Federal Bureaucrats Go ‘Full Hillary Clinton’ with Secret Emails


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Federal Bureaucrats Go 'Full Hillary Clinton' with Secret Emails

"Federal bureaucrats opposed to implementing President Donald Trump’s policies are creating personal email accounts and using encrypted messages to communicate and collaborate as they push back against the new administration"

"Just as former Secretary of State used a private e-mail server, whose contents she later wiped, in an attempt to shield some of her communications from the government and from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, bureaucratic rebels are using external communications and applications to create what amounts to a shadow administration. But unlike Clinton, or perhaps having learned her lessons, they are encrypting their communications, using secure messaging apps like Signal."

These communications are still subject to the Freedom Of Information Act requests. if they refuse to comply with requests or attempt to hide the e-mails as Hillary did, find them and break them for breaking the law.

This also demonstrates why Barry was filling every political position / agency job he could on the way out the door - so he could have his liberal minions intertwined like weeds throughout the government to try to prevent Trump administration from eliminating Barry's 'legacy' and undoing the pile of shite the Liberals created during Obama's administration - it is a form of political sabotage. Anyone found engaging in it should be fired at the very LEAST.

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