FDA Corruption

We get a lot of our medicines or medicine contents from China and less than 1% is inspected.
There is tons of information out there.

Share your knowledge and information here regarding the FDA and discuss ideas on how we can protect ourselves and how we can maybe put a stop to the corruption.
We get a lot of our medicines or medicine contents from China and less than 1% is inspected.

That is some scary sheeeit...

I am off to sleep have to be up too early but will be back online tomorrow sometime.
Well, maybe two threads with this one updated? Or, combine the two if a moderator can do that?

Anyway, I am heading to sleep have to be up too early for long work day.

See everyone tomorrow sometime.
The FDA is a paper tiger that does little more than pander to Big Pharma. It has stood silent whilst consumer advertising, drug rep abuses, off-label marketing and various other dangerous abuses have gone on. It has been silent as more and more American kids are "diagnosed" with severe mental illnesses and placed on meds that are known to be harmful (or as to which the effect on growing bodies is not known).

All that stands between you and a poisoning today is the plaintiffs' bar, which will sue on behalf of your estate after you die. Big Pharma still fears them but is busy training the American public that suing for the ill effects of bad medicine is "unpatriotic" and eventually, "tort law reforms" will insulate them from this liability as well.

All this agitation costs money, of course, but in Big Pharma's case, they get to deduct every dollar from their tax liability -- more'n once.

These people are truely evil.
The FDA is also the reason why Europe gains access to American-developed drugs nearly a decade before Americans do, regardless of the desperation of the patients.

It seems to me that the FDA needlessly delays distribution of medications we desperately need, while systemically failing to catch those medications that are indeed dangerous. Like most major government social programs, they are failing to perform their primary duty.
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Watching food inc made me lose faith in the FDA. It needs to reformed badly.

Have not seen Food Inc. yet. It is on our next netflix watch list though.

As for trusting the FDA, just like anything to do with the US Gov't when they speak or write, I no longer listen for I no longer have any trust in them.

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