Burisma's owner demanded that Hunter's business partner ask the US government to intervene and stop the pursuit of Burisma ...

:rolleyes: :abgg2q.jpg:
Could you explain to the USMB forum, the reasoning that you used to come to that stupid conclusion?

I watched the news when it was happening and read foreign newspapers. Shokin was a Putin stooge.
Look at Barack's face. It's the look of an angry man's face that just realized that he's been being cuckholded all along. He realized that he's been lapping up W jizz out of Michelle's pussy and other unmentionable bodily regions every day.

It's the look that says, without saying..."Are you the bastard that's been fucking my wife dude, seriously"???

You're crazy. Obama is shaking his hand. You're ridiculously insecure
Obvious projection.

Viktor Shokin, who was forced out of the job of general prosecutor in 2016 following an intervention by then-Vice President Joe Biden, told Mr. Giuliani that he had been investigating a Ukrainian gas company that had given a position on its board to Mr. Biden’s son Hunter. Mr. Giuliani then fed this story to right-wing media. What was left out of his account was that Mr. Biden’s intervention was part of a broad campaign by Ukrainian reformers, European governments and international financial institutions to oust Mr. Shokin, who was blocking prosecutions of corrupt officials and oligarchs.

The prosecutor who replaced Mr. Shokin, Yuriy Lutsenko, subsequently stated publicly that the gas company was not under investigation at the time of Mr. Biden’s intervention, and that there has been no wrongdoing by either Joe or Hunter Biden. But Mr. Lutsenko had his own ax to grind. He, too, was at war with liberal activists, including a nongovernment anti-corruption organization as well as Serhiy Leshchenko, a liberal legislator and journalist. They charged that this prosecutor, too, was blocking corruption probes, and they had the support of the U.S. ambassador in Kiev, Marie Yovanovitch, a career member of the Foreign Service.

Mr. Lutsenko fed Mr. Giuliani another false story: that Mr. Leshchenko, who exposed the illegal payments made by Mr. Yanukovych’s political party to Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, had done so at the instigation of the U.S. Embassy and financier George Soros, among others. He also claimed that the U.S. ambassador, Ms. Yovanovitch, had given him a list of people not to prosecute — a claim dismissed by the State Department as “an outright fabrication.”

Viktor Shokin, who was forced out of the job of general prosecutor in 2016 following an intervention by then-Vice President Joe Biden, told Mr. Giuliani that he had been investigating a Ukrainian gas company that had given a position on its board to Mr. Biden’s son Hunter. Mr. Giuliani then fed this story to right-wing media. What was left out of his account was that Mr. Biden’s intervention was part of a broad campaign by Ukrainian reformers, European governments and international financial institutions to oust Mr. Shokin, who was blocking prosecutions of corrupt officials and oligarchs.

The prosecutor who replaced Mr. Shokin, Yuriy Lutsenko, subsequently stated publicly that the gas company was not under investigation at the time of Mr. Biden’s intervention, and that there has been no wrongdoing by either Joe or Hunter Biden. But Mr. Lutsenko had his own ax to grind. He, too, was at war with liberal activists, including a nongovernment anti-corruption organization as well as Serhiy Leshchenko, a liberal legislator and journalist. They charged that this prosecutor, too, was blocking corruption probes, and they had the support of the U.S. ambassador in Kiev, Marie Yovanovitch, a career member of the Foreign Service.

Mr. Lutsenko fed Mr. Giuliani another false story: that Mr. Leshchenko, who exposed the illegal payments made by Mr. Yanukovych’s political party to Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, had done so at the instigation of the U.S. Embassy and financier George Soros, among others. He also claimed that the U.S. ambassador, Ms. Yovanovitch, had given him a list of people not to prosecute — a claim dismissed by the State Department as “an outright fabrication.”
The Washington "Jimmy's World" Post is not a credible source.

And Yuriy Lutsenko is a known crooked politician. He was in prison for his corrupt activities while he was the Minister of Interior, including illegally using public funds to spy on political opponents. Then Burisma director Aleksander Kwasniewski apparently bribed him out of prison.

Quid Pro Joe threatened to cut off the third $1 billion tranche of a $3 billion US treasury loan guarantee if Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was not fired and replaced by Lutsenko.

The fake news and Democrats claimed that they wanted Shokin fired and replaced by Lutsenko because Shokin was allegedly corrupt. Yet, to this day, they have never provided any evidence whatsoever that Shokin was corrupt. They simply keep lying to you duped zombified morons.

Lutsenko has no law degree and never even went to fucking law school. He has zero qualifications to practice law let alone be the top prosecutor of a country. He's just a crook. The Ukrainian people were pissed off. I can understand why. How would you feel if a hair-sniffing pedophile VP from some foreign country's government installed the AG in the USA?

There would be public outrage.
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Trump just tried to extort Ukraine into finding dirt on Joe Biden. Extortion is a common practice in Trump circles.
More lies from your pathetic existence of a life. You suck so bad is amazing.
Look at Barack's face. It's the look of an angry man's face that just realized that he's been being cuckholded all along. He realized that he's been lapping up W jizz out of Michelle's pussy and other unmentionable bodily regions every day.

It's the look that says, without saying..."Are you the bastard that's been fucking my wife dude, seriously"???

Ms. Barack is the wife of Big Mike. Or, well, sort of...

Obama and Richard Branson had a kitesurfing challenge on vacation - Business Insider

Who is Richard Branson and why is Big Mike not on that boat???


Everyone on Faux "News" has known all along that homO and Big Mike are two cocksucking men.

It is a tribute to the unreal idiocy of the viewers of Faux that they continue to watch...

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