FED Backs out of Taper- Obama's Economy=FAIL


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
So, After dismal report on the economy and mortgage declines due to rising interest rates , the FED elects to keep the 85 billion a month bond buying alive. This after Uncle Ben said he would taper this month.

Looks like more failed Obama policies are holding down our economy.

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I don't recall Bernanke saying he was definitely going to start tapering this month.
Those aren't Obama policies. They federal reserve doesn't take directive from either congress, or the president.

That said, it is no surprise. They absolutely can not stop QE now. They already knew it, and now they're being forced to admit it publically. On the long end of the curve, yields turn negative. If you stop QE and allow interest rates to go up, it will cause a run on long term treasury holdings.

The jig, as they say, is about to be up.

Bernanke's "one hundred percent" confidence remark will come back to haunt him. But he will be in retirement by then.

Forget about the taper. I am very, very curious to see how the Fed is going to soak up all that excess liquidity when the time comes to do so.

I have nearly zero confidence they can pull it off.
We are IMO, deep kimchee. They can't stop. Most analyst predicted a smal reductuion of 4 billion. If we can't even do that then....

True the FED decision is theirs but it is based on the economy which is Obama's responsibility. Nothing but part time jobs and nil growth.

Smoke em if you got em

We are IMO, deep kimchee. They can't stop. Most analyst predicted a smal reductuion of 4 billion. If we can't even do that then....

True the FED decision is theirs but it is based on the economy which is Obama's responsibility. Nothing but part time jobs and nil growth.

Smoke em if you got em


The President has very little control over the economy. Congress has more control than the Executive.

However, Obama has demonstrated complete incompetence when it comes leadership in that direction. He's an idiot. Dumber than Bush, and that's really saying something.

I can't wait to see what new level of retard the voters select in 2016. If the economy is deeper in the tank, we'll probably be looking at another Kingfish*.

*Obscure reference
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the Fed has screwed this up. Which is what they've been doing since about 1999. They are under such pressure to keep rates down they succumb each time and it is a disaster. The whole financial melt down 5 years ago was caused by too-low rates. We will see more of this this time around. Only worse. At this point they will never eliminate QE2. We are on the path of Japan: 20 years of little to no growth with zero yields and stimulus after stimulus.
I think that is why Uncle Ben is ejecting. He knows the crap is hitting the fan so they need someone else to come in and pull the plug

Darker days ahead

So, After dismal report on the economy and mortgage declines due to rising interest rates , the FED elects to keep the 85 billion a month bond buying alive. This after Uncle Ben said he would taper this month.

Looks like more failed Obama policies are holding down our economy. -Geaux

When did Ben Bernanke say he would taper this month? :cuckoo: Only idiots who are informed by the Television or Media are stupid enough to believe their BS. If you read the Fed minutes it is clear we are nowhere near any of their targets triggering them to start tapering.

I bought 100oz of gold at noon. I'm up $6500.00 in 2 hours. :lol:
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They've been screwing it up since 1913. It really got noticable in 1971.

Quit regurgitating talking points from Lew Rockwell.

The Fed has done overall a fine job with some exceptions under Burns, Greenspan and Bernanke, especially the last.
We are IMO, deep kimchee. They can't stop. Most analyst predicted a smal reductuion of 4 billion. If we can't even do that then....

True the FED decision is theirs but it is based on the economy which is Obama's responsibility. Nothing but part time jobs and nil growth.

Smoke em if you got em


The President has very little control over the economy. Congress has more control than the Executive.

However, Obama has demonstrated complete incompetence when it comes leadership in that direction. He's an idiot. Dumber than Bush, and that's really saying something.

I can't wait to see what new level of retard the voters select in 2016. If the economy is deeper in the tank, we'll probably be looking at another Kingfish*.

*Obscure reference

huey long;)
its always interesting to suss out the feelings of the pre- market run up crowd, when it hit 14k Under bush (oct. 2007) , it was "on the backs of the middle class", now? While keeping in mind the market went gaga today as the Fed readjusted their outlook;

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Federal Reserve on Wednesday downgraded its outlook for the U.S. economy for 2013 and 2014. In doing so, it underscored concerns that led it to maintain the pace of its stimulus.

The Fed predicted Wednesday that the economy will grow just 2 percent to 2.3 percent this year, down from its previous forecast in June of 2.3 percent to 2.6 percent growth.

Next year's economic growth will be a barely healthy 3 percent, the Fed predicts.

Fed officials decided to continue their $85-billion-a-month bond purchase program, surprising most economists, who had expected a slight reduction. The bond purchases have been designed to keep long-term loan rates low to encourage spending.

more at-
Fed downgrades its outlook for US economy - Yahoo Finance

now, knowing up front that their projections are self aggrandizing sustaining bloviation, in that they are rarely right, if they say 1.8, 2.3%, I'd bank on 2.0. And "the 'crowd goes wild" ( obscure comedic reference;)).
So, After dismal report on the economy and mortgage declines due to rising interest rates , the FED elects to keep the 85 billion a month bond buying alive. This after Uncle Ben said he would taper this month.

Looks like more failed Obama policies are holding down our economy.


For weird folks like you the US economy exists in a vacuum.

Good luck with life
And...again...the market wins. And we lose. And our children lose.
But hey...looks like the top 7% wage earners will continue their win streak!
And...again...the market wins. And we lose. And our children lose.
But hey...looks like the top 7% wage earners will continue their win streak!

yup, its past weired that the leftys clap at the market run up, despite its correlation to the QE's and while the economy gets downgraded, again. :doubt:
They should double the fed action. This is semi-good news. Like the stimulus, it's okay, but probably half the amount it needs to be to really get things going.
The business community asked the Fed to not reduce the purchases.

The economy is recovering slowly from the massive injuries inflicted on it by Republican congresses with complicit presidents.

It will be at least another 18 months before the Fed tapers off.
And...again...the market wins. And we lose. And our children lose.
But hey...looks like the top 7% wage earners will continue their win streak!

yup, its past weired that the leftys clap at the market run up, despite its correlation to the QE's and while the economy gets downgraded, again. :doubt:

It is what blind faith does to you. When it is good, it's good. When it is bad, it's good.
You and I have been at this for years now, when Bush was President you didn't have to look far at all to find conservatives posting negative comments about him or what he was doing. Now that Obama is President, finding a negative statement from a lefter is almost non-existent.
Federal debt held by the taxpayers has grown 90% since Obama took office. How many people even know this?
The number of people on Food Stamps is more now than in anytime in American history. Comments from liberals?...crickets.
More jobs were created under Obama so far than Bush's entire Presidency. Oops...67% are part-time, making the part-time to full-time ratio the highest ever. There was a thread on this little fact - lefties in that thread actually said this is a good thing.

It is sickening. Our nation is falling apart economically, well except for the top 7%, they are doing outstanding under Obama.

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