Fed Judge Says Give DA Your Taxes

Will be appealed to USSC, and will not be an election issue.

Too bad, so sad.

You are too stupid to realize this isn't about the election. We already saw a large amount of his taxes. He didn't pay taxes for a decade, he paid 750 dollars in 2017 and 2018.

This isn't about the election.

Did you notice who is getting those documents? Cyrus Vance. The man in NY investigating a lot of the crimes trump has committed in NY.

This is about putting trump in prison where he belongs. Not the election.

Stop being so stupid.
Minimizing your tax liabilities isn't a crime, bird brain.
Fraud is a crime, dipshit.

Claiming a high valuation for your property on insurance claims and a low valuation for the same property on your taxes is fraud, and that is what the DA is looking into.

Didn't you listen to Cohen's testimony or were you too busy going, "LA-LA-LA-LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"
Who was allegedly defrauded? The insurance company or the filthy, money-grabbing government?

One can claim a higher value on insurance and pay the extra premiums to get the amount of coverage desired, and it is NOT fraud. It looks to me like you do nothing but buy into the Dems bullshit at every turn.
Will be appealed to USSC, and will not be an election issue.

Too bad, so sad.

You are too stupid to realize this isn't about the election. We already saw a large amount of his taxes. He didn't pay taxes for a decade, he paid 750 dollars in 2017 and 2018.

This isn't about the election.

Did you notice who is getting those documents? Cyrus Vance. The man in NY investigating a lot of the crimes trump has committed in NY.

This is about putting trump in prison where he belongs. Not the election.

Stop being so stupid.
Minimizing your tax liabilities isn't a crime, bird brain.
Fraud is a crime, dipshit.

Claiming a high valuation for your property on insurance claims and a low valuation for the same property on your taxes is fraud, and that is what the DA is looking into.

Didn't you listen to Cohen's testimony or were you too busy going, "LA-LA-LA-LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"
Who was allegedly defrauded? The insurance company or the filthy, money-grabbing government?

One can claim a higher value on insurance and pay the extra premiums to get the amount of coverage desired, and it is NOT fraud. It looks to me like you do nothing but buy into the Dems bullshit at every turn.
Will be appealed to USSC, and will not be an election issue.

Too bad, so sad.

You are too stupid to realize this isn't about the election. We already saw a large amount of his taxes. He didn't pay taxes for a decade, he paid 750 dollars in 2017 and 2018.

This isn't about the election.

Did you notice who is getting those documents? Cyrus Vance. The man in NY investigating a lot of the crimes trump has committed in NY.

This is about putting trump in prison where he belongs. Not the election.

Stop being so stupid.
Minimizing your tax liabilities isn't a crime, bird brain.
Fraud is a crime, dipshit.

Claiming a high valuation for your property on insurance claims and a low valuation for the same property on your taxes is fraud, and that is what the DA is looking into.

Didn't you listen to Cohen's testimony or were you too busy going, "LA-LA-LA-LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"
Who was allegedly defrauded? The insurance company or the filthy, money-grabbing government?

One can claim a higher value on insurance and pay the extra premiums to get the amount of coverage desired, and it is NOT fraud. It looks to me like you do nothing but buy into the Dems bullshit at every turn.
View attachment 398290
g5000 is of the opinion that over-insuring property is fraud without an actual claim made on said property or without an insurer's willful participation in said "fraud" when higher premiums are paid.

This doesn't even get into the discussion about the general ethics of taxation, which I will leave to the words of Calvin Coolidge:

The collection of any taxes which are not absolutely required, which do not beyond reasonable doubt contribute to the public welfare, is only a species of legalized larceny. Under this republic the rewards of industry belong to those who earn them. The only constitutional tax is the tax which ministers to public necessity. The property of the country belongs to the people of the country. Their title is absolute. They do not support any privileged class; they do not need to maintain great military forces; they ought not to be burdened with a great array of public employees.”---Source: “Inaugural Address,” on March 4, 1925. As found in The Mind of the President.

Here is more from Coolidge:

“The property of the people belongs to the people. To take it from them by taxation cannot be justified except by urgent public necessity. Unless this principle be recognized our country is no longer secure, our people no longer free.” ---Source: “Message To The House Of Representatives Returning Without Approval A Bill Providing For Adjusted Compensation For War Veterans,” on May 15, 1924. As found in Adequate Brevity.

“The business of the country, as a whole, is transacted on a small margin of profit. The economic structure is one of great delicacy and sensitiveness. When taxes become too burdensome, either the price of commodities has to be raised to a point at which consumption is so diminished as greatly to curtail production, or so much of the returns from industry is required by the government that production becomes unprofitable and ceases for that reason. In either case there is depression, lack of employment, idleness of investment and of the wage-earner, with the long line of attendant want and suffering on the part of the people. After order and liberty, economy is one of the highest essentials of a free government.” ---Source: “The Destiny Of America,” on May 30, 1923. As found in The Price of Freedom.
Will be appealed to USSC, and will not be an election issue.

Too bad, so sad.

You are too stupid to realize this isn't about the election. We already saw a large amount of his taxes. He didn't pay taxes for a decade, he paid 750 dollars in 2017 and 2018.

This isn't about the election.

Did you notice who is getting those documents? Cyrus Vance. The man in NY investigating a lot of the crimes trump has committed in NY.

This is about putting trump in prison where he belongs. Not the election.

Stop being so stupid.
Minimizing your tax liabilities isn't a crime, bird brain.
Fraud is a crime, dipshit.

Claiming a high valuation for your property on insurance claims and a low valuation for the same property on your taxes is fraud, and that is what the DA is looking into.

Didn't you listen to Cohen's testimony or were you too busy going, "LA-LA-LA-LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"
Who was allegedly defrauded? The insurance company or the filthy, money-grabbing government?

One can claim a higher value on insurance and pay the extra premiums to get the amount of coverage desired, and it is NOT fraud. It looks to me like you do nothing but buy into the Dems bullshit at every turn.
View attachment 398290
g5000 is of the opinion that over-insuring property is fraud without an actual claim made on said property or without an insurer's willful participation in said "fraud" when higher premiums are paid.
It's not my opinion. It's the law. It is fraud to give two different valuations for the same property.
The Manhattan district attorney’s office suggested on Monday that it had been investigating President Trump and his company for possible bank and insurance fraud, a significantly broader inquiry than the prosecutors have acknowledged in the past.


The prosecutors cited newspaper reports, including one that concluded the president may have illegally inflated his net worth and the value of his properties to lenders and insurers. They also included an article on the congressional testimony of his former lawyer and fixer, Michael D. Cohen, who told lawmakers last year that the president had committed insurance fraud. Lawyers for the president have denied wrongdoing.

It's not my opinion. It's the law. It is fraud to give two different valuations for the same property.
Show me the law.

Insurers are all too happy to insure property for a higher valuation to get additional premiums. "Stated" value is usually meaningless when it comes to extending loans. Have you ever purchased a home without an appraisal? Doesn't happen.

So, lenders and insurers may have taken Trump's word as to value WITHOUT doing (or reviewing) an appraisal. That's what this comes down to. If they want more tax money, they need to prove the actual value.

The only time Trump ever stated under oath the value of his property was when he made the tax filing. If the insurers and lenders want to take action, they can have at it.
The Manhattan district attorney’s office suggested on Monday that it had been investigating President Trump and his company for possible bank and insurance fraud, a significantly broader inquiry than the prosecutors have acknowledged in the past.


The prosecutors cited newspaper reports, including one that concluded the president may have illegally inflated his net worth and the value of his properties to lenders and insurers. They also included an article on the congressional testimony of his former lawyer and fixer, Michael D. Cohen, who told lawmakers last year that the president had committed insurance fraud. Lawyers for the president have denied wrongdoing.

When prosecutors are citing news papers to justify their actions, you know we're in trouble.
Will be appealed to USSC, and will not be an election issue.

Too bad, so sad.

You are too stupid to realize this isn't about the election. We already saw a large amount of his taxes. He didn't pay taxes for a decade, he paid 750 dollars in 2017 and 2018.

This isn't about the election.

Did you notice who is getting those documents? Cyrus Vance. The man in NY investigating a lot of the crimes trump has committed in NY.

This is about putting trump in prison where he belongs. Not the election.

Stop being so stupid.
Minimizing your tax liabilities isn't a crime, bird brain.
Fraud is a crime, dipshit.

Claiming a high valuation for your property on insurance claims and a low valuation for the same property on your taxes is fraud, and that is what the DA is looking into.

Didn't you listen to Cohen's testimony or were you too busy going, "LA-LA-LA-LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"
Who was allegedly defrauded? The insurance company or the filthy, money-grabbing government?

One can claim a higher value on insurance and pay the extra premiums to get the amount of coverage desired, and it is NOT fraud. It looks to me like you do nothing but buy into the Dems bullshit at every turn.
View attachment 398290
g5000 is of the opinion that over-insuring property is fraud without an actual claim made on said property or without an insurer's willful participation in said "fraud" when higher premiums are paid.
It's not my opinion. It's the law. It is fraud to give two different valuations for the same property.
Link to Trump giving two valuations for a property.
The Manhattan district attorney’s office suggested on Monday that it had been investigating President Trump and his company for possible bank and insurance fraud, a significantly broader inquiry than the prosecutors have acknowledged in the past.


The prosecutors cited newspaper reports, including one that concluded the president may have illegally inflated his net worth and the value of his properties to lenders and insurers. They also included an article on the congressional testimony of his former lawyer and fixer, Michael D. Cohen, who told lawmakers last year that the president had committed insurance fraud. Lawyers for the president have denied wrongdoing.

When prosecutors are citing news papers to justify their actions, you know we're in trouble.
We're not in trouble. Just Crooked Donnie.
Will be appealed to USSC, and will not be an election issue.

Too bad, so sad.

I find it funny that New York wants his taxes.

Hell whoever audits and collects taxes in New York would have found wrongdoing years ago. The city survives on taxes so you know they want all they can get and woe be it to anyone that tries to cheat them.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO.
Will be appealed to USSC, and will not be an election issue.

Too bad, so sad.

You are too stupid to realize this isn't about the election. We already saw a large amount of his taxes. He didn't pay taxes for a decade, he paid 750 dollars in 2017 and 2018.

This isn't about the election.

Did you notice who is getting those documents? Cyrus Vance. The man in NY investigating a lot of the crimes trump has committed in NY.

This is about putting trump in prison where he belongs. Not the election.

Stop being so stupid.
Minimizing your tax liabilities isn't a crime, bird brain.
Fraud is a crime, dipshit.

Claiming a high valuation for your property on insurance claims and a low valuation for the same property on your taxes is fraud, and that is what the DA is looking into.

Didn't you listen to Cohen's testimony or were you too busy going, "LA-LA-LA-LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

Holly crap, after all these years I was supposed to put a property valuation on my taxes?
Will be appealed to USSC, and will not be an election issue.

Too bad, so sad.

You are too stupid to realize this isn't about the election. We already saw a large amount of his taxes. He didn't pay taxes for a decade, he paid 750 dollars in 2017 and 2018.

This isn't about the election.

Did you notice who is getting those documents? Cyrus Vance. The man in NY investigating a lot of the crimes trump has committed in NY.

This is about putting trump in prison where he belongs. Not the election.

Stop being so stupid.
Minimizing your tax liabilities isn't a crime, bird brain.
Fraud is a crime, dipshit.

Claiming a high valuation for your property on insurance claims and a low valuation for the same property on your taxes is fraud, and that is what the DA is looking into.

Didn't you listen to Cohen's testimony or were you too busy going, "LA-LA-LA-LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

Holly crap, after all these years I was supposed to put a property valuation on my taxes?
You aren't actually this stupid are you?

Do you pay property taxes on hotels, paintings, mansions, business assets, etc., idiot?
Will be appealed to USSC, and will not be an election issue.

Too bad, so sad.

You are too stupid to realize this isn't about the election. We already saw a large amount of his taxes. He didn't pay taxes for a decade, he paid 750 dollars in 2017 and 2018.

This isn't about the election.

Did you notice who is getting those documents? Cyrus Vance. The man in NY investigating a lot of the crimes trump has committed in NY.

This is about putting trump in prison where he belongs. Not the election.

Stop being so stupid.
Minimizing your tax liabilities isn't a crime, bird brain.
Fraud is a crime, dipshit.

Claiming a high valuation for your property on insurance claims and a low valuation for the same property on your taxes is fraud, and that is what the DA is looking into.

Didn't you listen to Cohen's testimony or were you too busy going, "LA-LA-LA-LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

Holly crap, after all these years I was supposed to put a property valuation on my taxes?
You aren't actually this stupid are you?

Do you pay property taxes on hotels, paintings, mansions, business assets, etc., idiot?

And do you tell the tax assessor how much your property is worth?
Will be appealed to USSC, and will not be an election issue.

Too bad, so sad.

You are too stupid to realize this isn't about the election. We already saw a large amount of his taxes. He didn't pay taxes for a decade, he paid 750 dollars in 2017 and 2018.

This isn't about the election.

Did you notice who is getting those documents? Cyrus Vance. The man in NY investigating a lot of the crimes trump has committed in NY.

This is about putting trump in prison where he belongs. Not the election.

Stop being so stupid.
Minimizing your tax liabilities isn't a crime, bird brain.
Fraud is a crime, dipshit.

Claiming a high valuation for your property on insurance claims and a low valuation for the same property on your taxes is fraud, and that is what the DA is looking into.

Didn't you listen to Cohen's testimony or were you too busy going, "LA-LA-LA-LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

Holly crap, after all these years I was supposed to put a property valuation on my taxes?
You aren't actually this stupid are you?

Do you pay property taxes on hotels, paintings, mansions, business assets, etc., idiot?

And do you tell the tax assessor how much your property is worth?
You really have no clue how it works for a person like Trump, idiot.
Will be appealed to USSC, and will not be an election issue.

Too bad, so sad.

You are too stupid to realize this isn't about the election. We already saw a large amount of his taxes. He didn't pay taxes for a decade, he paid 750 dollars in 2017 and 2018.

This isn't about the election.

Did you notice who is getting those documents? Cyrus Vance. The man in NY investigating a lot of the crimes trump has committed in NY.

This is about putting trump in prison where he belongs. Not the election.

Stop being so stupid.
Minimizing your tax liabilities isn't a crime, bird brain.
Fraud is a crime, dipshit.

Claiming a high valuation for your property on insurance claims and a low valuation for the same property on your taxes is fraud, and that is what the DA is looking into.

Didn't you listen to Cohen's testimony or were you too busy going, "LA-LA-LA-LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

Holly crap, after all these years I was supposed to put a property valuation on my taxes?
You aren't actually this stupid are you?

Do you pay property taxes on hotels, paintings, mansions, business assets, etc., idiot?

And do you tell the tax assessor how much your property is worth?
You really have no clue how it works for a person like Trump, idiot.

Great, dazzle us with your brilliance and explain it to us uneducated folk.
Will be appealed to USSC, and will not be an election issue.

Too bad, so sad.

You are too stupid to realize this isn't about the election. We already saw a large amount of his taxes. He didn't pay taxes for a decade, he paid 750 dollars in 2017 and 2018.

This isn't about the election.

Did you notice who is getting those documents? Cyrus Vance. The man in NY investigating a lot of the crimes trump has committed in NY.

This is about putting trump in prison where he belongs. Not the election.

Stop being so stupid.
Minimizing your tax liabilities isn't a crime, bird brain.
Fraud is a crime, dipshit.

Claiming a high valuation for your property on insurance claims and a low valuation for the same property on your taxes is fraud, and that is what the DA is looking into.

Didn't you listen to Cohen's testimony or were you too busy going, "LA-LA-LA-LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

Holly crap, after all these years I was supposed to put a property valuation on my taxes?
You aren't actually this stupid are you?

Do you pay property taxes on hotels, paintings, mansions, business assets, etc., idiot?

And do you tell the tax assessor how much your property is worth?
You really have no clue how it works for a person like Trump, idiot.
And it appears that you don't know how it works for a tax assessor/collector who is responsible for determining the value of property and assessing a tax.

Do you pay property taxes? Does the assessor EVER take your word for it?

In Texas, the property tax assessment is always 8-12% below market value. Nobody ever even considers the tax assessor's value in the market.
Will be appealed to USSC, and will not be an election issue.

Too bad, so sad.
It is sad. If he loses the election it probably more mortar for the bricks on his cell.
What's also sad is Trump only wants to be re-elected only to stay out of prison, not to do what's best for America or the American people.
Will be appealed to USSC, and will not be an election issue.

Too bad, so sad.

You are too stupid to realize this isn't about the election. We already saw a large amount of his taxes. He didn't pay taxes for a decade, he paid 750 dollars in 2017 and 2018.

This isn't about the election.

Did you notice who is getting those documents? Cyrus Vance. The man in NY investigating a lot of the crimes trump has committed in NY.

This is about putting trump in prison where he belongs. Not the election.

Stop being so stupid.
Minimizing your tax liabilities isn't a crime, bird brain.
Fraud is a crime, dipshit.

Claiming a high valuation for your property on insurance claims and a low valuation for the same property on your taxes is fraud, and that is what the DA is looking into.

Didn't you listen to Cohen's testimony or were you too busy going, "LA-LA-LA-LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

Holly crap, after all these years I was supposed to put a property valuation on my taxes?
You aren't actually this stupid are you?

Do you pay property taxes on hotels, paintings, mansions, business assets, etc., idiot?

And do you tell the tax assessor how much your property is worth?
You really have no clue how it works for a person like Trump, idiot.

Great, dazzle us with your brilliance and explain it to us uneducated folk.

Hey. I thought you knew.

G thinks he's the smartest guy in any room and everyone else is a dumb fuck.

He will try to dazzle you with his brilliance or baffle you with bull shit.

I generally ignore his oh so smart ass.
Will be appealed to USSC, and will not be an election issue.

Too bad, so sad.

You are too stupid to realize this isn't about the election. We already saw a large amount of his taxes. He didn't pay taxes for a decade, he paid 750 dollars in 2017 and 2018.

This isn't about the election.

Did you notice who is getting those documents? Cyrus Vance. The man in NY investigating a lot of the crimes trump has committed in NY.

This is about putting trump in prison where he belongs. Not the election.

Stop being so stupid.
Minimizing your tax liabilities isn't a crime, bird brain.

Stop being a covetous looting asshole.

Tell that to Cyrus Vance.

It is a crime to undervalue assets to pay less taxes on that asset. It's called tax fraud. I'm sure you've heard of it.

Which is what trump has done.

When he has to borrow money he inflates the value of the same property.

Just saying minimizing liabilities isn't going to make the crimes trump has committed go away nor will it prevent him from facing the consequences of those crimes he has committed.

Go ahead, stick your head in the sand. I don't care.

What you think and want doesn't matter to anyone. You have no control of what Cyrus Vance does nor do you have any say in whether trump will be indicted for his crimes.

All you can do is watch as trump is finally held responsible for his criminal actions.

Have fun with that.
Cyrus Vance is a corrupted Prog globalist elite.

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