Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science"..

Should society in general censure the APA like Congress did?

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i think we need to do a scientific study about homophobes.

Oh, wait, they did that. It was called the Adams Study. What they did was did surveys finding out who was the most violently homophobic. You'd probably be off the chart on this test.

Then they put sensors on their dicks and showed them gay porn.

Guess who got raging hard-ons.
Another strawman.
The topic is whatever we want to talk about.

If you are going to talk about science and mental disorders.

Homosexuality and Female Hysteria both used to be considered mental disorders- and neither are now.

The APA didn't use 'hard science' when it called homosexuality a mental disorder in 1952, and in 1974, it recognized that there was no hard science to consider homosexuality a mental disorder.

It went the way of 'female hysteria' as a diagnosis.

Do you think bulimia is a mental disorder or a different eating orientation?
The topic is whatever we want to talk about.

If you are going to talk about science and mental disorders.

Homosexuality and Female Hysteria both used to be considered mental disorders- and neither are now.

The APA didn't use 'hard science' when it called homosexuality a mental disorder in 1952, and in 1974, it recognized that there was no hard science to consider homosexuality a mental disorder.

It went the way of 'female hysteria' as a diagnosis.

Do you think bulimia is a mental disorder or a different eating orientation?

What do you think the hard science is for 'female hysteria"?
What do you think the hard science is for 'female hysteria"?

Don't know, haven't looked into it because I've been investigating this instead. From the look of it, it seems there's some "hard science" going on in his tighty whities he's wearing on a float down a public thoroughfare...where children are present. If you look just above where either real or fake feces appear to be smeared between his legs, you can see it.

But if the APA's audited-group-think (that rejects data in favor of what feels right to them) doesn't denounce this and thinks it's perfectly normal, then who cares about hard science right? Hard science and what your eyes can plainly see right in front of you might get your license to practice psychology revoked.

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There is it, Sil's Wankoff picture. Seriously, how much time and lotion do you think this guy spends looking at these sorts of pictures.

And now for a counterpoint. Here's some REAL Science.

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals - Scientific American


The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted
negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic
men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups
on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980).
The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual,
and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed
an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992 ). Both groups exhibited increases
in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic
men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli.
The groups did not differ in
aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic
individual is either unaware of or denies.
There is it, Sil's Wankoff picture. Seriously, how much time and lotion do you think this guy spends looking at these sorts of pictures.

And now for a counterpoint. Here's some REAL Science.

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals - Scientific American


Yep, we are all homosexuals just "itching to break free" and "in denial". Psychology today eh? Do they answer to the call-bell of the APA? Oh, that's right, they do. And as you know from reading the OP, the APA brazenly touts discarding facts for "audited group-think". Which is just a fancy way of saying "we are a cult now".

There may be some instances of people who hate gays who are really gay hating themselves. No doubt. But those who are compassionate towards them while saying a firm "this far and no farther" to their obviously demented behaviors may not fall in that category.

Meanwhile, does the APA have any studies on why nearly half of all lesbians are attracted to mannish women using falsetto baritone voices, wearing men's fashions, walking and acting like men, even wearing strapons "turns those lipstick lesbians on"???

Or are there any studies from the APA that talk about why nearly half of all gay men are attracted to falsetto, effeminant looking young-boy gays [no facial hair, softer features like women] and use their anus as an artificial vagina?

I highly doubt that the "audited group-think" APA would have anything that talks about the SCREAMING closeted heterosexuals within the LGBT cult. Any study like that might get.....audited... back into conformation with the approved group-think.
Yep, we are all homosexuals just "itching to break free" and "in denial". Psychology today eh? Do they answer to the call-bell of the APA? Oh, that's right, they do. And as you know from reading the OP, the APA brazenly touts discarding facts for "audited group-think". Which is just a fancy way of saying "we are a cult now".

There may be some instances of people who hate gays who are really gay hating themselves. No doubt. But those who are compassionate towards them while saying a firm "this far and no farther" to their obviously demented behaviors may not fall in that category.

I would say that if you are that obsessed by it, to the point where you get on several message boards and scream about homosexuals all day, then, yeah, I suspect you probably do have a problem.

Meanwhile, does the APA have any studies on why nearly half of all lesbians are attracted to mannish women using falsetto baritone voices, wearing men's fashions, walking and acting like men, even wearing strapons "turns those lipstick lesbians on"???

why does that matter? I mean, I've known a few really butch lesbians, but I've also known ones who were so feminine I worked with them for years and didn't know they were gay.

Or are there any studies from the APA that talk about why nearly half of all gay men are attracted to falsetto, effeminant looking young-boy gays [no facial hair, softer features like women] and use their anus as an artificial vagina?

Wow. You actually went FOUR WHOLE PARAGRAPHS without talking about Anal sex. This has to be some kind of record for you.

I highly doubt that the "audited group-think" APA would have anything that talks about the SCREAMING closeted heterosexuals within the LGBT cult. Any study like that might get.....audited... back into conformation with the approved group-think.

actually, what would probably happen is that they would get their licenses pulled because they aren't practicing their medicine in a responsible way. Main rule of being a doctor, you don't make the patient worse.
What do you think the hard science is for 'female hysteria"?

Don't know, haven't looked into it because I've been investigating this instead. From the look of it, it seems there's some "hard science" going on in his tighty whities he's wearing on a float down a public thoroughfare...where children are present. If you look just above where either real or fake feces appear to be smeared between his legs, you can see it.

But if the APA's audited-group-think (that rejects data in favor of what feels right to them) doesn't denounce this and thinks it's perfectly normal, then who cares about hard science right? Hard science and what your eyes can plainly see right in front of you might get your license to practice psychology revoked.

You and your buddies here would be relying instead upon the conclusions of the Westboro Baptist Church- that is the only science you think the APA should use
There is it, Sil's Wankoff picture. Seriously, how much time and lotion do you think this guy spends looking at these sorts of pictures.

And now for a counterpoint. Here's some REAL Science.

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals - Scientific American


Yep, we are all homosexuals just "itching to break free" and "in denial". Psychology today eh? Do they answer to the call-bell of the APA? Oh, that's right, they do. And as you know from reading the OP, the APA brazenly touts discarding facts for "audited group-think". Which is just a fancy way of saying "we are a cult now".

There may be some instances of people who hate gays who are really gay hating themselves. No doubt. But those who are compassionate towards them while saying a firm "this far and no farther" to their obviously demented behaviors may not fall in that category.

Meanwhile, does the APA have any studies on why nearly half of all lesbians are attracted to mannish women using falsetto baritone voices, wearing men's fashions, walking and acting like men, even wearing strapons "turns those lipstick lesbians on"???

Or are there any studies from the APA that talk about why nearly half of all gay men are attracted to falsetto, effeminant looking young-boy gays [no facial hair, softer features like women] and use their anus as an artificial vagina?

I highly doubt that the "audited group-think" APA would have anything that talks about the SCREAMING closeted heterosexuals within the LGBT cult. Any study like that might get.....audited... back into conformation with the approved group-think.

More complete bat guano crazy posts from Sihouette
You and your buddies here would be relying instead upon the conclusions of the Westboro Baptist Church- that is the only science you think the APA should use
View attachment 33959

Showing your picture of the lesbian sympathy-ramping... posing as a hetero "hate woman" all big bright and colorful again eh?

Trying to create a distraction away from my last post? Answer it if you dare.

Meanwhile, does the APA have any studies on why nearly half of all lesbians are attracted to mannish women using falsetto baritone voices, wearing men's fashions, walking and acting like men, even wearing strapons "turns those lipstick lesbians on"???

Or are there any studies from the APA that talk about why nearly half of all gay men are attracted to falsetto, effeminant looking young-boy gays [no facial hair, softer features like women] and use their anus as an artificial vagina?

I highly doubt that the "audited group-think" APA would have anything that talks about the SCREAMING closeted heterosexuals within the LGBT cult. Any study like that might get.....audited... back into conformation with the approved group-think.
You and your buddies here would be relying instead upon the conclusions of the Westboro Baptist Church- that is the only science you think the APA should use
View attachment 33959

Showing your picture of the lesbian sympathy-ramping... posing as a hetero "hate woman" all big bright and colorful again eh?

Trying to create a distraction away from my last post? Answer it if you dare.

Meanwhile, does the APA have any studies on why nearly half of all lesbians are attracted to mannish women using falsetto baritone voices, wearing men's fashions, walking and acting like men, even wearing strapons "turns those lipstick lesbians on"???

Or are there any studies from the APA that talk about why nearly half of all gay men are attracted to falsetto, effeminant looking young-boy gays [no facial hair, softer features like women] and use their anus as an artificial vagina?

I highly doubt that the "audited group-think" APA would have anything that talks about the SCREAMING closeted heterosexuals within the LGBT cult. Any study like that might get.....audited... back into conformation with the approved group-think.

More bat guano crazy Silhouette posts....I am fairly confident that Silhouette is the guy holding the sign

Your lesbian doing theater to ramp sympathy, posing as a "hetero hater" has exactly what to do with the APA discarding data in favor of audited-group-think?

From the OP

Consensual Qualitative Research: A Practical Resource for Investigating Social Science Phenomena
This lively and practical text presents a fresh and comprehensive approach to conducting consensual qualitative research (CQR). CQR is an inductive method that is characterized by open-ended interview questions, small samples, a reliance on words over numbers, the importance of context, an integration of multiple viewpoints, and consensus of the research team.....Readers learn about adaptive ways of designing studies; collecting, coding, and analyzing data; and reporting findings.

Key aspects of the researcher's craft are addressed, such as establishing the research team, recruiting and interviewing participants, adhering to ethical standards, raising cultural awareness, auditing within case analyses and cross analyses, and writing up the study.

To sum that up. It is "big brother is watching you Mr. Researcher. You will rely on research-team consensus. You will integrate multiple viewpoints in your conclusions that you will give weight to our group-think over actual data....or you will be....audited....."

That is in no way different from how a cult operates. And the APA is the institution that virtually ALL medical institutions look to for guidance on their own policies and ethics.

This is how we get the AMA violating the hippocratic oath and giving its blessings on mutilating surgeries of so-called "gender reassignment surgeries".. Leaving the butchered patient incontinent, numb, open to more UTI infections and not capable ever of reproducing at the "opposite gender", or indeed of ever being the opposite gender. The rate of those butcherd delusional patients wanting to change back is alarmingly high for how strongly they professed wanting to change initially. But will the APA fund a study on just how many want to revert? That might include collecting surveys and publishing them outside what the group-think approves. I expect those studies are either altered or eliminated from inclusion in the approved studies at the APA.

If you don't like the data, just have the audited-group debate on how to modify it with "adaptive ways" of presenting its conclusions...
Your lesbian doing theater to ramp sympathy, posing as a "hetero hater" has exactly what to do with the APA discarding data in favor of audited-group-think?

As I have pointed out numerous times now the APA timeline for homosexuality as a mental disorder
1952- APA declares homosexuality a mental disorder- this was a consensus opinion- no hard science supported claim.
1974- APA removes homosexuality as a mental disorder- this was a consensus opinion- because there was no hard science supporting the designation.
Homosexuality was considered a mental disorder for 32 years.
Homosexuality has not been considered a mental disorder for the last 40 years.

But there are those like yourself who cannot accept that- and attempt to promote hate against homosexuals.
As I have pointed out numerous times now the APA timeline for homosexuality as a mental disorder 1952- APA declares homosexuality a mental disorder- this was a consensus opinion- no hard science supported claim.
1974- APA removes homosexuality as a mental disorder- this was a consensus opinion- because there was no hard science supporting the designation.

Two consensus opinions do not make a hard study. Two wrongs don't make a right. Time to reopen the case for a closer look. If you are so confident that homosexuality isn't an affected mental disorder, or more to the point, "transgenderism" isn't a mental disorder (I know they're different but you lump them into LGBT so...), you should welcome with open arms any studies that show real data on homosexuals who appear comorbid via statistical data in other types of mental illness that would indicate a statistical trend.

Oh...wait...what do you know? The CDC (naturally the APA would not touch such a survey with a 100-foot pole), did such a study. And guess what they found?

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Over 3,000 gay men were interviewed for that study by the CDC. Good old practical data collection. No substitute for it really...
As I have pointed out numerous times now the APA timeline for homosexuality as a mental disorder 1952- APA declares homosexuality a mental disorder- this was a consensus opinion- no hard science supported claim.
1974- APA removes homosexuality as a mental disorder- this was a consensus opinion- because there was no hard science supporting the designation.

Two consensus opinions do not make a hard study. .

Exactly- so your whining about the APA removing homosexuality as a mental disorder without any 'hard science' is just that- whining.

You disagree with every professional mental health association in the Western world.

But you are in agreement with these folk

Oh...wait...what do you know? The CDC (naturally the APA would not touch such a survey with a 100-foot pole), did such a study. And guess what they found?..


This is what the CDC says- which you ignore when it is inconvenient to your anti-homosexual campaign
CDC - Mental Health - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

The majority of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) have and maintain good mental health, even though MSM are at greater risk for mental health problems. Like everyone else, the majority of MSM are highly resilient and able to cope successfully with many negative life stressors, such as those associated with homophobia and discrimination.

Homosexuality is not a mental disorder, but homophobia, stigma, and discrimination have negative effects on the health of MSM, lesbians, and other sexual minorities. The negative effects of social marginalization can be found in adolescent and adult MSM, for example, research has shown that MSM and other members of the LGBT community are at increased risk for a number of mental health problems.[1]Research also has found that, compared to other men, MSM are at increased risk of:


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This is what the CDC says- which you ignore when it is inconvenient to your anti-homosexual campaign
CDC - Mental Health - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

The majority of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) have and maintain good mental health, even though MSM are at greater risk for mental health problems. Like everyone else, the majority of MSM are highly resilient and able to cope successfully with many negative life stressors, such as those associated with homophobia and discrimination.

Let's look at the study again FROM THE CDC ALSO:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Your contention, I presume from a standpoint of CQR (Audited group-think...ie: a cult) is that, without doing a study of 3,000 gay men and gathering the raw statistical data on specific questions (not generalized assumptions courtesy of "CQR"), "gay men have these mental issues from homophobia and discrimination"? That's what the APA decided in contrast to what the CDC FOUND...

Do you suppose that severe, "pervasive" or "epidemic" drug abuse, spousal abuse and depression MIGHT stem from what the CDC identifies as an "intertwined" co-morbid presentation in gay men? Do you suppose that the statistics that support other populations of survivors of childhood sexual abuse, that show they ALSO have a high propensity for drug abuse, spousal abuse and depression, might show that this is the causal agent of the other problems? Or is that just a "data fluke" that can be resolved by an "audit" from a group of powerful people lodged in high ranks in the APA? CQR gives them the power to remake reality you know. It gives their whims and assumptions "power over numbers" remember. Read the OP again...
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Of particular concern to the Supreme Court as it weighs which individuals have more powerful rights with respect to marriage (gays or children), is the following study in combination with the CDC one that found "pervasive" "epidemics" of childhood sexual abuse surviving within the adult gay male population:. Do you trust the Mayo Clinic? Or is their report on pedophilia too full of pesky numbers and data?

Mayo Clinic 2007:

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child.This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”or “abused-abusers phenomena.”5,23,24,46......
why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place http://www.drrichardhall.com/Articles/pedophiles.pdf

This is what the CDC says- which you ignore when it is inconvenient to your anti-homosexual campaign
CDC - Mental Health - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

The majority of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) have and maintain good mental health, even though MSM are at greater risk for mental health problems. Like everyone else, the majority of MSM are highly resilient and able to cope successfully with many negative life stressors, such as those associated with homophobia and discrimination.

Let's look at the study again FROM THE CDC ALSO:

Why do you ignore the CDC? The study you quote does not say that homosexual men all are mentally ill.

This is what the CDC says- which you ignore when it is inconvenient to your anti-homosexual campaign
CDC - Mental Health - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

The majority of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) have and maintain good mental health, even though MSM are at greater risk for mental health problems. Like everyone else, the majority of MSM are highly resilient and able to cope successfully with many negative life stressors, such as those associated with homophobia and discrimination.

Homosexuality is not a mental disorder, but homophobia, stigma, and discrimination have negative effects on the health of MSM, lesbians, and other sexual minorities. The negative effects of social marginalization can be found in adolescent and adult MSM, for example, research has shown that MSM and other members of the LGBT community are at increased risk for a number of mental health problems.[1]Research also has found that, compared to other men, MSM are at increased risk of:

Meanwhile- what does Dr. Stall- the author you keep citing say?

there is now substantial epidemiological evidence to show that gay men suffer from higher prevalence rates of a cluster of infectious and non-infectious diseases than do heterosexual men, but relatively little in the way of theory to explain the emergence of these epidemics.

This presentation will present evidence to show how socialization experiences of young men being reared in an environment in which homosexuality is deeply stigmatizing produces men are at increased susceptibility to depression, substance use and abuse, violence and HIV/STI infections in adulthood

. A theoretical paradigm will be presented to organize the evidence that we now have on gay men's health. The theory holds that the variables of social isolation, internalized homophobia, self censoring and proto-gay social skills predict increased vulnerability to a wide set of psychosocial conditions in adulthood, as do access to strengths and stressors found within urban gay communities themselves. Finally, in adulthood, empirical evidence will be presented to show that these epidemics interact to increase susceptibility of HIV infection, and as such, are a classic case of syndemic production. The theory holds relevance to other marginalized communities by showing how social and cultural processes result in the production of poor health at the level of individuals and communities.

In other words- Dr. Stall says that attacks like yours contribute to mental health problems experienced by gay men.

Just as the CDC says.

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