the FBI found no criminal wrong doing evidence to indict her....

Your STORY is nothing but bull crud.

WE KNEW back in early May 2016 they found nothing, it was not some secret...this also means the meeting with Lynch on the runway with bill early July, was a nothing burger, the decision had already been determined after 10 months of investigating.

CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’
if it involves criminal activity you can.
Not if it's not released..

bullshit, read FOIA

I think you might be the one who needs to read the FOIA.

Specifically, this part:

(b)This section does not apply to matters that are—
(7)records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information (A) could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings, (B) would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial adjudication, (C) could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, (D) could reasonably be expected to disclose the identity of a confidential source, including a State, local, or foreign agency or authority or any private institution which furnished information on a confidential basis, and, in the case of a record or information compiled by criminal law enforcement authority in the course of a criminal investigation or by an agency conducting a lawful national security intelligence investigation, information furnished by a confidential source, (E) would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions if such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law, or (F) could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of any individual;

5 U.S. Code § 552 - Public information; agency rules, opinions, orders, records, and proceedings

wrong, her emails while SecState are not private property,

Her emails while Secretary of State are not what this FOIA request was asking for.

This request was for her FBI file.

its the same stuff, the FBI investigation was on her emails.
Hillary is part of the D.C. Swamp and the fix was in because Obama was corresponding with her on her unsecure illegal private server.

Hillary could have one of her staffers murdered and get away with it.
CONFIRMED: Comey Decided He Wasn't Going to Refer Hillary For Prosecution Long Before FBI Investigation Was Over

"According to new transcripts released by the Senate Judiciary Thursday afternoon, former FBI Director James Comey made the decision not to refer then Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for prosecution long before ever interviewing key witnesses. Members of the Committee allege Comey made the decision months before FBI agents were finished with the criminal investigation of her mishandling classified information during her time as Secretary of State.

The transcripts were revealed in a letter sent to current FBI Director Christopher Wray, in which lawmakers are demanding an explanation and more documents surrounding the case.

"According to the unredacted portions of the transcripts, it appears that in April or early May of 2016, Mr. Comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating Secretary Clinton. That was long before FBI agents finished their work. Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership. The outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts," the letter, signed by Chairman Chuck Grassley and Committee member Lindsey Graham states. "Conclusion first, fact-gathering second—that’s no way to run an investigation. The FBI should be held to a higher standard than that, especially in a matter of such great public interest and controversy."

Obama, Lynch, and Comey - as this bombshell proves - were NEVER going to allow Hillary to be held accountable for her crimes!

So: "FBI won't release files on Hillary criminal case."

The question must be asked now - 'Is the FBI still protecting Hillary, now protecting themselves, or BOTH?"

As I have mentioned several times, it was reported to the Public in early May of 2016 that the investigation and all interviews with Hillary associates was over, and the FBI found no criminal wrong doing evidence to indict her....

Your STORY is nothing but bull crud.

WE KNEW back in early May 2016 they found nothing, it was not some secret...this also means the meeting with Lynch on the runway with bill early July, was a nothing burger, the decision had already been determined after 10 months of investigating.

CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’
The problem is you're a f*ing partisan idiot who has no idea what he is talking about so he spews opinion.

There is not even a question IF she broke the law. The FBI has reported they now have THOUSANDS of official documents Hillary never turned in, as required by the law.

F*ing fanatical snowflake deniers like yourself actually believe if you deny it, claim it isn't so, long and hard enough the facts will change.


Unlike snowflake 'Collusion' Conspiracy Theorists, there is a mountain of evidence proving Hillary's crimes.

All the bitching, whining, opining, denying, crying, personal attacks, etc will not change it.

The FACT that Comey drafted Hillary's declaration of innocense / refusal to prosecute her BEFORE the investigation was over is UNDENIABLE, RECORDED, DOCUMENTED, PROVEN FACT...unlike your continued lying and opinionated rants.
CONFIRMED: Comey Decided He Wasn't Going to Refer Hillary For Prosecution Long Before FBI Investigation Was Over

"According to new transcripts released by the Senate Judiciary Thursday afternoon, former FBI Director James Comey made the decision not to refer then Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for prosecution long before ever interviewing key witnesses. Members of the Committee allege Comey made the decision months before FBI agents were finished with the criminal investigation of her mishandling classified information during her time as Secretary of State.

The transcripts were revealed in a letter sent to current FBI Director Christopher Wray, in which lawmakers are demanding an explanation and more documents surrounding the case.

"According to the unredacted portions of the transcripts, it appears that in April or early May of 2016, Mr. Comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating Secretary Clinton. That was long before FBI agents finished their work. Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership. The outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts," the letter, signed by Chairman Chuck Grassley and Committee member Lindsey Graham states. "Conclusion first, fact-gathering second—that’s no way to run an investigation. The FBI should be held to a higher standard than that, especially in a matter of such great public interest and controversy."

Obama, Lynch, and Comey - as this bombshell proves - were NEVER going to allow Hillary to be held accountable for her crimes!

So: "FBI won't release files on Hillary criminal case."

The question must be asked now - 'Is the FBI still protecting Hillary, now protecting themselves, or BOTH?"

As I have mentioned several times, it was reported to the Public in early May of 2016 that the investigation and all interviews with Hillary associates was over, and the FBI found no criminal wrong doing evidence to indict her....

Your STORY is nothing but bull crud.

WE KNEW back in early May 2016 they found nothing, it was not some secret...this also means the meeting with Lynch on the runway with bill early July, was a nothing burger, the decision had already been determined after 10 months of investigating.

CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’
The problem is you're a f*ing partisan idiot who has no idea what he is talking about so he spews opinion.

There is not even a question IF she broke the law. The FBI has reported they now have THOUSANDS of official documents Hillary never turned in, as required by the law.

F*ing fanatical snowflake deniers like yourself actually believe if you deny it, claim it isn't so, long and hard enough the facts will change.


Unlike snowflake 'Collusion' Conspiracy Theorists, there is a mountain of evidence proving Hillary's crimes.

All the bitching, whining, opining, denying, crying, personal attacks, etc will not change it.

The FACT that Comey drafted Hillary's declaration of innocense / refusal to prosecute her BEFORE the investigation was over is UNDENIABLE, RECORDED, DOCUMENTED, PROVEN FACT...unlike your continued lying and opinionated rants.
She did neglect to follow the protocol of turning over her emails initially, allegedly because she thought the govt had all of her gvt files because she always forwarded the information to one of her staff members who were on the system... but once she found out that she flubbed up, their systems could not simply sort out everything with Hillary Clinton as a sender or receiver, she and her staff and the fbi has been trying to track down all of her govt emails since.

As far as all the other so called crimes and lies you right wingers have hung on to like they are the Word of God, they are all bull crud and NOTHING, NADA, NIENTE, ZIP in evidence has supported your claims, the evidence and hearings and investigations have ALL cleared her from your fabrications over the past few decades.
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