Fearful, insecure, uneducated psychographic metrics


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Fearful, insecure, uneducated are characteristics (psychographic metrics)Cambridge Analytica used to identify voters who were excessively scared someone would take their guns away.
They then targeted these individuals with false ads about their clients election opponent would take their guns away.
Same exact thing Obama did in two campaigns and Clinton used Analytics as well...nothing burger.....
Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, asked about her previous suggestion that guns from Vermont are responsible for gun violence in New York, pivoted to familiar attack lines on Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders over his past votes against certain gun control measures.

"No, of course not--of course not," she said when asked if she was suggesting Vermont, and by extension Sanders, are directly responsible for gun violence in New York. "This is a serious difference between us and what I want to start by saying--it's not a laughing matter."

She went on to criticize Sanders for voting against a federal assault weapons ban and voting in favor of immunity for gun manufacturers, two votes Clinton has invoked frequently throughout the Democratic primary.

"We need a president who will fight for common-sense gun safety reforms and what we have here is a big difference. Sen. Sanders voted against the Brady Bill five times," she said. "He voted for the most important NRA priority, namely, giving immunity from liability to gun makers and dealers--something that is at the root of a lot of problems we are facing."

Hillary Clinton goes on the attack over gun control
Fearful, insecure, uneducated are characteristics (psychographic metrics)Cambridge Analytica used to identify voters who were excessively scared someone would take their guns away.
They then targeted these individuals with false ads about their clients election opponent would take their guns away.
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