Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science"..

Should society in general censure the APA like Congress did?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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The left/libs/dems has cast god out of their lives so their new gods is some (human being) Scientist who has been known to be WRONG on many things in the past

but all of a sudden we are all suppose to bow down to some person because they have "SCIENTIST" in their JOB description

how frikken scary is that

No, we take scientists seriously because they produce things with measurable results.

Hey remember when people used to burn witches because the Bible say, "Thou Shall not Suffer a Witch to Live". It was in the bible. God Said so. So thousands of women were tortured into confessing to witchcraft and subsequently burned at the stake or hung.

Except. There's no such thing as "witches". Not really. Not even you, Staph.

Yes they do , but it matters not to you uppity asses that they have also been PROVEN to be wrong many times. and when everyone doesn't BOW down to them and people like "you" they get called ugly shit like witches, deniers. You want to see a witch look in a mirror. Not one of you post is ever UPLIFTING. your life is so miserable you dump it all over us here
The left/libs/dems has cast god out of their lives so their new gods is some (human being) Scientist who has been known to be WRONG on many things in the past

but all of a sudden we are all suppose to bow down to some person because they have "SCIENTIST" in their JOB description

how frikken scary is that
So you are seriously going to say that science is Satan?
The left/libs/dems has cast god out of their lives so their new gods is some (human being) Scientist who has been known to be WRONG on many things in the past

but all of a sudden we are all suppose to bow down to some person because they have "SCIENTIST" in their JOB description

how frikken scary is that

It gets even more scary when you consider that the "science" they're citing is based on "group feelings" in preference to what actual numbers and facts are telling them; even when those facts are diametrically-opposed to the "group feelings" on the "research" topic...

That right there is a religion. There is no other definition for it. The AMA might as well be citing Applewhite's ideology for how valid the APA can be taken at their word when they are openly flaunting a complete disregard for data in preference of dogma.

And hey, come to think of it, Applewhite advocated and demanded of his male followers, if memory serves, that they become castrated to belong. Same thing that initiates "gender reassignment" surgery that the AMA SHOCKINGLY is in full approval of...

It's like we're all trapped in a horror story sci-fi hybrid of Orwell, The Rocky Horror Picture Show and the Bride of Frankenstein..
The left/libs/dems has cast god out of their lives so their new gods is some (human being) Scientist who has been known to be WRONG on many things in the past

but all of a sudden we are all suppose to bow down to some person because they have "SCIENTIST" in their JOB description

how frikken scary is that

I go to a doctor for advise when I get sick.
If my car breaks down and I can't fix it, I take it to a car mechanic.
When I fly on an airplane, I am counting on the expertise of engineers in designing it, professional mechanics to maintain it, and a professionally trained pilot to fly it.

I do not ask a faith healer to fix my car, I don't pray to god to cure my broken leg, and when I look for answers to scientific questions- I look towards scientists.....not Conservative talk show hosts.
The left/libs/dems has cast god out of their lives so their new gods is some (human being) Scientist who has been known to be WRONG on many things in the past

but all of a sudden we are all suppose to bow down to some person because they have "SCIENTIST" in their JOB description

how frikken scary is that

No, we take scientists seriously because they produce things with measurable results.

Hey remember when people used to burn witches because the Bible say, "Thou Shall not Suffer a Witch to Live". It was in the bible. God Said so. So thousands of women were tortured into confessing to witchcraft and subsequently burned at the stake or hung.

Except. There's no such thing as "witches". Not really. Not even you, Staph.

Yes they do , but it matters not to you uppity asses that they have also been PROVEN to be wrong many times. and when everyone doesn't BOW down to them and people like "you" they get called ugly shit like witches, deniers. You want to see a witch look in a mirror. Not one of you post is ever UPLIFTING. your life is so miserable you dump it all over us here

Some scientists have been wrong. The wonderful thing about science is that scientists actually learn from that.

Unlike say when we find out that the Bible is proven wrong about something......Christians still believe in it.

If you get an infection- do you refuse anti-biotics? After all- a scientist discovered anti-biotics.

And ditto with pretty much every modern medical advance and device- all owed to scientists who were curious and tried to figure out 'why' and 'how'.
The left/libs/dems has cast god out of their lives so their new gods is some (human being) Scientist who has been known to be WRONG on many things in the past

but all of a sudden we are all suppose to bow down to some person because they have "SCIENTIST" in their JOB description

how frikken scary is that
So you are seriously going to say that science is Satan?

Science and Satan both have the letter s.

But wait the coincidences don't stop there.

Satan has two 'a's and Science has two 'e's.

And both words contain the letter 'n'.

That can't be a coincidence........lol.....
The left/libs/dems has cast god out of their lives so their new gods is some (human being) Scientist who has been known to be WRONG on many things in the past

but all of a sudden we are all suppose to bow down to some person because they have "SCIENTIST" in their JOB description

how frikken scary is that

It gets even more scary when you consider that the "science" they're citing is based on "group feelings" in preference to what actual numbers and facts are telling them; even when those facts are diametrically-opposed to the "group feelings" on the "research" topic...

That right there is a religion. There is no other definition for it. The AMA might as well be citing Applewhite's ideology for how valid the APA can be taken at their word when they are openly flaunting a complete disregard for data in preference of dogma.

And hey, come to think of it, Applewhite advocated and demanded of his male followers, if memory serves, that they become castrated to belong. Same thing that initiates "gender reassignment" surgery that the AMA SHOCKINGLY is in full approval of...

It's like we're all trapped in a horror story sci-fi hybrid of Orwell, The Rocky Horror Picture Show and the Bride of Frankenstein..

Pure bat guano crazy.
this thread is another fine example of homophobia at it's finest....
I go to a doctor for advise when I get sick.
If my car breaks down and I can't fix it, I take it to a car mechanic.
When I fly on an airplane, I am counting on the expertise of engineers in designing it, professional mechanics to maintain it, and a professionally trained pilot to fly it.

I do not ask a faith healer to fix my car, I don't pray to god to cure my broken leg, and when I look for answers to scientific questions- I look towards scientists.....not Conservative talk show hosts.

Well then you'd better scratch the APA off your list because they promote an ideology where group hunches and cronyism trump hard data. Look at the OP for details..
I go to a doctor for advise when I get sick.
If my car breaks down and I can't fix it, I take it to a car mechanic.
When I fly on an airplane, I am counting on the expertise of engineers in designing it, professional mechanics to maintain it, and a professionally trained pilot to fly it.

I do not ask a faith healer to fix my car, I don't pray to god to cure my broken leg, and when I look for answers to scientific questions- I look towards scientists.....not Conservative talk show hosts.

Well then you'd better scratch the APA off your list because they promote an ideology where group hunches and cronyism trump hard data. Look at the OP for details..

LOL- the APA, the AMA, The Royal Psychiatric Association......every professional medical association- all have said that there is no scientific evidence to support the claims that homosexuality is a mental disorder.

That was decided 40 years ago.

And you still can't accept it.
Yes they do , but it matters not to you uppity asses that they have also been PROVEN to be wrong many times. and when everyone doesn't BOW down to them and people like "you" they get called ugly shit like witches, deniers. You want to see a witch look in a mirror. Not one of you post is ever UPLIFTING. your life is so miserable you dump it all over us here

Staph, you're ranting again.

Okay, the issue here is, why do we look up to Scientists.

Because they spend years and years and years studying a subject and understand it better than most of us can.

And when after years and years of study, psychiatrists and psychologists determined that, nope, gay people weren't crazy, (or at least no crazier than the rest of us), they took homosexuality out of the list of mental disorders.
Yes they do , but it matters not to you uppity asses that they have also been PROVEN to be wrong many times. and when everyone doesn't BOW down to them and people like "you" they get called ugly shit like witches, deniers. You want to see a witch look in a mirror. Not one of you post is ever UPLIFTING. your life is so miserable you dump it all over us here

Staph, you're ranting again.

Okay, the issue here is, why do we look up to Scientists.

Because they spend years and years and years studying a subject and understand it better than most of us can.

And when after years and years of study, psychiatrists and psychologists determined that, nope, gay people weren't crazy
, (or at least no crazier than the rest of us), they took homosexuality out of the list of mental disorders.

1. The APA is flaunting rejection of hard data in favor of "audited" "mutual consensus"...

2. Psychiatrists have determined that gays being unstable/affected DOES exceed the norm. But if you're in the business as a "scientist" of rejecting hard data, "exceeding the norm" is meaningless phrase..

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

They used science and a survey of some 3,000 gay men to weigh the actual propensity, the raw numbers in other words, of gay men reporting having been sexually abused as boys and a significantly elevated comorbid etiology of drug addiction, partner abuse and depression. So much so that the CDC described them all as "intertwined" and incapable of being resolved without a comprehensive approach to all of them as related at once.

But you know...don't let the hard data get in the way of your "audited group feelings"...
Yes they do , but it matters not to you uppity asses that they have also been PROVEN to be wrong many times. and when everyone doesn't BOW down to them and people like "you" they get called ugly shit like witches, deniers. You want to see a witch look in a mirror. Not one of you post is ever UPLIFTING. your life is so miserable you dump it all over us here

Staph, you're ranting again.

Okay, the issue here is, why do we look up to Scientists.

Because they spend years and years and years studying a subject and understand it better than most of us can.

And when after years and years of study, psychiatrists and psychologists determined that, nope, gay people weren't crazy
, (or at least no crazier than the rest of us), they took homosexuality out of the list of mental disorders.

1. The APA is flaunting rejection of hard data in favor of "audited" "mutual consensus"...

And when after years and years of study, psychiatrists and psychologists determined that, nope, gay people weren't crazy, (or at least no crazier than the rest of us), they took homosexuality out of the list of mental disorders
Yes they do , but it matters not to you uppity asses that they have also been PROVEN to be wrong many times. and when everyone doesn't BOW down to them and people like "you" they get called ugly shit like witches, deniers. You want to see a witch look in a mirror. Not one of you post is ever UPLIFTING. your life is so miserable you dump it all over us here

Staph, you're ranting again.

Okay, the issue here is, why do we look up to Scientists.

Because they spend years and years and years studying a subject and understand it better than most of us can.

And when after years and years of study, psychiatrists and psychologists determined that, nope, gay people weren't crazy
, (or at least no crazier than the rest of us), they took homosexuality out of the list of mental disorders.

1. The APA is flaunting rejection of hard data in favor of "audited" "mutual consensus"...

2. Psychiatrists have determined that gays being unstable/affected DOES exceed the norm. But if you're in the business as a "scientist" of rejecting hard data, "exceeding the norm" is meaningless phrase..

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Odd how you quote and misrepresent the CDC to try to prove that homosexuals are mentally ill....but ignore the CDC when the CDC specifically says that homosexuality is not a mental disorder.

Matter of fact here is what the CDC says
CDC - Mental Health - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

Homosexuality is not a mental disorder, but homophobia, stigma, and discrimination have negative effects on the health of MSM, lesbians, and other sexual minorities. The negative effects of social marginalization can be found in adolescent and adult MSM, for example, research has shown that MSM and other members of the LGBT community are at increased risk for a number of mental health problems.[1]Research also has found that, compared to other men, MSM are at increased risk of:

  • Major depression during adolescence and adulthood;
  • Bipolar disorder; and
  • Generalized anxiety disorder during adolescence and adulthood.

The CDC says that your kind of marginalization hurts adolescent gays.

Is that intentional?
Sticking a cock up your ass may cause damage to your insides....Not only that, it can rip easily and diseases can get into your blood stream.
Sticking a cock up your ass may cause damage to your insides....Not only that, it can rip easily and diseases can get into your blood stream.

Well thank you for giving us all the benefit of your personal experience.

I hope you are healing efficiently.
Sticking a cock up your ass may cause damage to your insides....Not only that, it can rip easily and diseases can get into your blood stream.

38% of straight people do anal. I don't see you going nuts about that.
And when after years and years of study, psychiatrists and psychologists determined that, nope, gay people weren't crazy, (or at least no crazier than the rest of us), they took homosexuality out of the list of mental disorders

They didn't use science to determine that. They used the neo audited-group consensus. They've advocated openly rejecting data in favor of "what feels right". Did you not read the OP? Check the links and read the material if you think I'm kidding..

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