FDR Admiration Society

Who was it t
By vile animals...WTF are you talking about? Are you STILL so easily duped by the State that you would refer to the Japanese with such absurd names? Do you fail to see you are completely propagandized by the State?

It amazes me that Americans can still think as you do. Sad. Very sad.
I knew a guy from the Bataan Death March, read a book called Unit 731 and have been a student of how the Japanese treated both captured civilians and military. A little knowledge about the Rape of Nanking and the kidnapping of all those girls from Korea for Jap soldiers to rape on a regular basis is influential in forming an opinion also.
Must you always be a statist dupe?

You condemned an entire nation of people as vile animals. Yes, the Japanese military committed terrible atrocities, but you condemn all Japanese people. Do you think the US did not commit terrible atrocities?

Do you not see the horrific bombings of Japan by the US military as vile? The cold blooded mass murder of thousands of innocent Japanese by those bombings, can't be justified...unless you are a vile animal.
I did not condemn an entire race of people. I responded to foul criticism of action taken by America during WWII towards Japanese citizens. My response was in regards to the activities of Japanese during that same era. No, a person doesn't get to demonize Americans and disregard the vile offences committed against them during the same period. If people are going to dish out criticism about Americans they should be willing to confront the truth. Japan to this very day denies what it did during WWll. Every opportunity to reveal the misdeeds of Japan should be taken.

WWII was a war sold as a battle of good against evil

The Japs and Nazis were sold as pure evil. They were sneaky, dangerous, untrustworthy

How could you not lock them up?

How could you not throw innocent, loyal Americans into concentration camps? Are you fucking insane? Do you really hate America that much?

How could you?

Because you didn't consider them to be loyal innocent Americans
Imagine the conservatives glee if there had been no internment camps and there had been sabotage. Conservatives and Republicans could really have a field day with FDR. In any case most of the Japanese-Americans seemed to have understood and continued to support the Democratic party of FDR even to this day.
One thing I find most interesting is the way modern-day Democrats give constitutional weight to FDR's "Four Freedoms". While instrumental at the time in expressing viable American sentiments, it seems like nothing more today than an attempt to staple a little socialism onto the document without going through the amendment process.
Yep some similarity to Jefferson's Declaration of Independence.
Without question, FDR was our greatest modern President

He reestablished the office of the President into a leader and not just a figurehead who followed the lead of Congress like Harding, Coolidge and Hoover

I noticed you left out Woodrow Wilson, that signed off on the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 that has basically enslaved us since it's inception and how he signed on Americans for WWI which was a total bullshit war designed to get us into debt to the very banking oligarchs that financed his campaign...must have just been an oversight on your part, no?

FDR was no prize either. He knew that the very same banking oligarchs that brought in Wilson to sign off on the Federal Reserve Act were the same ones that were behind the orchestrated market crash of 1929 that lead to the Depression and he did nothing about it....you know, the kind of Depression the people were told that a central bank would prevent?
But wait, there is more....FDR made the people turn in their gold (which is real money) in exchange for Federal Reserve Notes and made it illegal for an American to possess gold bullion that was later turned over to the Fed bankers for (snicker) "safe keeping". On March 9, 1933, House Joint Resolution No. 192-10 was voted into law, which is the Emergency Banking Act. The "Emergency Banking Act" succeeded in doing away with the gold standard and all property as well as our labor were pledged as a "surety"on the debt due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of USA.INC that FDR could have stopped had he simply had the Treasury print our own currency as it is written in the organic Constitution instead of the one written in 1871 and he could have done that had he not been so spineless....but wait! There's more!!! All sovereign Americans residing within USA.INC suddenly and falsely were expatriated from their sovereign American status without their knowledge or consent and their labor, children, property, sweat equity and credit became the financial collateral for the public debt which had then been converted into a public trust and that was accomplished with the "birth certificate" requirement....up until that time, there was no such thing but using Admiralty law and the Universal Commercial Code? We became surety on the debt and they monetized our birth certificate and using actuarial tables based on what you will pay in taxes, commerce produced and "gubermint" fees for violating their acts, statutes and codes ( all designed to bring in revenue) over your lifetime? They come up with an amount to start with but it changes over the course of your lifetime...could go up or down...just depends on how hard you work for the legal tender..... and your beloved "gubermint" borrows against what you will produce...get it now? You are just a mule and when it comes to "retiring that mule" and unless you have squirreled away enough nuts ( i.e Federal Reserve notes that lose value every year)...you will get a mere pittance of the "benefits" that you were promised when you agreed to become a "U.S citizen" pledging loyalty and your labor to the corporation that is USA.INC that granted you "privileges" while taking away your God given rights..... unless you are smart enough to reclaim them like I have.

That is what FDR did for us.....what a guy!

word salad

What I did was post things that your teeny, tiny mind cannot understand or even comprehend because you lack the intellectual properties to digest it. Hope this helps!!!!

Learn how to use paragraphs and maybe I'll read your nonsense

Sorry, I usually cater to a much more intellectual clientele than those like you....so I don't have to write my postings as if I was writing a first grade primer or people with short attention spans. I posted this on my Facebook page and have already gotten 20 "likes" and it has only been up for 15 minutes., (snicker)
You must have lots of Birchers who visit your facebook page. Do you think you are original with that nonsense you post? Show some evidence and links to that garbage that isn't linked to the radical right wing. See if you can find an objective or academic source that will agree with your rant.
Who was it t
I knew a guy from the Bataan Death March, read a book called Unit 731 and have been a student of how the Japanese treated both captured civilians and military. A little knowledge about the Rape of Nanking and the kidnapping of all those girls from Korea for Jap soldiers to rape on a regular basis is influential in forming an opinion also.
Must you always be a statist dupe?

You condemned an entire nation of people as vile animals. Yes, the Japanese military committed terrible atrocities, but you condemn all Japanese people. Do you think the US did not commit terrible atrocities?

Do you not see the horrific bombings of Japan by the US military as vile? The cold blooded mass murder of thousands of innocent Japanese by those bombings, can't be justified...unless you are a vile animal.
I did not condemn an entire race of people. I responded to foul criticism of action taken by America during WWII towards Japanese citizens. My response was in regards to the activities of Japanese during that same era. No, a person doesn't get to demonize Americans and disregard the vile offences committed against them during the same period. If people are going to dish out criticism about Americans they should be willing to confront the truth. Japan to this very day denies what it did during WWll. Every opportunity to reveal the misdeeds of Japan should be taken.

WWII was a war sold as a battle of good against evil

The Japs and Nazis were sold as pure evil. They were sneaky, dangerous, untrustworthy

How could you not lock them up?

How could you not throw innocent, loyal Americans into concentration camps? Are you fucking insane? Do you really hate America that much?

How could you?

Because you didn't consider them to be loyal innocent Americans

Because that scumbag fdr was a racist POS, just as you apparently are. Turns out the victims of fdr's concentration camps were more than just loyal.
Imagine the conservatives glee if there had been no internment camps and there had been sabotage. .....

There was sabotage and espionage - by German Americans. That must be why all Americans of German ancestry on the East Coast were rounded up and thrown into concentration camps too. Oh, wait...
Must you always be a statist dupe?

You condemned an entire nation of people as vile animals. Yes, the Japanese military committed terrible atrocities, but you condemn all Japanese people. Do you think the US did not commit terrible atrocities?

Do you not see the horrific bombings of Japan by the US military as vile? The cold blooded mass murder of thousands of innocent Japanese by those bombings, can't be justified...unless you are a vile animal.
I did not condemn an entire race of people. I responded to foul criticism of action taken by America during WWII towards Japanese citizens. My response was in regards to the activities of Japanese during that same era. No, a person doesn't get to demonize Americans and disregard the vile offences committed against them during the same period. If people are going to dish out criticism about Americans they should be willing to confront the truth. Japan to this very day denies what it did during WWll. Every opportunity to reveal the misdeeds of Japan should be taken.

WWII was a war sold as a battle of good against evil

The Japs and Nazis were sold as pure evil. They were sneaky, dangerous, untrustworthy

How could you not lock them up?

How could you not throw innocent, loyal Americans into concentration camps? Are you fucking insane? Do you really hate America that much?

How could you?

Because you didn't consider them to be loyal innocent Americans

Because that scumbag fdr was a racist POS, just as you apparently are. Turns out the victims of fdr's concentration camps were more than just loyal.
Of course he was racist and sexist and homophobic

It was 1942
I noticed you left out Woodrow Wilson, that signed off on the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 that has basically enslaved us since it's inception and how he signed on Americans for WWI which was a total bullshit war designed to get us into debt to the very banking oligarchs that financed his campaign...must have just been an oversight on your part, no?

FDR was no prize either. He knew that the very same banking oligarchs that brought in Wilson to sign off on the Federal Reserve Act were the same ones that were behind the orchestrated market crash of 1929 that lead to the Depression and he did nothing about it....you know, the kind of Depression the people were told that a central bank would prevent?
But wait, there is more....FDR made the people turn in their gold (which is real money) in exchange for Federal Reserve Notes and made it illegal for an American to possess gold bullion that was later turned over to the Fed bankers for (snicker) "safe keeping". On March 9, 1933, House Joint Resolution No. 192-10 was voted into law, which is the Emergency Banking Act. The "Emergency Banking Act" succeeded in doing away with the gold standard and all property as well as our labor were pledged as a "surety"on the debt due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of USA.INC that FDR could have stopped had he simply had the Treasury print our own currency as it is written in the organic Constitution instead of the one written in 1871 and he could have done that had he not been so spineless....but wait! There's more!!! All sovereign Americans residing within USA.INC suddenly and falsely were expatriated from their sovereign American status without their knowledge or consent and their labor, children, property, sweat equity and credit became the financial collateral for the public debt which had then been converted into a public trust and that was accomplished with the "birth certificate" requirement....up until that time, there was no such thing but using Admiralty law and the Universal Commercial Code? We became surety on the debt and they monetized our birth certificate and using actuarial tables based on what you will pay in taxes, commerce produced and "gubermint" fees for violating their acts, statutes and codes ( all designed to bring in revenue) over your lifetime? They come up with an amount to start with but it changes over the course of your lifetime...could go up or down...just depends on how hard you work for the legal tender..... and your beloved "gubermint" borrows against what you will produce...get it now? You are just a mule and when it comes to "retiring that mule" and unless you have squirreled away enough nuts ( i.e Federal Reserve notes that lose value every year)...you will get a mere pittance of the "benefits" that you were promised when you agreed to become a "U.S citizen" pledging loyalty and your labor to the corporation that is USA.INC that granted you "privileges" while taking away your God given rights..... unless you are smart enough to reclaim them like I have.

That is what FDR did for us.....what a guy!

word salad

What I did was post things that your teeny, tiny mind cannot understand or even comprehend because you lack the intellectual properties to digest it. Hope this helps!!!!

Learn how to use paragraphs and maybe I'll read your nonsense

Sorry, I usually cater to a much more intellectual clientele than those like you....so I don't have to write my postings as if I was writing a first grade primer or people with short attention spans. I posted this on my Facebook page and have already gotten 20 "likes" and it has only been up for 15 minutes., (snicker)
You must have lots of Birchers who visit your facebook page. Do you think you are original with that nonsense you post? Show some evidence and links to that garbage that isn't linked to the radical right wing. See if you can find an objective or academic source that will agree with your rant.

"Birchers"????? Hardly...... perhaps I have friends of all stripes that understand what has been done to all of us...even fuckwads like you. I only have about 13,000 hours of research into how we got to this place and how the economic system works, the real history of the country and not the bullshit version we were taught in public schools that are nothing but indoctrination centers. I know where we have been...where we are now and where we are heading. I give seminars and talks for people that want to expand their knowledge base and at the the very least spur a little intellectual curiosity. I always give them a way to contact me if they believe that I have given them some erroneous information after they have done their due diligence....thus far, no one has. I have given you just a smidgen of what I know...so go ahead.....tell me that Washington D.C isn't a city/state and that it isn't the corporate headquarters of USA.INC..... try and prove that it's not a huge conglomerate with over 185,000 subsidiaries that includes states, cities, towns and burgs all of which can be found on Dun and Bradstreet with their all caps name. You were incorporated after your birth certificate was printed on bond paper three days after your parents didn't claim you. Look at your driver's license, the copy of your birth certificate, your social security card...any bill that you get, any banking statement you get, any dealing with the court system......your name is always in ALL CAPS because they are wanting you to contract with the corporate fiction that was created via your certificate of live birth because we are under admiralty law. I know exactly of which I speak...you think I am wrong? The onus is on you to prove it then, punkinpuss........
word salad

What I did was post things that your teeny, tiny mind cannot understand or even comprehend because you lack the intellectual properties to digest it. Hope this helps!!!!

Learn how to use paragraphs and maybe I'll read your nonsense

Sorry, I usually cater to a much more intellectual clientele than those like you....so I don't have to write my postings as if I was writing a first grade primer or people with short attention spans. I posted this on my Facebook page and have already gotten 20 "likes" and it has only been up for 15 minutes., (snicker)
You must have lots of Birchers who visit your facebook page. Do you think you are original with that nonsense you post? Show some evidence and links to that garbage that isn't linked to the radical right wing. See if you can find an objective or academic source that will agree with your rant.

"Birchers"????? Hardly...... perhaps I have friends of all stripes that understand what has been done to all of us...even fuckwads like you. I only have about 13,000 hours of research into how we got to this place and how the economic system works, the real history of the country and not the bullshit version we were taught in public schools that are nothing but indoctrination centers. I know where we have been...where we are now and where we are heading. I give seminars and talks for people that want to expand their knowledge base and at the the very least spur a little intellectual curiosity. I always give them a way to contact me if they believe that I have given them some erroneous information after they have done their due diligence....thus far, no one has. I have given you just a smidgen of what I know...so go ahead.....tell me that Washington D.C isn't a city/state and that it isn't the corporate headquarters of USA.INC..... try and prove that it's not a huge conglomerate with over 185,000 subsidiaries that includes states, cities, towns and burgs all of which can be found on Dun and Bradstreet with their all caps name. You were incorporated after your birth certificate was printed on bond paper three days after your parents didn't claim you. Look at your driver's license, the copy of your birth certificate, your social security card...any bill that you get, any banking statement you get, any dealing with the court system......your name is always in ALL CAPS because they are wanting you to contract with the corporate fiction that was created via your certificate of live birth because we are under admiralty law. I know exactly of which I speak...you think I am wrong? The onus is on you to prove it then, punkinpuss........

Tin foil hats optional?
Imagine the conservatives glee if there had been no internment camps and there had been sabotage. Conservatives and Republicans could really have a field day with FDR. In any case most of the Japanese-Americans seemed to have understood and continued to support the Democratic party of FDR even to this day.

But yet weepy leftards like you want a totally unsecured southern border while taking in thousands of un-vetted muslims during this alleged fake war on terrorism. Plenty of stipends, perks and benefits for illegals while we have veterans that can't get treatment, can't find jobs and are homeless. Let me tell ya something, douchebag, FDR goaded Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. The FDR admin cut off oil and steel to Japan while they were warring with China. The Japanese code had been broken a year before the attack and ships were sent there to be sunk. Not only that, they intentionally let sailors die that were tapping out Morse code SOS signals for up to 16 days after Pearl Harbor and never lifted a finger to help them because they needed a high body count and it was all done so Americans would support entering WWII to fight the Nazis that were financed by the banking oligarchs, Wall Street and the corporations that made huge profits off of concentration camp labor. Hitler was a Rothschild agent and he could have never risen to power without the help of monarchs and the good ol' USA.INC's owners....and that is a fact.

Learn, grow, evolve....I am here to help....
What I did was post things that your teeny, tiny mind cannot understand or even comprehend because you lack the intellectual properties to digest it. Hope this helps!!!!

Learn how to use paragraphs and maybe I'll read your nonsense

Sorry, I usually cater to a much more intellectual clientele than those like you....so I don't have to write my postings as if I was writing a first grade primer or people with short attention spans. I posted this on my Facebook page and have already gotten 20 "likes" and it has only been up for 15 minutes., (snicker)
You must have lots of Birchers who visit your facebook page. Do you think you are original with that nonsense you post? Show some evidence and links to that garbage that isn't linked to the radical right wing. See if you can find an objective or academic source that will agree with your rant.

"Birchers"????? Hardly...... perhaps I have friends of all stripes that understand what has been done to all of us...even fuckwads like you. I only have about 13,000 hours of research into how we got to this place and how the economic system works, the real history of the country and not the bullshit version we were taught in public schools that are nothing but indoctrination centers. I know where we have been...where we are now and where we are heading. I give seminars and talks for people that want to expand their knowledge base and at the the very least spur a little intellectual curiosity. I always give them a way to contact me if they believe that I have given them some erroneous information after they have done their due diligence....thus far, no one has. I have given you just a smidgen of what I know...so go ahead.....tell me that Washington D.C isn't a city/state and that it isn't the corporate headquarters of USA.INC..... try and prove that it's not a huge conglomerate with over 185,000 subsidiaries that includes states, cities, towns and burgs all of which can be found on Dun and Bradstreet with their all caps name. You were incorporated after your birth certificate was printed on bond paper three days after your parents didn't claim you. Look at your driver's license, the copy of your birth certificate, your social security card...any bill that you get, any banking statement you get, any dealing with the court system......your name is always in ALL CAPS because they are wanting you to contract with the corporate fiction that was created via your certificate of live birth because we are under admiralty law. I know exactly of which I speak...you think I am wrong? The onus is on you to prove it then, punkinpuss........

Tin foil hats optional?
I know more than you....and I am sure that it irks you...tough shit.
Imagine the conservatives glee if there had been no internment camps and there had been sabotage. Conservatives and Republicans could really have a field day with FDR. In any case most of the Japanese-Americans seemed to have understood and continued to support the Democratic party of FDR even to this day.

But yet weepy leftards like you want a totally unsecured southern border while taking in thousands of un-vetted muslims during this alleged fake war on terrorism. Plenty of stipends, perks and benefits for illegals while we have veterans that can't get treatment, can't find jobs and are homeless. Let me tell ya something, douchebag, FDR goaded Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. The FDR admin cut off oil and steel to Japan while they were warring with China. The Japanese code had been broken a year before the attack and ships were sent there to be sunk. Not only that, they intentionally let sailors die that were tapping out Morse code SOS signals for up to 16 days after Pearl Harbor and never lifted a finger to help them because they needed a high body count and it was all done so Americans would support entering WWII to fight the Nazis that were financed by the banking oligarchs, Wall Street and the corporations that made huge profits off of concentration camp labor. Hitler was a Rothschild agent and he could have never risen to power without the help of monarchs and the good ol' USA.INC's owners....and that is a fact.

Learn, grow, evolve....I am here to help....

you are the last one someone to listen too wade
Learn how to use paragraphs and maybe I'll read your nonsense

Sorry, I usually cater to a much more intellectual clientele than those like you....so I don't have to write my postings as if I was writing a first grade primer or people with short attention spans. I posted this on my Facebook page and have already gotten 20 "likes" and it has only been up for 15 minutes., (snicker)
You must have lots of Birchers who visit your facebook page. Do you think you are original with that nonsense you post? Show some evidence and links to that garbage that isn't linked to the radical right wing. See if you can find an objective or academic source that will agree with your rant.

"Birchers"????? Hardly...... perhaps I have friends of all stripes that understand what has been done to all of us...even fuckwads like you. I only have about 13,000 hours of research into how we got to this place and how the economic system works, the real history of the country and not the bullshit version we were taught in public schools that are nothing but indoctrination centers. I know where we have been...where we are now and where we are heading. I give seminars and talks for people that want to expand their knowledge base and at the the very least spur a little intellectual curiosity. I always give them a way to contact me if they believe that I have given them some erroneous information after they have done their due diligence....thus far, no one has. I have given you just a smidgen of what I know...so go ahead.....tell me that Washington D.C isn't a city/state and that it isn't the corporate headquarters of USA.INC..... try and prove that it's not a huge conglomerate with over 185,000 subsidiaries that includes states, cities, towns and burgs all of which can be found on Dun and Bradstreet with their all caps name. You were incorporated after your birth certificate was printed on bond paper three days after your parents didn't claim you. Look at your driver's license, the copy of your birth certificate, your social security card...any bill that you get, any banking statement you get, any dealing with the court system......your name is always in ALL CAPS because they are wanting you to contract with the corporate fiction that was created via your certificate of live birth because we are under admiralty law. I know exactly of which I speak...you think I am wrong? The onus is on you to prove it then, punkinpuss........

Tin foil hats optional?
I know more than you....and I am sure that it irks you...tough shit.
sez failed mailroom boi
Learn how to use paragraphs and maybe I'll read your nonsense

Sorry, I usually cater to a much more intellectual clientele than those like you....so I don't have to write my postings as if I was writing a first grade primer or people with short attention spans. I posted this on my Facebook page and have already gotten 20 "likes" and it has only been up for 15 minutes., (snicker)
You must have lots of Birchers who visit your facebook page. Do you think you are original with that nonsense you post? Show some evidence and links to that garbage that isn't linked to the radical right wing. See if you can find an objective or academic source that will agree with your rant.

"Birchers"????? Hardly...... perhaps I have friends of all stripes that understand what has been done to all of us...even fuckwads like you. I only have about 13,000 hours of research into how we got to this place and how the economic system works, the real history of the country and not the bullshit version we were taught in public schools that are nothing but indoctrination centers. I know where we have been...where we are now and where we are heading. I give seminars and talks for people that want to expand their knowledge base and at the the very least spur a little intellectual curiosity. I always give them a way to contact me if they believe that I have given them some erroneous information after they have done their due diligence....thus far, no one has. I have given you just a smidgen of what I know...so go ahead.....tell me that Washington D.C isn't a city/state and that it isn't the corporate headquarters of USA.INC..... try and prove that it's not a huge conglomerate with over 185,000 subsidiaries that includes states, cities, towns and burgs all of which can be found on Dun and Bradstreet with their all caps name. You were incorporated after your birth certificate was printed on bond paper three days after your parents didn't claim you. Look at your driver's license, the copy of your birth certificate, your social security card...any bill that you get, any banking statement you get, any dealing with the court system......your name is always in ALL CAPS because they are wanting you to contract with the corporate fiction that was created via your certificate of live birth because we are under admiralty law. I know exactly of which I speak...you think I am wrong? The onus is on you to prove it then, punkinpuss........

Tin foil hats optional?
I know more than you....and I am sure that it irks you...tough shit.
Of course you do Fredo

You're Smart....not stupid like everyone says
Last edited:
Imagine the conservatives glee if there had been no internment camps and there had been sabotage. Conservatives and Republicans could really have a field day with FDR. In any case most of the Japanese-Americans seemed to have understood and continued to support the Democratic party of FDR even to this day.

But yet weepy leftards like you want a totally unsecured southern border while taking in thousands of un-vetted muslims during this alleged fake war on terrorism. Plenty of stipends, perks and benefits for illegals while we have veterans that can't get treatment, can't find jobs and are homeless. Let me tell ya something, douchebag, FDR goaded Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. The FDR admin cut off oil and steel to Japan while they were warring with China. The Japanese code had been broken a year before the attack and ships were sent there to be sunk. Not only that, they intentionally let sailors die that were tapping out Morse code SOS signals for up to 16 days after Pearl Harbor and never lifted a finger to help them because they needed a high body count and it was all done so Americans would support entering WWII to fight the Nazis that were financed by the banking oligarchs, Wall Street and the corporations that made huge profits off of concentration camp labor. Hitler was a Rothschild agent and he could have never risen to power without the help of monarchs and the good ol' USA.INC's owners....and that is a fact.

Learn, grow, evolve....I am here to help....

you are the last one someone to listen too wade
Geez, dude....punctuation is your friend.
Sorry, I usually cater to a much more intellectual clientele than those like you....so I don't have to write my postings as if I was writing a first grade primer or people with short attention spans. I posted this on my Facebook page and have already gotten 20 "likes" and it has only been up for 15 minutes., (snicker)
You must have lots of Birchers who visit your facebook page. Do you think you are original with that nonsense you post? Show some evidence and links to that garbage that isn't linked to the radical right wing. See if you can find an objective or academic source that will agree with your rant.

"Birchers"????? Hardly...... perhaps I have friends of all stripes that understand what has been done to all of us...even fuckwads like you. I only have about 13,000 hours of research into how we got to this place and how the economic system works, the real history of the country and not the bullshit version we were taught in public schools that are nothing but indoctrination centers. I know where we have been...where we are now and where we are heading. I give seminars and talks for people that want to expand their knowledge base and at the the very least spur a little intellectual curiosity. I always give them a way to contact me if they believe that I have given them some erroneous information after they have done their due diligence....thus far, no one has. I have given you just a smidgen of what I know...so go ahead.....tell me that Washington D.C isn't a city/state and that it isn't the corporate headquarters of USA.INC..... try and prove that it's not a huge conglomerate with over 185,000 subsidiaries that includes states, cities, towns and burgs all of which can be found on Dun and Bradstreet with their all caps name. You were incorporated after your birth certificate was printed on bond paper three days after your parents didn't claim you. Look at your driver's license, the copy of your birth certificate, your social security card...any bill that you get, any banking statement you get, any dealing with the court system......your name is always in ALL CAPS because they are wanting you to contract with the corporate fiction that was created via your certificate of live birth because we are under admiralty law. I know exactly of which I speak...you think I am wrong? The onus is on you to prove it then, punkinpuss........

Tin foil hats optional?
I know more than you....and I am sure that it irks you...tough shit.
sez failed mailroom boi

I am a skilled technician that works on a wide array of mailing equipment which includes equipment that sorts the mail......OCRs, BCRs, photo-cell tracking....lots of electro-mechanical expertise required as well. As I recall, the last meaningful job you had was that of a dispatcher......and you didn't last very long doing that...probably because you were too busy posting bullshit on message boards. I hope things get better for ya......sincerely..

Sorry, I usually cater to a much more intellectual clientele than those like you....so I don't have to write my postings as if I was writing a first grade primer or people with short attention spans. I posted this on my Facebook page and have already gotten 20 "likes" and it has only been up for 15 minutes., (snicker)
You must have lots of Birchers who visit your facebook page. Do you think you are original with that nonsense you post? Show some evidence and links to that garbage that isn't linked to the radical right wing. See if you can find an objective or academic source that will agree with your rant.

"Birchers"????? Hardly...... perhaps I have friends of all stripes that understand what has been done to all of us...even fuckwads like you. I only have about 13,000 hours of research into how we got to this place and how the economic system works, the real history of the country and not the bullshit version we were taught in public schools that are nothing but indoctrination centers. I know where we have been...where we are now and where we are heading. I give seminars and talks for people that want to expand their knowledge base and at the the very least spur a little intellectual curiosity. I always give them a way to contact me if they believe that I have given them some erroneous information after they have done their due diligence....thus far, no one has. I have given you just a smidgen of what I know...so go ahead.....tell me that Washington D.C isn't a city/state and that it isn't the corporate headquarters of USA.INC..... try and prove that it's not a huge conglomerate with over 185,000 subsidiaries that includes states, cities, towns and burgs all of which can be found on Dun and Bradstreet with their all caps name. You were incorporated after your birth certificate was printed on bond paper three days after your parents didn't claim you. Look at your driver's license, the copy of your birth certificate, your social security card...any bill that you get, any banking statement you get, any dealing with the court system......your name is always in ALL CAPS because they are wanting you to contract with the corporate fiction that was created via your certificate of live birth because we are under admiralty law. I know exactly of which I speak...you think I am wrong? The onus is on you to prove it then, punkinpuss........

Tin foil hats optional?
I know more than you....and I am sure that it irks you...tough shit.
Of course you do Fredo

Your Smart....not stupid like everyone says
"Your" and "You're"....please learn the difference....it is a pet peeve of mine....sheeesh.
Imagine the conservatives glee if there had been no internment camps and there had been sabotage. Conservatives and Republicans could really have a field day with FDR. In any case most of the Japanese-Americans seemed to have understood and continued to support the Democratic party of FDR even to this day.

But yet weepy leftards like you want a totally unsecured southern border while taking in thousands of un-vetted muslims during this alleged fake war on terrorism. Plenty of stipends, perks and benefits for illegals while we have veterans that can't get treatment, can't find jobs and are homeless. Let me tell ya something, douchebag, FDR goaded Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. The FDR admin cut off oil and steel to Japan while they were warring with China. The Japanese code had been broken a year before the attack and ships were sent there to be sunk. Not only that, they intentionally let sailors die that were tapping out Morse code SOS signals for up to 16 days after Pearl Harbor and never lifted a finger to help them because they needed a high body count and it was all done so Americans would support entering WWII to fight the Nazis that were financed by the banking oligarchs, Wall Street and the corporations that made huge profits off of concentration camp labor. Hitler was a Rothschild agent and he could have never risen to power without the help of monarchs and the good ol' USA.INC's owners....and that is a fact.

Learn, grow, evolve....I am here to help....
Nothing in your conspiracy theory is even remotely provable. Most of it is not even logical or sensible. Just ramblings like a retard on acid.

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