Fear of Walking Dead Season 1


Apr 22, 2007
There was so much hype that it was hard to live up to. Did it live up to it? Not even close. It was a snoozer! No compelling characters (however, so gave potential). Don't gets wrong it wasn't bad, it was just extremely boring. It definitely was 't as exciting as the first episode of the Walking Dead.

That said, I am still going to tune in for episode 2 and probably be as addicted to this show as I am to the Walking Dead.

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Since some of the key people from TWD are also working on FtWD, I'll give it a chance.
It's starting from a completely different direction than TWD. A bit of backstory is acceptable and maybe even necessary, especially since FtWD is portraying the absolute beginnings of the outbreak. I'd imagine that's what slowed things down in this episode.
In TWD, on the other hand, the viewer started "in the same boat" as Rick - not knowing what the heck was going on - so any backstory would have probably lessened the dramatic impact.

At least it will kill some time until Oct. 11th...
There was so much hype that it was hard to live up to. Did it live up to it? Not even close. It was a snoozer! No compelling characters (however, so gave potential). Don't gets wrong it wasn't bad, it was just extremely boring. It definitely was 't as exciting as the first episode of the Walking Dead.

That said, I am still going to tune in for episode 2 and probably be as addicted to this show as I am to the Walking Dead.

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I watched. It wasn't terrible but it doesn't hold a candle to TWD, IMO. The main bad guy, "patch?" Lol. For a minute there, I thought I was watching a Batman movie. :lol:
It wasn't terrible but it doesn't hold a candle to TWD, IMO
I'd agree, but would have to add a "-yet" to what you said.
I don't think that Kirkman & Nicotero are going to disappoint us.

I always give new shows that might interest me about 3 episodes to get me hooked, just because it sometimes takes a little time to get things rolling.
It wasn't terrible but it doesn't hold a candle to TWD, IMO
I'd agree, but would have to add a "-yet" to what you said.
I don't think that Kirkman & Nicotero are going to disappoint us.

I always give new shows that might interest me about 3 episodes to get me hooked, just because it sometimes takes a little time to get things rolling.
My bet is the pace picks up next week, but still a lot more backstory. It picks up more in episode 3. In 4 and 5 it becomes full blown chaos.

However, the characters seem weak, except for Kim Dickens. I like the tough momma bear. However, we have 3 annoying Carlesque child characters. I hope they add a bad ass like Daryl. A Hispanic Daryl seems like it would be on the works.

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My bet is the pace picks up next week, but still a lot more backstory. It picks up more in episode 3. In 4 and 5 it becomes full blown chaos.
Definitely. The season finale should be a total blowout.
I'll probably rewatch this first episode at least once. Kirkman & Co. are masters at imbedding little nuggets of foreshadowing in their premieres.
"Talking Dead" had an interesting point - this time around, we know much more about the situation than the characters. That's going to be... interesting.

Any bets yet on the first main to be put on the "chomping" block?
My bet is the pace picks up next week, but still a lot more backstory. It picks up more in episode 3. In 4 and 5 it becomes full blown chaos.
Definitely. The season finale should be a total blowout.
I'll probably rewatch this first episode at least once. Kirkman & Co. are masters at imbedding little nuggets of foreshadowing in their premieres.
"Talking Dead" had an interesting point - this time around, we know much more about the situation than the characters. That's going to be... interesting.

Any bets yet on the first main to be put on the "chomping" block?

That is easy, the junkie son will be the first of the family members to bite it. However, you know the hot ex wife will be Walker chow within the next few episodes, if not the next episode.

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My guess is FWD will win over people very soon and it will have as high ratings as WD.

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My bet is the pace picks up next week, but still a lot more backstory. It picks up more in episode 3. In 4 and 5 it becomes full blown chaos.
Definitely. The season finale should be a total blowout.
I'll probably rewatch this first episode at least once. Kirkman & Co. are masters at imbedding little nuggets of foreshadowing in their premieres.
"Talking Dead" had an interesting point - this time around, we know much more about the situation than the characters. That's going to be... interesting.

Any bets yet on the first main to be put on the "chomping" block?

That is easy, the junkie son will be the first of the family members to bite it. However, you know the hot ex wife will be Walker chow within the next few episodes, if not the next episode.

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I dunno...
The junkie son did manage to get away from one when he was still half-stoned and had the instinct to make road pizza out of his ex-dealer, so...
The ex-wife? I'd almost say that she'll go soon, same as you. Not a lot of development time was spent on her.

Without the rewatch I was talking about, I'm leaning toward the daughter. She'll probably end up doing something stupid while searching for her boyfriend (who is likely already zombie-chow). I can see her finding him already turned, her ignoring the missing limb and the moaning, and her running to him because he's "hurt" to smother him in hugs and kisses. Don't think that will end well.
My bet is the pace picks up next week, but still a lot more backstory. It picks up more in episode 3. In 4 and 5 it becomes full blown chaos.
Definitely. The season finale should be a total blowout.
I'll probably rewatch this first episode at least once. Kirkman & Co. are masters at imbedding little nuggets of foreshadowing in their premieres.
"Talking Dead" had an interesting point - this time around, we know much more about the situation than the characters. That's going to be... interesting.

Any bets yet on the first main to be put on the "chomping" block?

That is easy, the junkie son will be the first of the family members to bite it. However, you know the hot ex wife will be Walker chow within the next few episodes, if not the next episode.

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I dunno...
The junkie son did manage to get away from one when he was still half-stoned and had the instinct to make road pizza out of his ex-dealer, so...
The ex-wife? I'd almost say that she'll go soon, same as you. Not a lot of development time was spent on her.

Without the rewatch I was talking about, I'm leaning toward the daughter. She'll probably end up doing something stupid while searching for her boyfriend (who is likely already zombie-chow). I can see her finding him already turned, her ignoring the missing limb and the moaning, and her running to him because he's "hurt" to smother him in hugs and kisses. Don't think that will end well.
I would be shocked if any of the family members bites it this season. Remember this season is only 6 episodes long.

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Only character I totally liked was the pimpled kid that knew something was up..hence taking the knife to school.
Can't stand the mom or the daughter. Junky Depp is so-so, but i wouldn't hurt me if he was off'd real soon. Mexi Dad is a great actor, but doesn't seem to be "in" to this gig at all. Sloppy, poor acting with most of them and no characters to "root for", so far.
All in all....snoozefest.
Only character I totally liked was the pimpled kid that knew something was up..hence taking the knife to school.
Can't stand the mom or the daughter. Junky Depp is so-so, but i wouldn't hurt me if he was off'd real soon. Mexi Dad is a great actor, but doesn't seem to be "in" to this gig at all. Sloppy, poor acting with most of them and no characters to "root for", so far.
All in all....snoozefest.

That is what I thought was the biggest flaw, no truly strong character, although I like Kim Dickens character. She'll win you over. I agree the actor who pays Travis (the dad), is usually pretty solid, but not so much in the pilot!

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