Federal Jusge Rules Biden Border Policies Are ILLEGAL


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"A federal judge in Florida has struck down the Biden administration’s use of policies to mass release migrants into the U.S. interior is unlawful, accusing the administration of turning the border into a "meaningless line in the sand."

YES, that means President Joe Biden is BREAKING THE LAW!

He has been since Day 1 in office,his policies being UN-CONSTITUTIONAL and ILLEGAL.

"Today’s ruling affirms what we have known all along, President Biden is responsible for the border crisis and his unlawful immigration policies make this country less safe.

A federal judge is NOW ordering Biden to follow the law."

He won't do it.

"A federal judge in Florida has struck down the Biden administration’s use of policies to mass release migrants into the U.S. interior is unlawful, accusing the administration of turning the border into a "meaningless line in the sand."

YES, that means President Joe Biden is BREAKING THE LAW!

He has been since Day 1 in office,his policies being UN-CONSTITUTIONAL and ILLEGAL.

"Today’s ruling affirms what we have known all along, President Biden is responsible for the border crisis and his unlawful immigration policies make this country less safe.

A federal judge is NOW ordering Biden to follow the law."

He won't do it.

LOL...a judge. In Florida..which shares a border with which country again?
All air. No substance. This judge needs to go back to having his lips champed on DeSantis' keester.
"A federal judge in Florida has struck down the Biden administration’s use of policies to mass release migrants into the U.S. interior is unlawful, accusing the administration of turning the border into a "meaningless line in the sand."

YES, that means President Joe Biden is BREAKING THE LAW!

He has been since Day 1 in office,his policies being UN-CONSTITUTIONAL and ILLEGAL.

"Today’s ruling affirms what we have known all along, President Biden is responsible for the border crisis and his unlawful immigration policies make this country less safe.

A federal judge is NOW ordering Biden to follow the law."

He won't do it.

Uncle Jojo won't remember it.
A federal judge in FL.
Biden's Un-Constitutional and ILLEGAL Border Policies have impacted every state in the nation, snowflake.

Yup, a FEDERAL JUDGE has declared what EVERYONE has known sonce Biden took office '


Biden's Open Border Policy has surrendered National Sovereignty, has sacrificed National Security, and has endangered / destroyed the lives of Americans.

Joe Biden has not only FACILITATED himan / child / sex trafficking, he has PERPETRATED / ENGAGED in it.

Biden has facilitated Fentynal trafficking that has resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans.

A reported just recently, like Obama, Biden has LOST 20,000 illegal migrant children, who are suspected to be in tbe hands of child / sex trafficker and / or govt pedophiles...and its being reported the zbiden administration is not even looking for them.
-- The results of holding kids in cages, putting them on buses in the middle of the night, shipping them all over thr country, & just dumping thrm without keeping a record or telling local / state authorities they were coming.

Biden has imported thieves, rapists, pedophiles, violet gang members, criminals released from.South American prisons, and terrorists on the US Terrorist Watch List.
Biden's Un-Constitutional and ILLEGAL Border Policies have impacted every state in the nation, snowflake.

Yup, a FEDERAL JUDGE has declared what EVERYONE has known sonce Biden took office '


Biden's Open Border Policy has surrendered National Sovereignty, has sacrificed National Security, and has endangered / destroyed the lives of Americans.

Joe Biden has not only FACILITATED himan / child / sex trafficking, he has PERPETRATED / ENGAGED in it.

Biden has facilitated Fentynal trafficking that has resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans.

A reported just recently, like Obama, Biden has LOST 20,000 illegal migrant children, who are suspected to be in tbe hands of child / sex trafficker and / or govt pedophiles...and its being reported the zbiden administration is not even looking for them.
-- The results of holding kids in cages, putting them on buses in the middle of the night, shipping them all over thr country, & just dumping thrm without keeping a record or telling local / state authorities they were coming.

Biden has imported thieves, rapists, pedophiles, violet gang members, criminals released from.South American prisons, and terrorists on the US Terrorist Watch List.

I take it that your snowflake comment was meant for that Jackofnotrades leftist. ;)

The dumb shit acted as if it was some kind of back-woods circuit court FL state judge.

In Florida. I smell a big, "Who cares" coming from the Biden administration.

Or..maybe a #sand. :)
It's all fun-n-games till the federal marshals show-up with a contempt warrant for whoever carries Tater's policies forward. Tater might not be able to be charged but Mayorkas sure can.
I live in one.
They do work.
But I ain't an asshole cult fuck.

I didn’t say all people who live in Gated Communities. I said the asshole cult fucks that do live in Gates Communities crack me up when they say walls do not work.

I have lived in numerous gated communities. Why would you assume I meant everyone who lives in a Gated community is an asshole cult fuck? That makes no sense.

You are defensive, my non cult fuck friend.

There are asshole cult fucks who live in gated communities and there are cool red pilled conservatives who live in gated communities.

I didn’t say all people who live in Gated Communities. I said the asshole cult fucks that do live in Gates Communities crack me up when they say walls do not work.

I have lived in numerous gated communities. Why would you assume I meant everyone who lives in a Gated community is an asshole cult fuck? That makes no sense.

You are defensive, my non cult fuck friend.

There are asshole cult fucks who live in gated communities and there are cool red pilled conservatives who live in gated communities.

They work to a point in gated communities in leftist areas.

My daughter lived in San Diego in a gated community.....She moved back to Virginia because it got surrounded by homeless camps and it was unsafe to leave it on foot, day or night.

She said the oldsters that lived there were like prisoners because they could no longer use public transportation due to the vagrants and illegals at accosted them every time they left.

SD was the last bastion of freedom in CA before it fell to the leftists and it went to shit in a hurry once they held sway.

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