Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science"..

Should society in general censure the APA like Congress did?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Did we turn over a new page in hopes the old one will "go away"?

This is what the CDC says- which you ignore when it is inconvenient to your anti-homosexual campaign
CDC - Mental Health - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

The majority of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) have and maintain good mental health, even though MSM are at greater risk for mental health problems. Like everyone else, the majority of MSM are highly resilient and able to cope successfully with many negative life stressors, such as those associated with homophobia and discrimination.

Let's look at the study again FROM THE CDC ALSO:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Your contention, I presume from a standpoint of CQR (Audited group-think...ie: a cult) is that, without doing a study of 3,000 gay men and gathering the raw statistical data on specific questions (not generalized assumptions courtesy of "CQR"), "gay men have these mental issues from homophobia and discrimination"? That's what the APA decided in contrast to what the CDC FOUND...

Do you suppose that severe, "pervasive" or "epidemic" drug abuse, spousal abuse and depression MIGHT stem from what the CDC identifies as an "intertwined" co-morbid presentation in gay men? Do you suppose that the statistics that support other populations of survivors of childhood sexual abuse, that show they ALSO have a high propensity for drug abuse, spousal abuse and depression, might show that this is the causal agent of the other problems? Or is that just a "data fluke" that can be resolved by an "audit" from a group of powerful people lodged in high ranks in the APA? CQR gives them the power to remake reality you know. It gives their whims and assumptions "power over numbers" remember. Read the OP again..
Okay, Sil, the reason why SOME gays have psychological issues is that they have to deal with hatred of homophobic assholes like you.
Okay, Sil, the reason why SOME gays have psychological issues is that they have to deal with hatred of homophobic assholes like you.
I'm not a homophobic asshole. If you'd like me to point you to some on the net, I surely could find some. You have mistaken my refusal to advance your culture into the normal one as "hate". When a child reaches for a hot stove and you swat their hand away, you don't hate the child.

It's odd you know....even in cultures like San Francisco's gay district where the gays there get everything they want in terms of adoration, inclusion etc. etc. from that community, gay and straight, the suicide rates of gays are still really high. I suppose you'll figure out a way to blame that on hetero "haters" too, right?

No, there's something else going on. Something that might have to do with untreated childhood sexual wounds. In fact, deep in the human psyche, it might even be MORE depressing to have a bunch of like-affected mental patients all around you telling you in everything they do and say, to embrace the results of those childhood wounds...never ever talk about them as the genesis of who you are...and to pass them on to others in the form of promoting the culture to spread further.

Imagine knowing deep inside yourself that all that surrounds you is mental illness and having no way to confront it....no way to even talk about it in your surroundings. That might be another cause of suicide. And I think it may be the deep driving force of why the LGBT cult seems hellbent to remake reality into one big pride parade. Because when they see how other people live and carry on in their daily walks, the contrast to their own wounds brings them right to the surface. It's like the people who are engaged in deep stage denial. The contrast is so painful to bear that their reptilian mind takes over to fight off whatever" in order to keep from opening that putrid vault of pain and trauma they experienced as children.
Did we turn over a new page in hopes the old one will "go away"?

This is what the CDC says- which you ignore when it is inconvenient to your anti-homosexual campaign
CDC - Mental Health - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

The majority of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) have and maintain good mental health, even though MSM are at greater risk for mental health problems. Like everyone else, the majority of MSM are highly resilient and able to cope successfully with many negative life stressors, such as those associated with homophobia and discrimination.

Let's look at the study again FROM THE CDC ALSO:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Feel free to provide a link to that 'study' Silhouette.

As I have pointed out- Dr. Stall- who you quote- says your type of attacks on homosexuals is a likely cause of the mental illness some homosexuals suffer from.


Why do you ignore the CDC? The study you quote does not say that homosexual men all are mentally ill.

This is what the CDC says- which you ignore when it is inconvenient to your anti-homosexual campaign
CDC - Mental Health - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

The majority of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) have and maintain good mental health, even though MSM are at greater risk for mental health problems. Like everyone else, the majority of MSM are highly resilient and able to cope successfully with many negative life stressors, such as those associated with homophobia and discrimination.

Homosexuality is not a mental disorder, but homophobia, stigma, and discrimination have negative effects on the health of MSM, lesbians, and other sexual minorities. The negative effects of social marginalization can be found in adolescent and adult MSM, for example, research has shown that MSM and other members of the LGBT community are at increased risk for a number of mental health problems.[1]Research also has found that, compared to other men, MSM are at increased risk of:

Meanwhile- what does Dr. Stall- the author you keep citing say?

there is now substantial epidemiological evidence to show that gay men suffer from higher prevalence rates of a cluster of infectious and non-infectious diseases than do heterosexual men, but relatively little in the way of theory to explain the emergence of these epidemics.

This presentation will present evidence to show how socialization experiences of young men being reared in an environment in which homosexuality is deeply stigmatizing produces men are at increased susceptibility to depression, substance use and abuse, violence and HIV/STI infections in adulthood

. A theoretical paradigm will be presented to organize the evidence that we now have on gay men's health. The theory holds that the variables of social isolation, internalized homophobia, self censoring and proto-gay social skills predict increased vulnerability to a wide set of psychosocial conditions in adulthood, as do access to strengths and stressors found within urban gay communities themselves. Finally, in adulthood, empirical evidence will be presented to show that these epidemics interact to increase susceptibility of HIV infection, and as such, are a classic case of syndemic production. The theory holds relevance to other marginalized communities by showing how social and cultural processes result in the production of poor health at the level of individuals and communities.

In other words- Dr. Stall says that attacks like yours contribute to mental health problems experienced by gay men.

Just as the CDC says.
Okay, Sil, the reason why SOME gays have psychological issues is that they have to deal with hatred of homophobic assholes like you.
I'm not a homophobic asshole.n.

Prove it.

You start thread after thread attacking homosexuals- you lie about homosexuals- and you encourage discrimination against homosexuals.

Sounds like casebook homophobic asshole behavior to me.
You start thread after thread attacking homosexuals- you lie about homosexuals- and you encourage discrimination against homosexuals.

Sounds like casebook homophobic asshole behavior to me.

Actually, I started this thread attacking the American Psychological Association's "CQR" "methodology" and why it's a fool's errand to take any "professional" walking orders or advice from them therefore... When a scientific body takes its walking orders from audited-group-think in open preference over facts and data, that's when that entity ceased to be a professional entity and instead becomes a cult who thinks and acts and forms policy in deference to the members in its ranks who have been ordained to have trumping power in the "audit" process of "fact finding"...

But yeah, I see how you would be confused that I was attacking homosexuals. The APA and the LGBT cult are one and the same. The APA is just now the propaganda-with-teeth arm of the LGBT cult..
You start thread after thread attacking homosexuals- you lie about homosexuals- and you encourage discrimination against homosexuals.

Sounds like casebook homophobic asshole behavior to me.

Actually, I started this thread attacking the American Psychological Association's "CQR" "methodology" and why it's a fool's errand to take any "professional" walking orders or advice from them therefore... When a scientific body takes its walking orders from audited-group-think in open preference over facts and data, that's when that entity ceased to be a professional entity and instead becomes a cult who thinks and acts and forms policy in deference to the members in its ranks who have been ordained to have trumping power in the "audit" process of "fact finding"...

But yeah, I see how you would be confused that I was attacking homosexuals. The APA and the LGBT cult are one and the same. The APA is just now the propaganda-with-teeth arm of the LGBT cult..

Like I said

You start thread after thread attacking homosexuals- you lie about homosexuals- and you encourage discrimination against homosexuals.

Sounds like casebook homophobic asshole behavior to me.
Like I said

You start thread after thread attacking homosexuals- you lie about homosexuals- and you encourage discrimination against homosexuals.

Sounds like casebook homophobic asshole behavior to me.

It sounds like you're a member of the board of directors at the APA already. Your deductive reasoning is that badly flawed. Kind of scary actually to realize that reactive people like you are "auditing" "studies" (sans hard data..CQR-style) at the APA and calling their conclusions solid objective human psychology. Or at least shrouding it under that label...
Like I said

You start thread after thread attacking homosexuals- you lie about homosexuals- and you encourage discrimination against homosexuals.

Sounds like casebook homophobic asshole behavior to me.

It sounds like you're a member of the board of directors at the APA already. Your deductive reasoning is that badly flawed. Kind of scary actually to realize that reactive people like you are "auditing" "studies" (sans hard data..CQR-style) at the APA and calling their conclusions solid objective human psychology. Or at least shrouding it under that label...

Well that sounds like something an asshole homophobe would say
As I have pointed out numerous times now the APA timeline for homosexuality as a mental disorder
1952- APA declares homosexuality a mental disorder- this was a consensus opinion- no hard science supported claim.
1974- APA removes homosexuality as a mental disorder- this was a consensus opinion- because there was no hard science supporting the designation.
Homosexuality was considered a mental disorder for 32 years.
Homosexuality has not been considered a mental disorder for the last 40 years.

But there are those like yourself who cannot accept that- and attempt to promote hate against homosexuals.

Falling back on the old BIG LOUD-COLORED lesbian posing at a gay-hater to ramp sympathy when you're cornered?

Getting a bit desperate, aren't you? People don't trust or vote for desperate people engaged in lying and subterfuge. You might want to be more careful about that...
Falling back on the old BIG LOUD-COLORED lesbian posing at a gay-hater to ramp sympathy when you're cornered?

Getting a bit desperate, aren't you? People don't trust or vote for desperate people engaged in lying and subterfuge. You might want to be more careful about that...

Which is of course why people don't trust you- your posts are all about lying and deception.
As I have pointed out numerous times now the APA timeline for homosexuality as a mental disorder
1952- APA declares homosexuality a mental disorder- this was a consensus opinion- no hard science supported claim.
1974- APA removes homosexuality as a mental disorder- this was a consensus opinion- because there was no hard science supporting the designation.
Homosexuality was considered a mental disorder for 32 years.
Homosexuality has not been considered a mental disorder for the last 40 years.

But there are those like yourself who cannot accept that- and attempt to promote hate against homosexuals.
Falling back on the old BIG LOUD-COLORED lesbian posing at a gay-hater to ramp sympathy when you're cornered?

Getting a bit desperate, aren't you? People don't trust or vote for desperate people engaged in lying and subterfuge. You might want to be more careful about that...

Which is of course why people don't trust you- your posts are all about lying and deception.
As I have pointed out numerous times now the APA timeline for homosexuality as a mental disorder
1952- APA declares homosexuality a mental disorder- this was a consensus opinion- no hard science supported claim.
1974- APA removes homosexuality as a mental disorder- this was a consensus opinion- because there was no hard science supporting the designation.
Homosexuality was considered a mental disorder for 32 years.
Homosexuality has not been considered a mental disorder for the last 40 years.

But there are those like yourself who cannot accept that- and attempt to promote hate against homosexuals.
Well, I'll refer you back to the OP. Read the text, follow the links and see if I'm the author of the book the APA is promoting that urges members to practice CQR "research". If I'm not the author of that book or the excerpts/clips describing it, talk to those people and leave me out of it.

I didn't invent CQR. So don't blame the messenger. Imagine the courts taking advice from CQR "conclusions"? God, one day they'll wake up and see how the wool was pulled over their eyes. Your hope is that you can ramrod a bunch of laws through with smoke and mirrors and by then it will be too late, right? Y'all will have "married in"....

...Isn't that the master plan? Yes, when you control the source of all information (the APA) with a cult (CQR) regarding the important and vital questions of this debate, you pretty much control the debate, don't you?
Falling back on the old BIG LOUD-COLORED lesbian posing at a gay-hater to ramp sympathy when you're cornered?

Getting a bit desperate, aren't you? People don't trust or vote for desperate people engaged in lying and subterfuge. You might want to be more careful about that...

Which is of course why people don't trust you- your posts are all about lying and deception.
As I have pointed out numerous times now the APA timeline for homosexuality as a mental disorder
1952- APA declares homosexuality a mental disorder- this was a consensus opinion- no hard science supported claim.
1974- APA removes homosexuality as a mental disorder- this was a consensus opinion- because there was no hard science supporting the designation.
Homosexuality was considered a mental disorder for 32 years.
Homosexuality has not been considered a mental disorder for the last 40 years.

But there are those like yourself who cannot accept that- and attempt to promote hate against homosexuals.
Well, I'll refer you back to the OP. Read the text, follow the links and see if I'm the author of the book the APA is promoting that urges members to practice CQR "research". If I'm not the author of that book or the excerpts/clips describing it, talk to those people and leave me out of it.

I didn't invent CQR. So don't blame the messenger. Imagine the courts taking advice from CQR "conclusions"? God, one day they'll wake up and see how the wool was pulled over their eyes. Your hope is that you can ramrod a bunch of laws through with smoke and mirrors and by then it will be too late, right? Y'all will have "married in"....

...Isn't that the master plan? Yes, when you control the source of all information (the APA) with a cult (CQR) regarding the important and vital questions of this debate, you pretty much control the debate, don't you?

More Bat guano crazy

As I have pointed out numerous times now the APA timeline for homosexuality as a mental disorder
1952- APA declares homosexuality a mental disorder- this was a consensus opinion- no hard science supported claim.
1974- APA removes homosexuality as a mental disorder- this was a consensus opinion- because there was no hard science supporting the designation.
Homosexuality was considered a mental disorder for 32 years.
Homosexuality has not been considered a mental disorder for the last 40 years.

But there are those like yourself who cannot accept that- and attempt to promote hate against homosexuals.
I'm not a homophobic asshole. If you'd like me to point you to some on the net, I surely could find some. You have mistaken my refusal to advance your culture into the normal one as "hate". When a child reaches for a hot stove and you swat their hand away, you don't hate the child.

It's odd you know....even in cultures like San Francisco's gay district where the gays there get everything they want in terms of adoration, inclusion etc. etc. from that community, gay and straight, the suicide rates of gays are still really high. I suppose you'll figure out a way to blame that on hetero "haters" too, right?

No, there's something else going on. Something that might have to do with untreated childhood sexual wounds. In fact, deep in the human psyche, it might even be MORE depressing to have a bunch of like-affected mental patients all around you telling you in everything they do and say, to embrace the results of those childhood wounds...never ever talk about them as the genesis of who you are...and to pass them on to others in the form of promoting the culture to spread further.

Imagine knowing deep inside yourself that all that surrounds you is mental illness and having no way to confront it....no way to even talk about it in your surroundings. That might be another cause of suicide. And I think it may be the deep driving force of why the LGBT cult seems hellbent to remake reality into one big pride parade. Because when they see how other people live and carry on in their daily walks, the contrast to their own wounds brings them right to the surface. It's like the people who are engaged in deep stage denial. The contrast is so painful to bear that their reptilian mind takes over to fight off whatever" in order to keep from opening that putrid vault of pain and trauma they experienced as children.

Dude, I'm straight. I'm also comfortable enough in my sexuality where I don't freak out when two dudes kiss.

And frankly, no one who is absolutely obsessed with homosexuality the way you are - I don't think I've ever seen you post on another subject - has a healthy attitude towards gays.
The topic is whatever we want to talk about.

If you are going to talk about science and mental disorders.

Homosexuality and Female Hysteria both used to be considered mental disorders- and neither are now.

The APA didn't use 'hard science' when it called homosexuality a mental disorder in 1952, and in 1974, it recognized that there was no hard science to consider homosexuality a mental disorder.

It went the way of 'female hysteria' as a diagnosis.

Do you think bulimia is a mental disorder or a different eating orientation?

Well you can point out a damage they are doing to their lives. People need to eat and absorb nutrients in order to live.

People however do not have to be attracted to the opposite sex in order to live, or even to live without suffering.

You don't understand the first thing about mental health do why should anybody listen to you?
I'm not a homophobic asshole. If you'd like me to point you to some on the net, I surely could find some. You have mistaken my refusal to advance your culture into the normal one as "hate". When a child reaches for a hot stove and you swat their hand away, you don't hate the child.

It's odd you know....even in cultures like San Francisco's gay district where the gays there get everything they want in terms of adoration, inclusion etc. etc. from that community, gay and straight, the suicide rates of gays are still really high. I suppose you'll figure out a way to blame that on hetero "haters" too, right?

No, there's something else going on. Something that might have to do with untreated childhood sexual wounds. In fact, deep in the human psyche, it might even be MORE depressing to have a bunch of like-affected mental patients all around you telling you in everything they do and say, to embrace the results of those childhood wounds...never ever talk about them as the genesis of who you are...and to pass them on to others in the form of promoting the culture to spread further.

Imagine knowing deep inside yourself that all that surrounds you is mental illness and having no way to confront it....no way to even talk about it in your surroundings. That might be another cause of suicide. And I think it may be the deep driving force of why the LGBT cult seems hellbent to remake reality into one big pride parade. Because when they see how other people live and carry on in their daily walks, the contrast to their own wounds brings them right to the surface. It's like the people who are engaged in deep stage denial. The contrast is so painful to bear that their reptilian mind takes over to fight off whatever" in order to keep from opening that putrid vault of pain and trauma they experienced as children.

Dude, I'm straight. I'm also comfortable enough in my sexuality where I don't freak out when two dudes kiss.

And frankly, no one who is absolutely obsessed with homosexuality the way you are - I don't think I've ever seen you post on another subject - has a healthy attitude towards gays.
I would say it's borderline paranoid delusion.

So we have a paranoid moron trying to explain mental health.

The naked are being lead by the blind.

I have seen this nitwit post in another forum. And it's the same paranoid crap.

When somebody is trying to say the whole rest of the world seeks to hide the truth from people, but they somehow know this secret truth, that is called a red flag in the psychological professions.
I would say it's borderline paranoid delusion.

So we have a paranoid moron trying to explain mental health.

The naked are being lead by the blind.

I have seen this nitwit post in another forum. And it's the same paranoid crap.

When somebody is trying to say the whole rest of the world seeks to hide the truth from people, but they somehow know this secret truth, that is called a red flag in the psychological professions.

I wouldn't be surprised if Sil posts in several forums. He's like the racist who has been told his town is integrating whether he likes it or not.

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