FDR Admiration Society

America was no different. People were looking, discussing and debating reform that would protect the masses. FDR chose a transformation from the trickle down theory to a trickle up theory. Instead of the masses always relying on big business, FDR transformed the system to one where big business relied on the masses. The right has been fighting this transformation ever since. They want to bring back the good old days when CEO's had the power of feudal lords and were treated as nobles.

This is an ignorant post.

The labor force was shifting at an incredible rate.

The country had been farming and small businesses prior to the start of the Industrial Revolution. Even prior to the Great Roosevelt Depression, the elderly were getting screwed as they were being marginalized (althought some like the railroads attempted to keep them afloat).

The needed help making the transition. The Great Depression exacerbated the situation when many of them lost their savings.

They really needed help.

Instead of helping them (S.S. was passed in 1935 and didn't start paying until 1940), he saddled us with this joke we call S.S.
The Depression began in 1929. Roosevelt did not become President until 1933. They country was in full depression in 1933 with unemployment over 20%.
You call my post ignorant when you don't even know when the Great Depression began.

The Great Depression wasn't great until Roosevelt drug it out.

There were signs it was already lessening.

He simply turned it from being a depression to a "great depression".

It's funny how you posts are nothing but a reflection of your own failure as a reasoned left winger. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

It's also great that you use this to deflect that fact that your post was shredded.
There were not signs it was lessening. After three years of Republican leadership, unemployment had gone to 25%

There were plenty of signs it was lessening.

The economy started to "improve" after 1933...and then turned south again.

Thanks FDR.
America was no different. People were looking, discussing and debating reform that would protect the masses. FDR chose a transformation from the trickle down theory to a trickle up theory. Instead of the masses always relying on big business, FDR transformed the system to one where big business relied on the masses. The right has been fighting this transformation ever since. They want to bring back the good old days when CEO's had the power of feudal lords and were treated as nobles.

This is an ignorant post.

The labor force was shifting at an incredible rate.

The country had been farming and small businesses prior to the start of the Industrial Revolution. Even prior to the Great Roosevelt Depression, the elderly were getting screwed as they were being marginalized (althought some like the railroads attempted to keep them afloat).

The needed help making the transition. The Great Depression exacerbated the situation when many of them lost their savings.

They really needed help.

Instead of helping them (S.S. was passed in 1935 and didn't start paying until 1940), he saddled us with this joke we call S.S.
The Depression began in 1929. Roosevelt did not become President until 1933. They country was in full depression in 1933 with unemployment over 20%.
You call my post ignorant when you don't even know when the Great Depression began.

The Great Depression wasn't great until Roosevelt drug it out.

There were signs it was already lessening.

He simply turned it from being a depression to a "great depression".

It's funny how you posts are nothing but a reflection of your own failure as a reasoned left winger. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

It's also great that you use this to deflect that fact that your post was shredded.
You making a comment that offers a misguided opinion does not shred my post you dope. To make such a stupid accusation and claim about when the Great Depression began requires you to provide a link to back up the stupid claims you are making.

I am not going to do Rightwingers homework for her.

Eveyrone who knows history, knows the elderly were getting screwed as early as 1900......

They needed help....

Germany had already addressed the problem because they led the way in industrialization and saw the ramifcations.

Go cry to your mother....she's the one giving you bad info.
America was no different. People were looking, discussing and debating reform that would protect the masses. FDR chose a transformation from the trickle down theory to a trickle up theory. Instead of the masses always relying on big business, FDR transformed the system to one where big business relied on the masses. The right has been fighting this transformation ever since. They want to bring back the good old days when CEO's had the power of feudal lords and were treated as nobles.

This is an ignorant post.

The labor force was shifting at an incredible rate.

The country had been farming and small businesses prior to the start of the Industrial Revolution. Even prior to the Great Roosevelt Depression, the elderly were getting screwed as they were being marginalized (althought some like the railroads attempted to keep them afloat).

The needed help making the transition. The Great Depression exacerbated the situation when many of them lost their savings.

They really needed help.

Instead of helping them (S.S. was passed in 1935 and didn't start paying until 1940), he saddled us with this joke we call S.S.
The Depression began in 1929. Roosevelt did not become President until 1933. They country was in full depression in 1933 with unemployment over 20%.
You call my post ignorant when you don't even know when the Great Depression began.

The Great Depression wasn't great until Roosevelt drug it out.

There were signs it was already lessening.

He simply turned it from being a depression to a "great depression".

It's funny how you posts are nothing but a reflection of your own failure as a reasoned left winger. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

It's also great that you use this to deflect that fact that your post was shredded.
There were not signs it was lessening. After three years of Republican leadership, unemployment had gone to 25%

There were plenty of signs it was lessening.

The economy started to "improve" after 1933...and then turned south again.

Thanks FDR.
It turned south in 1938 after FDR gave in to demands from the right and cut government spending
He never listened to Republicans again
Took this off the web.....it's an OP.

It is not an argument....but a perspective......

Still......not everyone is a fan:

I know many democrats hold the idea that FDR was a great president but history is telling a different story. I am currently working on my masters degree in History and my class is currently discussing the FDR presidency, I must admit that before I was unaware of all the huge mistakes some accidental and some really stupid, that the FDR administration made. History leaves no doubt that because of FDR's bad judgment and bad leadership cost America and Europe hundreds of thousands of lives. The evidence is undisputable! I have a very liberal professor and she has the same conclusion. It has been only recently that historians have been able to see the full scope of his leadership and how it cost the world dearly. Does anyone else have a perspective on this topic?
Again with the revisionist history
FDR admitted he was exploring new territory. Some of his initiatives worked, some failed......the key was that he was willing to try
Your claims of hundreds of thousands of lives is revisionist bullshit. How many lives would be lost in the concentration camps for every extra month Hitler remained in power? American manufacturing supplied not just our forces but the allies and the soviets. We accelerated the end of the war.

You don't know the answer to any of those questions either.

It's not my claim asshole.....read what I wrote. It came off a blog.....I said it was a "perspective".

Can you please stop posting so some people might still doubt you are one of the biggest dumbs**t's on the board ?
This is an ignorant post.

The labor force was shifting at an incredible rate.

The country had been farming and small businesses prior to the start of the Industrial Revolution. Even prior to the Great Roosevelt Depression, the elderly were getting screwed as they were being marginalized (althought some like the railroads attempted to keep them afloat).

The needed help making the transition. The Great Depression exacerbated the situation when many of them lost their savings.

They really needed help.

Instead of helping them (S.S. was passed in 1935 and didn't start paying until 1940), he saddled us with this joke we call S.S.
The Depression began in 1929. Roosevelt did not become President until 1933. They country was in full depression in 1933 with unemployment over 20%.
You call my post ignorant when you don't even know when the Great Depression began.

The Great Depression wasn't great until Roosevelt drug it out.

There were signs it was already lessening.

He simply turned it from being a depression to a "great depression".

It's funny how you posts are nothing but a reflection of your own failure as a reasoned left winger. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

It's also great that you use this to deflect that fact that your post was shredded.
There were not signs it was lessening. After three years of Republican leadership, unemployment had gone to 25%

There were plenty of signs it was lessening.

The economy started to "improve" after 1933...and then turned south again.

Thanks FDR.
It turned south in 1938 after FDR gave in to demands from the right and cut government spending
He never listened to Republicans again

Love it.......now it's the GOP's fault.

But he was doing great by himself.
Took this off the web.....it's an OP.

It is not an argument....but a perspective......

Still......not everyone is a fan:

I know many democrats hold the idea that FDR was a great president but history is telling a different story. I am currently working on my masters degree in History and my class is currently discussing the FDR presidency, I must admit that before I was unaware of all the huge mistakes some accidental and some really stupid, that the FDR administration made. History leaves no doubt that because of FDR's bad judgment and bad leadership cost America and Europe hundreds of thousands of lives. The evidence is undisputable! I have a very liberal professor and she has the same conclusion. It has been only recently that historians have been able to see the full scope of his leadership and how it cost the world dearly. Does anyone else have a perspective on this topic?
Again with the revisionist history
FDR admitted he was exploring new territory. Some of his initiatives worked, some failed......the key was that he was willing to try
Your claims of hundreds of thousands of lives is revisionist bullshit. How many lives would be lost in the concentration camps for every extra month Hitler remained in power? American manufacturing supplied not just our forces but the allies and the soviets. We accelerated the end of the war.

You don't know the answer to any of those questions either.

It's not my claim asshole.....read what I wrote. It came off a blog.....I said it was a "perspective".

Can you please stop posting so some people might still doubt you are one of the biggest dumbs**t's on the board ?
You can't even defend the nonsense you post can you?
The rightwing revisionist claims of FDR costing hundreds of thousands of lives are hard to prove in a war that cost tens of millions of lives
Took this off the web.....it's an OP.

It is not an argument....but a perspective......

Still......not everyone is a fan:

I know many democrats hold the idea that FDR was a great president but history is telling a different story. I am currently working on my masters degree in History and my class is currently discussing the FDR presidency, I must admit that before I was unaware of all the huge mistakes some accidental and some really stupid, that the FDR administration made. History leaves no doubt that because of FDR's bad judgment and bad leadership cost America and Europe hundreds of thousands of lives. The evidence is undisputable! I have a very liberal professor and she has the same conclusion. It has been only recently that historians have been able to see the full scope of his leadership and how it cost the world dearly. Does anyone else have a perspective on this topic?
Again with the revisionist history
FDR admitted he was exploring new territory. Some of his initiatives worked, some failed......the key was that he was willing to try
Your claims of hundreds of thousands of lives is revisionist bullshit. How many lives would be lost in the concentration camps for every extra month Hitler remained in power? American manufacturing supplied not just our forces but the allies and the soviets. We accelerated the end of the war.

You don't know the answer to any of those questions either.

It's not my claim asshole.....read what I wrote. It came off a blog.....I said it was a "perspective".

Can you please stop posting so some people might still doubt you are one of the biggest dumbs**t's on the board ?
You can't even defend the nonsense you post can you?
The rightwing revisionist claims of FDR costing hundreds of thousands of lives are hard to prove in a war that cost tens of millions of lives

The difference between us is that I understand that.

I called it a "perspective" of someone else and know how to qualify it.

You are nothing but a left wing bulls**t artist.

Go play with your dolls and don't let them outsmart you this time.
Took this off the web.....it's an OP.

It is not an argument....but a perspective......

Still......not everyone is a fan:

I know many democrats hold the idea that FDR was a great president but history is telling a different story. I am currently working on my masters degree in History and my class is currently discussing the FDR presidency, I must admit that before I was unaware of all the huge mistakes some accidental and some really stupid, that the FDR administration made. History leaves no doubt that because of FDR's bad judgment and bad leadership cost America and Europe hundreds of thousands of lives. The evidence is undisputable! I have a very liberal professor and she has the same conclusion. It has been only recently that historians have been able to see the full scope of his leadership and how it cost the world dearly. Does anyone else have a perspective on this topic?
Again with the revisionist history
FDR admitted he was exploring new territory. Some of his initiatives worked, some failed......the key was that he was willing to try
Your claims of hundreds of thousands of lives is revisionist bullshit. How many lives would be lost in the concentration camps for every extra month Hitler remained in power? American manufacturing supplied not just our forces but the allies and the soviets. We accelerated the end of the war.

You don't know the answer to any of those questions either.

It's not my claim asshole.....read what I wrote. It came off a blog.....I said it was a "perspective".

Can you please stop posting so some people might still doubt you are one of the biggest dumbs**t's on the board ?
You can't even defend the nonsense you post can you?
The rightwing revisionist claims of FDR costing hundreds of thousands of lives are hard to prove in a war that cost tens of millions of lives
Geeze could you get any more ridiculous? Don't answer...it is a rhetorical question.

It is easy to determine the human cost of FDR's war. We never should have been in the war. So, all who died after FDR lied us into war, he caused their death
FDR's court packing scheme is a prime example of that bastard's attempt to hijack our Constitution.
His court-packing scheme as you call it included a proposal being talked about today, mandatory retirement. The so-called scheme caused the court to begin ruling more in favor of FDR's contested programs that were constructing much of the infrastructure we are still using today.

OMGosh...this is funny.....

It wasn't madatory retirement....it was putting more people on the Court.

You are correct, he basically bullied the court. Many historians agree that he lost a lot of political capital because of this blatant attempt to destroy the separation of powers.

Good to know you really don't think the constitution is relevant.
You are hopelessly uninformed and uneducated on this topic. Roosevelt used a two-pronged attack on the court. One was the proposal to add judges that would increase it to a 15 Justice Court and the other one was to force retirement. The gamble was that the increase in size would fail, but the mandatory retirement might be passed as a compromise.

Short read

Detailed academic review/essay
Last edited:
Took this off the web.....it's an OP.

It is not an argument....but a perspective......

Still......not everyone is a fan:

I know many democrats hold the idea that FDR was a great president but history is telling a different story. I am currently working on my masters degree in History and my class is currently discussing the FDR presidency, I must admit that before I was unaware of all the huge mistakes some accidental and some really stupid, that the FDR administration made. History leaves no doubt that because of FDR's bad judgment and bad leadership cost America and Europe hundreds of thousands of lives. The evidence is undisputable! I have a very liberal professor and she has the same conclusion. It has been only recently that historians have been able to see the full scope of his leadership and how it cost the world dearly. Does anyone else have a perspective on this topic?
Again with the revisionist history
FDR admitted he was exploring new territory. Some of his initiatives worked, some failed......the key was that he was willing to try
Your claims of hundreds of thousands of lives is revisionist bullshit. How many lives would be lost in the concentration camps for every extra month Hitler remained in power? American manufacturing supplied not just our forces but the allies and the soviets. We accelerated the end of the war.

You don't know the answer to any of those questions either.

It's not my claim asshole.....read what I wrote. It came off a blog.....I said it was a "perspective".

Can you please stop posting so some people might still doubt you are one of the biggest dumbs**t's on the board ?
You can't even defend the nonsense you post can you?
The rightwing revisionist claims of FDR costing hundreds of thousands of lives are hard to prove in a war that cost tens of millions of lives

The difference between us is that I understand that.

I called it a "perspective" of someone else and know how to qualify it.

You are nothing but a left wing bulls**t artist.

Go play with your dolls and don't let them outsmart you this time.

If you have a perspective....provide some specifics not just unsupported rants
Took this off the web.....it's an OP.

It is not an argument....but a perspective......

Still......not everyone is a fan:

I know many democrats hold the idea that FDR was a great president but history is telling a different story. I am currently working on my masters degree in History and my class is currently discussing the FDR presidency, I must admit that before I was unaware of all the huge mistakes some accidental and some really stupid, that the FDR administration made. History leaves no doubt that because of FDR's bad judgment and bad leadership cost America and Europe hundreds of thousands of lives. The evidence is undisputable! I have a very liberal professor and she has the same conclusion. It has been only recently that historians have been able to see the full scope of his leadership and how it cost the world dearly. Does anyone else have a perspective on this topic?
Again with the revisionist history
FDR admitted he was exploring new territory. Some of his initiatives worked, some failed......the key was that he was willing to try
Your claims of hundreds of thousands of lives is revisionist bullshit. How many lives would be lost in the concentration camps for every extra month Hitler remained in power? American manufacturing supplied not just our forces but the allies and the soviets. We accelerated the end of the war.

You don't know the answer to any of those questions either.

It's not my claim asshole.....read what I wrote. It came off a blog.....I said it was a "perspective".

Can you please stop posting so some people might still doubt you are one of the biggest dumbs**t's on the board ?
You can't even defend the nonsense you post can you?
The rightwing revisionist claims of FDR costing hundreds of thousands of lives are hard to prove in a war that cost tens of millions of lives
Geeze could you get any more ridiculous? Don't answer...it is a rhetorical question.

It is easy to determine the human cost of FDR's war. We never should have been in the war. So, all who died after FDR lied us into war, he caused their death

So your historical perspective was to turn the other cheek after Pearl Harbor
America was no different. People were looking, discussing and debating reform that would protect the masses. FDR chose a transformation from the trickle down theory to a trickle up theory. Instead of the masses always relying on big business, FDR transformed the system to one where big business relied on the masses. The right has been fighting this transformation ever since. They want to bring back the good old days when CEO's had the power of feudal lords and were treated as nobles.

This is an ignorant post.

The labor force was shifting at an incredible rate.

The country had been farming and small businesses prior to the start of the Industrial Revolution. Even prior to the Great Roosevelt Depression, the elderly were getting screwed as they were being marginalized (althought some like the railroads attempted to keep them afloat).

The needed help making the transition. The Great Depression exacerbated the situation when many of them lost their savings.

They really needed help.

Instead of helping them (S.S. was passed in 1935 and didn't start paying until 1940), he saddled us with this joke we call S.S.
The Depression began in 1929. Roosevelt did not become President until 1933. They country was in full depression in 1933 with unemployment over 20%.
You call my post ignorant when you don't even know when the Great Depression began.

The Great Depression wasn't great until Roosevelt drug it out.

There were signs it was already lessening.

He simply turned it from being a depression to a "great depression".

It's funny how you posts are nothing but a reflection of your own failure as a reasoned left winger. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

It's also great that you use this to deflect that fact that your post was shredded.
You making a comment that offers a misguided opinion does not shred my post you dope. To make such a stupid accusation and claim about when the Great Depression began requires you to provide a link to back up the stupid claims you are making.

I am not going to do Rightwingers homework for her.

Eveyrone who knows history, knows the elderly were getting screwed as early as 1900......

They needed help....

Germany had already addressed the problem because they led the way in industrialization and saw the ramifcations.

Go cry to your mother....she's the one giving you bad info.
It is not someone else's job to substantiate a claim that you are making. It is your job to provide a link that indicates the depression was recovering in 1933 when FDR came into office. It is a brazenly misinformed comment claims a non-existent occurrence. that totally revises history and disagrees with 80 years of historians, both liberal and conservative.
Took this off the web.....it's an OP.

It is not an argument....but a perspective......

Still......not everyone is a fan:

I know many democrats hold the idea that FDR was a great president but history is telling a different story. I am currently working on my masters degree in History and my class is currently discussing the FDR presidency, I must admit that before I was unaware of all the huge mistakes some accidental and some really stupid, that the FDR administration made. History leaves no doubt that because of FDR's bad judgment and bad leadership cost America and Europe hundreds of thousands of lives. The evidence is undisputable! I have a very liberal professor and she has the same conclusion. It has been only recently that historians have been able to see the full scope of his leadership and how it cost the world dearly. Does anyone else have a perspective on this topic?
Again with the revisionist history
FDR admitted he was exploring new territory. Some of his initiatives worked, some failed......the key was that he was willing to try
Your claims of hundreds of thousands of lives is revisionist bullshit. How many lives would be lost in the concentration camps for every extra month Hitler remained in power? American manufacturing supplied not just our forces but the allies and the soviets. We accelerated the end of the war.

You don't know the answer to any of those questions either.

It's not my claim asshole.....read what I wrote. It came off a blog.....I said it was a "perspective".

Can you please stop posting so some people might still doubt you are one of the biggest dumbs**t's on the board ?
You can't even defend the nonsense you post can you?
The rightwing revisionist claims of FDR costing hundreds of thousands of lives are hard to prove in a war that cost tens of millions of lives
Geeze could you get any more ridiculous? Don't answer...it is a rhetorical question.

It is easy to determine the human cost of FDR's war. We never should have been in the war. So, all who died after FDR lied us into war, he caused their death

So your historical perspective was to turn the other cheek after Pearl Harbor
Oh...I forgot that you come to this board NEW every day...so naturally all the educating I have tried to instill in you over these many years, has failed. I will try again knowing full well I will have to do it again tomorrow.

FDR set up Japan for the attack, knew it was coming beforehand, refused to warn Pearl, sacrificed those men at Pearl, and lied us into war.

Get it...today?
Again with the revisionist history
FDR admitted he was exploring new territory. Some of his initiatives worked, some failed......the key was that he was willing to try
Your claims of hundreds of thousands of lives is revisionist bullshit. How many lives would be lost in the concentration camps for every extra month Hitler remained in power? American manufacturing supplied not just our forces but the allies and the soviets. We accelerated the end of the war.

You don't know the answer to any of those questions either.

It's not my claim asshole.....read what I wrote. It came off a blog.....I said it was a "perspective".

Can you please stop posting so some people might still doubt you are one of the biggest dumbs**t's on the board ?
You can't even defend the nonsense you post can you?
The rightwing revisionist claims of FDR costing hundreds of thousands of lives are hard to prove in a war that cost tens of millions of lives
Geeze could you get any more ridiculous? Don't answer...it is a rhetorical question.

It is easy to determine the human cost of FDR's war. We never should have been in the war. So, all who died after FDR lied us into war, he caused their death

So your historical perspective was to turn the other cheek after Pearl Harbor
Oh...I forgot that you come to this board NEW every day...so naturally all the educating I have tried to instill in you over these many years, has failed. I will try again knowing full well I will have to do it again tomorrow.

FDR set up Japan for the attack, knew it was coming beforehand, refused to warn Pearl, sacrificed those men at Pearl, and lied us into war.

Get it...today?

So FDR told Japan to invade Nanking and Korea. It is FDRs fault for holding Japan responsible for its attrocities

FDR had no advance notice of Pearl. As a former undersecretary of the Navy, he would not have allowed all of his battleships to be destroyed.
FDR's court packing scheme is a prime example of that bastard's attempt to hijack our Constitution.
Actually the first attempt to change the size of the Supreme Court for political purpose was during the Adam's administration, to prevent Jefferson from making an appointment then again in 1860 the Republicans increased the Court from 9 to 10 so Lincoln might have an appointment. The Republicans then reduced the Court size by one so that Johnson could not appoint a justice, and one more time the Court size was changed to allow Grant to make an appointment, and so it goes.

So FDR told Japan to invade Nanking and Korea. It is FDRs fault for holding Japan responsible for its attrocities

You really think that arrogant, hateful scumbag cared about China or Korea? Don't be absurd. He didn't even give a shit about Americans.

So FDR told Japan to invade Nanking and Korea. It is FDRs fault for holding Japan responsible for its attrocities

You really think that arrogant, hateful scumbag cared about China or Korea? Don't be absurd. He didn't even give a shit about Americans.
Of course he did....he just considered Japanese Americans to be a threat to our society

So FDR told Japan to invade Nanking and Korea. It is FDRs fault for holding Japan responsible for its attrocities

You really think that arrogant, hateful scumbag cared about China or Korea? Don't be absurd. He didn't even give a shit about Americans.
Of course he did....he just considered Japanese Americans to be a threat to our society

No he did not. He knew there was no such threat. He was a racist, unAmerican, despotic douchebag, and you are worse than a fool for trying to hug his nuts all these years later when his outrages are well-known.

So FDR told Japan to invade Nanking and Korea. It is FDRs fault for holding Japan responsible for its attrocities

You really think that arrogant, hateful scumbag cared about China or Korea? Don't be absurd. He didn't even give a shit about Americans.
Of course he did....he just considered Japanese Americans to be a threat to our society

No he did not. He knew there was no such threat. He was a racist, unAmerican, despotic douchebag, and you are worse than a fool for trying to hug his nuts all these years later when his outrages are well-known.

FDR considered Japanese Americans to be agents ready to sabotage military installations and infrastructure. So did Congress, most Americans and the Supreme Court

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