Federal Propaganda at it's worst.

Understanding global change is critical to our Nation’s welfare and economic vitality.

The use of energy in general (primarily hydrocarbons) is highly correlated to world GDP.


Can We Really Hold On to the Industrial Age, with Virtually No Fossil Fuel Use?

This is one of the big questions. “Renewable energy” was given the name it was, partly as a marketing tool. Nearly all of it is very dependent on the fossil fuel system. For example, wind turbines and solar PV panels require fossil fuels for their manufacture, transport, and maintenance. Even nuclear energy requires fossil fuels for its maintenance, and for decommissioning old power plants, as well as for mining, transporting, and processing uranium. Electric cars require fossil fuel inputs as well.

An Energy/GDP Forecast to 2050 | Our Finite World

Forcibly stifling the use of fossil fuels in the name of a "Climate Change" agenda will be far more catastrophic than the doom and gloom predictions put forth by such a profit-driven cottage industry.
Joseph Goebbels would be sooooooooooo proud.


When your ratings and credibility are circling the drain, you do what the Fonz did and jump on the shark. Telling everyone that climate change is already outside their door is the worst misrepresentation of science in my lifetime. But what do expect from a government that now blatantly lies about everything?
Joseph Goebbels would be sooooooooooo proud.


From your link:

The reports, assessments, and datasets featured here are primarily drawn from USGCRP's Global Change Information System, a web-based portal for Federal global change data and products. This page provides access to select relevant resources generated or sponsored by the U.S. Government and other authoritative scientific bodies, thereby fulfilling the requirement for a Global Change Research Information Office as mandated by the Global Change Research Act of 1990.

That looks like propaganda to you?
Joseph Goebbels would be sooooooooooo proud.


From your link:

The reports, assessments, and datasets featured here are primarily drawn from USGCRP's Global Change Information System, a web-based portal for Federal global change data and products. This page provides access to select relevant resources generated or sponsored by the U.S. Government and other authoritative scientific bodies, thereby fulfilling the requirement for a Global Change Research Information Office as mandated by the Global Change Research Act of 1990.

That looks like propaganda to you?

yes; why wouldnt it?
Understanding global change is critical to our Nation’s welfare and economic vitality.

The use of energy in general (primarily hydrocarbons) is highly correlated to world GDP.


Can We Really Hold On to the Industrial Age, with Virtually No Fossil Fuel Use?

This is one of the big questions. “Renewable energy” was given the name it was, partly as a marketing tool. Nearly all of it is very dependent on the fossil fuel system. For example, wind turbines and solar PV panels require fossil fuels for their manufacture, transport, and maintenance. Even nuclear energy requires fossil fuels for its maintenance, and for decommissioning old power plants, as well as for mining, transporting, and processing uranium. Electric cars require fossil fuel inputs as well.

An Energy/GDP Forecast to 2050 | Our Finite World

Forcibly stifling the use of fossil fuels in the name of a "Climate Change" agenda will be far more catastrophic than the doom and gloom predictions put forth by such a profit-driven cottage industry.

Can we really hold on to the industrial age when we'll be spending hundreds of trillions of dollars to survive its effects? I'd also like to see the establishment of the causal relationship between fossil fuel usage and GDP that you take for granted.
Joseph Goebbels would be sooooooooooo proud.


From your link:

The reports, assessments, and datasets featured here are primarily drawn from USGCRP's Global Change Information System, a web-based portal for Federal global change data and products. This page provides access to select relevant resources generated or sponsored by the U.S. Government and other authoritative scientific bodies, thereby fulfilling the requirement for a Global Change Research Information Office as mandated by the Global Change Research Act of 1990.

That looks like propaganda to you?

ah yeah, and how nice us taxpayers get to pay for all this BS by this government and OTHER AUTHORITATIVE scientific bodies
When did "we the people" vote for all this?
thereby fulfilling the requirement for a Global Change Research Information Office as mandated by the Global Change Research Act of 1990.

my gawd we are getting so hosed
Understanding global change is critical to our Nation’s welfare and economic vitality.

The use of energy in general (primarily hydrocarbons) is highly correlated to world GDP.


Can We Really Hold On to the Industrial Age, with Virtually No Fossil Fuel Use?

This is one of the big questions. “Renewable energy” was given the name it was, partly as a marketing tool. Nearly all of it is very dependent on the fossil fuel system. For example, wind turbines and solar PV panels require fossil fuels for their manufacture, transport, and maintenance. Even nuclear energy requires fossil fuels for its maintenance, and for decommissioning old power plants, as well as for mining, transporting, and processing uranium. Electric cars require fossil fuel inputs as well.

An Energy/GDP Forecast to 2050 | Our Finite World

Forcibly stifling the use of fossil fuels in the name of a "Climate Change" agenda will be far more catastrophic than the doom and gloom predictions put forth by such a profit-driven cottage industry.

Can we really hold on to the industrial age when we'll be spending hundreds of trillions of dollars to survive its effects? I'd also like to see the establishment of the causal relationship between fossil fuel usage and GDP that you take for granted.

posted on a message board almost certainly using nuclear or coal-generated electricity
The radical far right reactionaries love using the tactics of a Goebbels, a Streicher, an Alinsky. The wingnuts of the far right are easy to recognize by their tactics.
The radical far right reactionaries love using the tactics of a Goebbels, a Streicher, an Alinsky. The wingnuts of the far right are easy to recognize by their tactics.



libs are losers who lie to themselves
silly left-wing losers; always painting themselves as victims

ironically NAZIS did the same thing; even as they plotted to take over
posted on a message board almost certainly using nuclear or coal-generated electricity

Posted by someone who doesn't understand the basics.

Mr Bedowin, how much CO2 does a nuclear power plant produce?

And which left-wing poster(s) in which post(s) do you believe is/are portraying themselves as a victim?
Last edited:
posted on a message board almost certainly using nuclear or coal-generated electricity

Posted by someone who doesn't understand the basics.

Mr Bedowin, how much CO2 does a nuclear power plant produce?

most power plants are coal-fired

and the left opposes nuclear energy as well as carbon-based fuels

that was the point

try again though
Then let this be a good learning moment for you. People concerned about AGW favor nuclear power plants. I am a leftist. I am concerned about AGW. I favor nuclear power plants.

There are people of all political stripe who do NOT like nuclear power even though some of them know it is a good solution to producing power without GHGs. Fukushima, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and a dozen other incidents have certainly given people cause to consider the special risks inherent in nuclear power technology. Nuclear power needs to be undertaken with great care and caution but I believe it's value still outweighs its risks. Of course I support a number of less risky alternatives as well: thermal solar, PV solar, wind, tidal, OTEC, geothermal, fuel cell (esp for transportation) etc etc etc. I also support moving from high CO2 to low CO2 (coal to natural gas, naural gas to hydrogen).

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