FDR Admiration Society

"Although there were a few voices in the administration against internment—particularly Attorney General Francis Biddle and Gen. Mark Clark, the Army’s deputy chief of staff—the president disregarded the dissenters."

FDR’s Views on Japanese Offer a Window Into Why He Wouldn’t Save Jews

"...portrays the president as the victim of irresistible pressure from his military advisers and public opinion.

The museum’s exhibition on the Japanese internment makes no mention of the last decade’s most important new research findings concerning the motives behind the internment decision. By Order of the President, a critically acclaimed 2001 book by Greg Robinson, an American historian at the University of Quebec, revealed a number of incendiary articles about Asians that Franklin Roosevelt wrote in the 1920s. In those articles, the future president asserted that “the mingling of Asiatic blood with European or American blood produces, in nine cases out of ten, the most unfortunate results.” FDR argued that because “Japanese immigrants are not capable of assimilation into the American population,” they could not be trusted and their right to purchase land should be restricted."
"In a memorandum written in February 1942 that became known as the Ringle Report, Ringle estimated that the highest number of Japanese Americans "who would act as saboteurs or agents" of Japan was less than 3 percent of the total, or about 3500 in the United States; the most dangerous of these, he said, were already in custodial detention or were well known to the Naval Intelligence service or the FBI. In his summary Ringle concluded that the "Japanese Problem" had been distorted largely because of the physical characteristics of the people and should be handled based on the individual, regardless of citizenship, and not on race.

The Ringle Report was known to De Witt, who thus knew that Naval Intelligence estimated that at least 90 percent of the army's evacuation of Japanese Americans was unnecessary. In addition, the Department of Justice knew of the Ringle Report's conclusions when it filed its briefs in the Hirabayashi and Korematsu cases".

Read more: Japanese American Evacuation Cases - The Movement To Redress Victims - Ringle, Americans, Report, and Justice - JRank Articles Japanese American Evacuation Cases - The Movement To Redress Victims

So FDR told Japan to invade Nanking and Korea. It is FDRs fault for holding Japan responsible for its attrocities

You really think that arrogant, hateful scumbag cared about China or Korea? Don't be absurd. He didn't even give a shit about Americans.
Of course he did....he just considered Japanese Americans to be a threat to our society

No he did not. He knew there was no such threat. He was a racist, unAmerican, despotic douchebag, and you are worse than a fool for trying to hug his nuts all these years later when his outrages are well-known.
It is impossible to have anything resembling an academic or intellectual debate with a person who makes their bias, hate and emotions taint what should be and could be presented in objectivity. The topic of discussion is one that has been debated by scholars for over a half a century. There is no "wrong" or "right", rather a topic that can only be answered with opinions generated by factual data and explained in rational and pragmatic conclusions. There were strategic and economic concerns regarding Japans expanding interest is China. To pretend that Japan was manipulated into war by FDR because of some kind of hatred or racism is just immature and plain ignorant. Japan was becoming a predictable threat. The threat was written about and predicted in at least two books published by former British Navel intelligence officer Hector C. Bywater. The one failure in Bywater's prediction was that he warned the attack would come to the Philippines and not Pearl Harbor. He can be excused because at the time of his writings the US Asiatic Fleet (distinct from the Pacific Fleet) was stationed in Manila Bay, the Philippines and not Pearl Harbor. When Pearl became the forward Navel operating base for the Pacific Fleet in 1940 elements of the Asiatic Fleet were transferred to Pearl and placed under the command of the Pacific Fleet.
..... To pretend that Japan was manipulated into war by FDR......

Ignoratio elenchi
Nonsense, you believe FDR was malicious and I believe his decision was strategic in regards to Japanese internment. As I said, your bias is obvious and taints your views about the Pacific War with Japan in general.
FDR acted in the context of 1942 America

different times, different country
..... To pretend that Japan was manipulated into war by FDR......

Ignoratio elenchi
Nonsense, you believe FDR was malicious and I believe his decision was strategic in regards to Japanese internment. As I said, your bias is obvious and taints your views about the Pacific War with Japan in general.
FDR acted in the context of 1942 America

different times, different country

Shameless fucking apologist. Read the links.
..... To pretend that Japan was manipulated into war by FDR......

Ignoratio elenchi
Nonsense, you believe FDR was malicious and I believe his decision was strategic in regards to Japanese internment. As I said, your bias is obvious and taints your views about the Pacific War with Japan in general.
FDR acted in the context of 1942 America

different times, different country

Shameless fucking apologist. Read the links.

1942 America
..... To pretend that Japan was manipulated into war by FDR......

Ignoratio elenchi
Nonsense, you believe FDR was malicious and I believe his decision was strategic in regards to Japanese internment. As I said, your bias is obvious and taints your views about the Pacific War with Japan in general.
FDR acted in the context of 1942 America

different times, different country

Shameless fucking apologist. Read the links.

1942 America

Read the links. Hell, read the parts I quoted in the posts.
Ignoratio elenchi
Nonsense, you believe FDR was malicious and I believe his decision was strategic in regards to Japanese internment. As I said, your bias is obvious and taints your views about the Pacific War with Japan in general.
FDR acted in the context of 1942 America

different times, different country

Shameless fucking apologist. Read the links.

1942 America

Read the links. Hell, read the parts I quoted in the posts.

Cherry picking

FDR did not act alone. He had concurrence of the Justice Department, Military, Congress and Supreme Court

Japanese Americans were declared to be a security threat
Nonsense, you believe FDR was malicious and I believe his decision was strategic in regards to Japanese internment. As I said, your bias is obvious and taints your views about the Pacific War with Japan in general.
FDR acted in the context of 1942 America

different times, different country

Shameless fucking apologist. Read the links.

1942 America

Read the links. Hell, read the parts I quoted in the posts.

Cherry picking

FDR did not act alone. He had concurrence of the Justice Department, Military, Congress and Supreme Court

Japanese Americans were declared to be a security threat

You haven't read the links. You haven't even read the posts.
The internment of the Japanese and Japanese-Americans was one of those things that happen in a period of fear and unknown. Were we to do it over again, knowing what we know no I'm sure we would approach the problem differently. In fact, knowing what we know now, we would probably do a lot of things differently. For example we wouldn't shoot down our own airplanes loaded with our own paratroopers. We might not have voted for Hoover or allowed Harding's men access to VA supplies. We made mistakes and will continue to make them. In any case Japanese can now become American citizens and they still vote Democratic. It took the 442nd. to solve the problem and start solving it at the time it was happening.
The internment of the Japanese and Japanese-Americans was one of those things that happen in a period of fear and unknown. Were we to do it over again, knowing what we know no I'm sure we would approach the problem differently. In fact, knowing what we know now, we would probably do a lot of things differently. For example we wouldn't shoot down our own airplanes loaded with our own paratroopers. We might not have voted for Hoover or allowed Harding's men access to VA supplies. We made mistakes and will continue to make them. In any case Japanese can now become American citizens and they still vote Democratic. It took the 442nd. to solve the problem and start solving it at the time it was happening.

If we knew what we know now in 1942 we wouldn't have interred the Japanese, would not have allowed segregation, would have gay marriage and environmental protection

What were they thinking?
You don't know the answer to any of those questions either.

It's not my claim asshole.....read what I wrote. It came off a blog.....I said it was a "perspective".

Can you please stop posting so some people might still doubt you are one of the biggest dumbs**t's on the board ?
You can't even defend the nonsense you post can you?
The rightwing revisionist claims of FDR costing hundreds of thousands of lives are hard to prove in a war that cost tens of millions of lives
Geeze could you get any more ridiculous? Don't answer...it is a rhetorical question.

It is easy to determine the human cost of FDR's war. We never should have been in the war. So, all who died after FDR lied us into war, he caused their death

So your historical perspective was to turn the other cheek after Pearl Harbor
Oh...I forgot that you come to this board NEW every day...so naturally all the educating I have tried to instill in you over these many years, has failed. I will try again knowing full well I will have to do it again tomorrow.

FDR set up Japan for the attack, knew it was coming beforehand, refused to warn Pearl, sacrificed those men at Pearl, and lied us into war.

Get it...today?

So FDR told Japan to invade Nanking and Korea. It is FDRs fault for holding Japan responsible for its attrocities

FDR had no advance notice of Pearl. As a former undersecretary of the Navy, he would not have allowed all of his battleships to be destroyed.
Now you change the subject, after I completely eviscerated you. So, we are NOT debating Pearl Harbor NOW.

Japan did invade those nations. Do you think FDR needed to get Americans killed because Japan invaded other nations?

It is very apparent FDR knew Pearl would be attacked beforehand and did nothing about it. Could be why the carriers were not there.
You can't even defend the nonsense you post can you?
The rightwing revisionist claims of FDR costing hundreds of thousands of lives are hard to prove in a war that cost tens of millions of lives
Geeze could you get any more ridiculous? Don't answer...it is a rhetorical question.

It is easy to determine the human cost of FDR's war. We never should have been in the war. So, all who died after FDR lied us into war, he caused their death

So your historical perspective was to turn the other cheek after Pearl Harbor
Oh...I forgot that you come to this board NEW every day...so naturally all the educating I have tried to instill in you over these many years, has failed. I will try again knowing full well I will have to do it again tomorrow.

FDR set up Japan for the attack, knew it was coming beforehand, refused to warn Pearl, sacrificed those men at Pearl, and lied us into war.

Get it...today?

So FDR told Japan to invade Nanking and Korea. It is FDRs fault for holding Japan responsible for its attrocities

FDR had no advance notice of Pearl. As a former undersecretary of the Navy, he would not have allowed all of his battleships to be destroyed.
Now you change the subject, after I completely eviscerated you. So, we are NOT debating Pearl Harbor NOW.

Japan did invade those nations. Do you think FDR needed to get Americans killed because Japan invaded other nations?

It is very apparent FDR knew Pearl would be attacked beforehand and did nothing about it. Could be why the carriers were not there.

FDR rightfully sanctioned Japan for its militarism. U.S. Oil and steel would feed the Japanese war machine

Are you really that dumb?

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