Fear Mongering and Real Fear, that is the question

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
It seems that Republicans, and those who claim to be conservative and vote for Republicans are scared to hysteria. The threads and comments by these fellow travelers which make claims that liberals, progressives and Democrats are evil, liars, traitors and supporter of rapists and murderers has become more common place than in the past (I don't mean to suggest such attacks are new, they have been around for years).

Watching the act of the members of Congress grilling Mr Strzok today is an example of a soviet era Kangaroo Court or a Salem witch Trial where the verdict was in, before the testimony has been finished. It is as anti American as anything I've not seen before, but have read about when McCarthy was on a roll.
This OP is a perfect example of why everyone always laughs at you.
You have the self awareness of a dead fruit fly.
I hate Trump, literally, which is little weird because I haven't actually found anyone to hate in 40 years, but the left plays on fear as well. We're polarized.

and no one in either party appears to have a message to get us to pull together.
I'm not sure why the left support rapists, murderers, child sex rings, racists and bigots. Maybe you should stop doing that.
It seems that Republicans, and those who claim to be conservative and vote for Republicans are scared to hysteria. The threads and comments by these fellow travelers which make claims that liberals, progressives and Democrats are evil, liars, traitors and supporter of rapists and murderers has become more common place than in the past (I don't mean to suggest such attacks are new, they have been around for years).

Watching the act of the members of Congress grilling Mr Strzok today is an example of a soviet era Kangaroo Court or a Salem witch Trial where the verdict was in, before the testimony has been finished. It is as anti American as anything I've not seen before, but have read about when McCarthy was on a roll.

Pretty sure Comey set the standard for declaring a verdict before the witness testimony.
I'm not sure why the left support rapists, murderers, child sex rings, racists and bigots. Maybe you should stop doing that.

You should be saying MS13 is not your friend.
I hate Trump, literally, which is little weird because I haven't actually found anyone to hate in 40 years, but the left plays on fear as well. We're polarized.

and no one in either party appears to have a message to get us to pull together.

Not to worry, Hillary is working on one....I mean Hillary's staff is working on one.
I hate Trump, literally, which is little weird because I haven't actually found anyone to hate in 40 years, but the left plays on fear as well. We're polarized.

and no one in either party appears to have a message to get us to pull together.

Not to worry, Hillary is working on one....I mean Hillary's staff is working on one.
Oh, I don't hate Hill. I'm happy she's gone though. LOL
I hate Trump, literally, which is little weird because I haven't actually found anyone to hate in 40 years, but the left plays on fear as well. We're polarized.

and no one in either party appears to have a message to get us to pull together.

Not to worry, Hillary is working on one....I mean Hillary's staff is working on one.
Oh, I don't hate Hill. I'm happy she's gone though. LOL

Dang, so when she loses a third time, it'll probably be your fault.
The premise of the OP is proved, the panic that the R's will lose come November has created a desperate attempt by the set noted in the OP, to attack, attack and attack with emotional relish Democrats and everyone who is to the left of Adolf and Donald.
It seems that Republicans, and those who claim to be conservative and vote for Republicans are scared to hysteria.

You mean the way you folks have behaved the last few days since Kennedy announced retirement? You mean the way you folks have behaved since Trump won the election almost two years ago?

I guess you would definitely recognize hysteria when you see it.
The premise of the OP is proved, the panic that the R's will lose come November has created a desperate attempt by the set noted in the OP, to attack, attack and attack with emotional relish Democrats and everyone who is to the left of Adolf and Donald.

Meaning your OP is true because you declare it to be so. Lord.
The premise of the OP is proved, the panic that the R's will lose come November has created a desperate attempt by the set noted in the OP, to attack, attack and attack with emotional relish Democrats and everyone who is to the left of Adolf and Donald.
Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh....Kavanaugh!!!!!!!!!!
I hate Trump, literally, which is little weird because I haven't actually found anyone to hate in 40 years, but the left plays on fear as well. We're polarized.

and no one in either party appears to have a message to get us to pull together.
Hate is a mental deficiency that manifests itself when you CAN NOT CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS.

Seek professional help.

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