FBIagent shot Boston Bomber's friend 7 times including a shot to the back of his head


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Whoa someone has some serious explaining to do. And I don't know if I'd believe his answers after seeing this evidence and reading the details of the shooting. Skepticism is definitely warranted.

I've been pro law and order all my life; but I'm finding my undying faith in the powers that be in law enforcement coming unraveled bit by bit.

WARNING: graphic pictures at link

'Why did the FBI execute my boy?' Father of Boston bomber's friend displays gruesome photos of his son's corpse showing unarmed man was shot SEVEN times during questioning - including once in the back of the head

Ibragim Todashev, 27, reportedly turned violent during an FBI interview

He did not have a knife as previously said

He had allegedly confessed to the FBI that he and Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev had played a role in a triple slaying in the Boston area in 2011

Todashev, from Chechnya, was shot dead by the agent just after midnight on May 22

Todashev had met Tsarnaev while he was living in Boston and last spoke him about a week before the bombing

Friend of Boston Marathon bomber was UNARMED when he was killed by FBI agent as he was about to confess to a triple murder | Mail Online
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Whoa someone has some serious explaining to do. And I don't know if I'd believe his answers after seeing this evidence and reading the details of the shooting. Skepticism is definitely warranted.

I've been pro law and order all my life; but I'm finding my undying faith in the powers that be in law enforcement coming unraveled bit by bit.

WARNING: graphic pictures at link

'Why did the FBI execute my boy?' Father of Boston bomber's friend displays gruesome photos of his son's corpse showing unarmed man was shot SEVEN times during questioning - including once in the back of the head

Ibragim Todashev, 27, reportedly turned violent during an FBI interview

He did not have a knife as previously said

He had allegedly confessed to the FBI that he and Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev had played a role in a triple slaying in the Boston area in 2011

Todashev, from Chechnya, was shot dead by the agent just after midnight on May 22

Todashev had met Tsarnaev while he was living in Boston and last spoke him about a week before the bombing

Friend of Boston Marathon bomber was UNARMED when he was killed by FBI agent as he was about to confess to a triple murder | Mail Online

I have been following this and are extraordinarily disturbed by the event.

At first, it was reported to be a "shootout". Then the FBI reported that Todashev lunged at them with a "knife". Finally, the FBI reported that what happened was "unclear", implying that he was likely unnamed.


The man is either armed or unarmed; a guy was shot 7 times aint going anywhere. Since the FBI new INSTANTLY what had occurred (ie by searching him after they murdered him), it's clear that we have been lied to yet again.

There is a massive coverup taking place, and I hope we get to the bottom of this...

Ditto---however getting an answer to anything these days is next to impossible. WTF happened here ?
Nothing about this incident felt right from the start.

The NSA knows what brand of toilet paper I use, but they can't track these guys down even after Putin dropped a dime on them?

Nothing about this incident felt right from the start.

The NSA knows what brand of toilet paper I use, but they can't track these guys down even after Putin dropped a dime on them?


Sad thing is a portion of the money I earned today goes towards funding both the NSA and these murder thugs.

F'ing sucks.
Whoa someone has some serious explaining to do. And I don't know if I'd believe his answers after seeing this evidence and reading the details of the shooting. Skepticism is definitely warranted.

I've been pro law and order all my life; but I'm finding my undying faith in the powers that be in law enforcement coming unraveled bit by bit.

WARNING: graphic pictures at link

'Why did the FBI execute my boy?' Father of Boston bomber's friend displays gruesome photos of his son's corpse showing unarmed man was shot SEVEN times during questioning - including once in the back of the head

Ibragim Todashev, 27, reportedly turned violent during an FBI interview

He did not have a knife as previously said

He had allegedly confessed to the FBI that he and Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev had played a role in a triple slaying in the Boston area in 2011

Todashev, from Chechnya, was shot dead by the agent just after midnight on May 22

Todashev had met Tsarnaev while he was living in Boston and last spoke him about a week before the bombing

Friend of Boston Marathon bomber was UNARMED when he was killed by FBI agent as he was about to confess to a triple murder | Mail Online

I have been following this and are extraordinarily disturbed by the event.

At first, it was reported to be a "shootout". Then the FBI reported that Todashev lunged at them with a "knife". Finally, the FBI reported that what happened was "unclear", implying that he was likely unnamed.


The man is either armed or unarmed; a guy was shot 7 times aint going anywhere. Since the FBI new INSTANTLY what had occurred (ie by searching him after they murdered him), it's clear that we have been lied to yet again.

There is a massive coverup taking place, and I hope we get to the bottom of this...


I agree - there is something really screwed up here and the story keeps changing.
Whoa someone has some serious explaining to do. And I don't know if I'd believe his answers after seeing this evidence and reading the details of the shooting. Skepticism is definitely warranted.

I've been pro law and order all my life; but I'm finding my undying faith in the powers that be in law enforcement coming unraveled bit by bit.

WARNING: graphic pictures at link

'Why did the FBI execute my boy?' Father of Boston bomber's friend displays gruesome photos of his son's corpse showing unarmed man was shot SEVEN times during questioning - including once in the back of the head

Ibragim Todashev, 27, reportedly turned violent during an FBI interview

He did not have a knife as previously said

He had allegedly confessed to the FBI that he and Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev had played a role in a triple slaying in the Boston area in 2011

Todashev, from Chechnya, was shot dead by the agent just after midnight on May 22

Todashev had met Tsarnaev while he was living in Boston and last spoke him about a week before the bombing

Friend of Boston Marathon bomber was UNARMED when he was killed by FBI agent as he was about to confess to a triple murder | Mail Online

I have been following this and are extraordinarily disturbed by the event.

At first, it was reported to be a "shootout". Then the FBI reported that Todashev lunged at them with a "knife". Finally, the FBI reported that what happened was "unclear", implying that he was likely unnamed.


The man is either armed or unarmed; a guy was shot 7 times aint going anywhere. Since the FBI new INSTANTLY what had occurred (ie by searching him after they murdered him), it's clear that we have been lied to yet again.

There is a massive coverup taking place, and I hope we get to the bottom of this...


I agree - there is something really screwed up here and the story keeps changing.

No reason an unarmed man should be shot seven times, including an execution shot to the skull in a room filled with three highly trained FBI agents. No reason at all!

I know this isn't Obama's fault specifically, but just another one of many governmental stains while he's wearin' the white shorts. I'd expect the President to personally get involved with a case as absurd and fishy as something like this, just to show the public he's still on our side.

Fat chance of that happenin' though... lol.

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I think our conspiracy theorists are really slacking. They shoulda been all over this one long ago. It stinks.
When there are explosives involve, shooting someone seven times...even in the back...could, in some cases be justified.

Hold on sec...I'm not saying that is what happen, I'm saying I could see, under some VERY limited circumstances, where an agent, or agents, could believe their lives were in danger from a subject...in an unsearched and unsecured location, like the suspects abode...where there was a possibility that the suspect was involved in a bombing, that if the suspect made a sudden and rapid attempt to move away from the agents...even with his back to the agents AND unarmed...it could be deemed a justifiable threat.

Again, I am only postulating and acceptable circumstance...not presuming to speculate that this scenario occurred.
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When there are explosives involve, shooting someone seven times...even in the back...could, in some cases be justified.

Hold on sec...I'm not saying that is what happen, I'm saying I could see, under some VERY limited circumstances, where an agent, or agents, could believe their lives were in danger from a subject in an unsearched and unsecured location, like the suspects abode, where there was a possibility that the suspect was involved in a bombing, that the suspect made a sudden and rapid attempt to move away from the agents...even with his back to the agents AND unarmed...could be deemed a justifiable threat.

Again, I am only postulating and acceptable circumstance...not presuming to speculate that this scenario occurred.

Sure Missourian, but lets give the guy the benefit of the doubt here. The kid had virtually zero connection to the bombers besides sparring with the dude a few times and exchanging numbers.

Why the heck would he want to mess around by provoking three Federal Agents? No one wants to die, and no one wants to go to jail.

To me, it's clear he had some sort of piece of info incriminating the Gov't and they wanted him to keep quiet for the long term.
When there are explosives involve, shooting someone seven times...even in the back...could, in some cases be justified.

Hold on sec...I'm not saying that is what happen, I'm saying I could see, under some VERY limited circumstances, where an agent, or agents, could believe their lives were in danger from a subject in an unsearched and unsecured location, like the suspects abode, where there was a possibility that the suspect was involved in a bombing, that the suspect made a sudden and rapid attempt to move away from the agents...even with his back to the agents AND unarmed...could be deemed a justifiable threat.

Again, I am only postulating and acceptable circumstance...not presuming to speculate that this scenario occurred.

Sure Missourian, but lets give the guy the benefit of the doubt here. The kid had virtually zero connection to the bombers besides sparring with the dude a few times and exchanging numbers.

Why the heck would he want to mess around by provoking three Federal Agents? No one wants to die, and no one wants to go to jail.

To me, it's clear he had some sort of piece of info incriminating the Gov't and they wanted him to keep quiet for the long term.

At the very LEAST they botched the interview and arrest. Seriously botched it. Botched it so damn bad in fact that liberals and conservatives ain't even arguing about it.
When there are explosives involve, shooting someone seven times...even in the back...could, in some cases be justified.

Hold on sec...I'm not saying that is what happen, I'm saying I could see, under some VERY limited circumstances, where an agent, or agents, could believe their lives were in danger from a subject...in an unsearched and unsecured location, like the suspects abode...where there was a possibility that the suspect was involved in a bombing, that if the suspect made a sudden and rapid attempt to move away from the agents...even with his back to the agents AND unarmed...it could be deemed a justifiable threat.

Again, I am only postulating and acceptable circumstance...not presuming to speculate that this scenario occurred.

Like the guy the cops in London shot dead with a round to his head because they felt threatened ,only to find out he was as innocent as the day is long?

The I felt scared is not enough to end someone life unless you really are threatened.
Being a cop or FBI or what ever LEO one is does not elevate one beyond anyone else.
When there are explosives involve, shooting someone seven times...even in the back...could, in some cases be justified.

Hold on sec...I'm not saying that is what happen, I'm saying I could see, under some VERY limited circumstances, where an agent, or agents, could believe their lives were in danger from a subject in an unsearched and unsecured location, like the suspects abode, where there was a possibility that the suspect was involved in a bombing, that the suspect made a sudden and rapid attempt to move away from the agents...even with his back to the agents AND unarmed...could be deemed a justifiable threat.

Again, I am only postulating and acceptable circumstance...not presuming to speculate that this scenario occurred.

Sure Missourian, but lets give the guy the benefit of the doubt here. The kid had virtually zero connection to the bombers besides sparring with the dude a few times and exchanging numbers.

Why the heck would he want to mess around by provoking three Federal Agents? No one wants to die, and no one wants to go to jail.

To me, it's clear he had some sort of piece of info incriminating the Gov't and they wanted him to keep quiet for the long term.

At the very LEAST they botched the interview and arrest. Seriously botched it. Botched it so damn bad in fact that liberals and conservatives ain't even arguing about it.

Well yea, at the very least the Agents should be investigated. He's a human being, and now dead forever; if he was my kid (or brother), I'd want some serious clarity. As a citizen, I want some serious clarity around the issue..

Doubt we'll get it though..

Sure Missourian, but lets give the guy the benefit of the doubt here. The kid had virtually zero connection to the bombers besides sparring with the dude a few times and exchanging numbers.

Why the heck would he want to mess around by provoking three Federal Agents? No one wants to die, and no one wants to go to jail.

To me, it's clear he had some sort of piece of info incriminating the Gov't and they wanted him to keep quiet for the long term.

At the very LEAST they botched the interview and arrest. Seriously botched it. Botched it so damn bad in fact that liberals and conservatives ain't even arguing about it.

Well yea, at the very least the Agents should be investigated. He's a human being, and now dead forever; if he was my kid (or brother), I'd want some serious clarity. As a citizen, I want some serious clarity around the issue..

Doubt we'll get it though..


I clearly remember every time the Bush Admin was involved in a domestic terrorist plot or action people like Jillian and the other Liberals all howled it was a set up that the Admin was just wagging the dogs tail to divert us from some thing else. Now the Government is killing people in suspect ways and the left could care less.... why? because the left is in charge.

We have a President that actually claims as a defense for problems in his Executive Branch that he just doesn't know anything about it. Not once but twice now. His talking heads are openly claiming the Government is too big for any President to be responsible for crimes committed by HIS Executive branch by HIS appointees.

Good luck with getting anything out of the FBI. Hell they Murdered Randy Weavers wife and son and got off Scot free, they murdered over 80 Davidians and nothing happened. This will just be another killing with no answer.
When there are explosives involve, shooting someone seven times...even in the back...could, in some cases be justified.

Hold on sec...I'm not saying that is what happen, I'm saying I could see, under some VERY limited circumstances, where an agent, or agents, could believe their lives were in danger from a subject...in an unsearched and unsecured location, like the suspects abode...where there was a possibility that the suspect was involved in a bombing, that if the suspect made a sudden and rapid attempt to move away from the agents...even with his back to the agents AND unarmed...it could be deemed a justifiable threat.

Again, I am only postulating and acceptable circumstance...not presuming to speculate that this scenario occurred.

Like the guy the cops in London shot dead with a round to his head because they felt threatened ,only to find out he was as innocent as the day is long?

The I felt scared is not enough to end someone life unless you really are threatened.
Being a cop or FBI or what ever LEO one is does not elevate one beyond anyone else.

Uh...no...not like "the guy in London".

Like the guy this thread is in relation to.

According to the article, this guy had confessed to a triple homicide AND was out on bail for beating a man unconscious over a parking space...he was also a mixed martial arts fighter.

Law enforcement sources told NBC that Todashev and Tsarnaev carried out the 2011 killings when a drug deal that turned violent. The suspects didn't want the three victims to be able to identify them, so they slit their throats, according to the network.

It is that evidence which apparently led them to Todashev and his Orlando apartment not far from Universal Studios on May 22.

And we are Monday morning quarterbacking...we don't know how close the FBI believed Todashev and the Tsarnaer brothers were at the time of the shooting.
When there are explosives involve, shooting someone seven times...even in the back...could, in some cases be justified.

Hold on sec...I'm not saying that is what happen, I'm saying I could see, under some VERY limited circumstances, where an agent, or agents, could believe their lives were in danger from a subject in an unsearched and unsecured location, like the suspects abode, where there was a possibility that the suspect was involved in a bombing, that the suspect made a sudden and rapid attempt to move away from the agents...even with his back to the agents AND unarmed...could be deemed a justifiable threat.

Again, I am only postulating and acceptable circumstance...not presuming to speculate that this scenario occurred.

Sure Missourian, but lets give the guy the benefit of the doubt here. The kid had virtually zero connection to the bombers besides sparring with the dude a few times and exchanging numbers.

Why the heck would he want to mess around by provoking three Federal Agents? No one wants to die, and no one wants to go to jail.

To me, it's clear he had some sort of piece of info incriminating the Gov't and they wanted him to keep quiet for the long term.

Something went wrong...I don't know what.

I don't have all the fact.

But see my post to above...this guy was no altar boy.

In this instance, I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to the agents until all the facts are known.

If the FBI stonewalls an investigation, that presumption will quickly evaporate.
Nothing about this incident felt right from the start.

The NSA knows what brand of toilet paper I use, but they can't track these guys down even after Putin dropped a dime on them?


more so since the the key claim to track every communication

is to get terrorists

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