Fear Mongering ? Sure!


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Some of USMB’s looney leftists have accused me of “fear mongering, in response to my posts about Muslim jihad (violent and/or non-violent). Well, OK, I looked up the word “monger” in the dictionary, and it’s listed as “to disseminate, promote, etc.”

OK, so I’m disseminating fear about violent jihad (al Qaeda, ISIS, etc.) and non-violent jihad (Muslim Brotherhood front groups >> ex. CAIR, MSA, ISNA, etc)

OK, well that is my intention, and I hope I have succeeded in instilling fear in some readers , because that is a very necessary thing that needs to be done in America, and elsewhere. One of our greatest dangers is complacency, and the false notion that everything is safe and OK.

Nothing could be further from the truth. We are all physically in danger, as shown by dozens of terrorist attacks, which have killed thousands of Americans, here on our own soil. And on the non-violent side, our Constitution and precious rights are in danger of being abolished by the Muslim Brotherhood, and its seditious program to destroy America from within.

So spreading fear is a needed and good thing, like a pain in our body, that alerts us to a problem needing to be fixed. And those who oppose doing that, are doing just what our enemies (the jihadists) want. Indeed, they want to keep us all comfortable, contented, and without any fear – and VULNERABLE.

Just as it is necessary to be afraid when an infectious disease is going around, and take steps to mitigate it, we must be knowledgable and afraid of the cancer of Islam. We must know what the jihadist are doing, and plan to do, and do all we can to stop them. The more fear mongering (ALERTING), the better.
No, you are disseminating fear of Muslims.

Big difference.
What do you mean >> "no" ? I most certainly AM disseminating fear of Muslims (ie. Islam), because there is much to fear from that cancer, that we must defeat (or it will defeat us).

Sounds like you don't know much about Islam, or the reason why it is unconstitutional, illegal, and banned in the USA (and has been since the Constitution was written).

And NO, there is NOT much difference between true "Muslims" and jihad. They are both from the KORAN.
Yes, that is correct. You are disseminating fear of Muslims, not of terrorists as you initially claimed.

You are an unmitigated, stupid, fearmongering bigot.
No, I am a well-studied, knowledgable, patriotic protectionist of the American people, and you are an ignorant buffoon. ALL actual Muslims are terrorists, because that is what Islam is. Didn't you know ? What's your problem ? Never read the Koran ? Try it sometime. (rather than coming in here and talking like a fool)
so you can't tell the difference between terrorists and normal muslims? wow.
There IS NO difference.

See Koran 8:12.....9:5.....9:123....as well as numerous other suras which show Islam's total incompatibility with Western culture, laws, etc. Just Islam's supremacism, makes it illegal under the US Constitution (Article 6, Section 2, Part 1, the Supremacy Clause), in addition to scores of Us laws that Islam is is violation of (murder, rape, sex discrimination, wife-beating, pedophilia, slavery, sedition, animal cruelty, etc.

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