FCC shuts down Alex Jones’s flagship radio station

Because nothing says "Land of the Free" like having to pay the government for permission to exercise your First Amendment rights.

Yelling fire in a crowded theater is not protected speech. Sedition is a crime, and Jones is lucky he's not in jail.
No he is not lucky, he is an American and Patriot. Don't like what he is saying, turn the dial


Alex Jones is bat shit crazy, but that doens't mean he should be censored.
No one is censoring him, Drama Queen.
Why the frig would anyone have a 'pirate' radio station these days? There's this new thing all the kids are using, I think it's called the 'Inter-web'?
Because old racist White dudes driving 50,000 trucks across the country can't don't tune into the web, they listen to GLENNRUSHSEANMARK. Then they listen to Dave Ramsey and swear to themselves that they're finally going to do his Financial Peace University.

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