Feds Seek Nationwide Ban On Use Of Personal Electronic Devices In Cars...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
The long tentacles of Big Government just keep growing longer & longer. Wait till people find out how they're going to enforce this law. Just check out Great Britain and find out. A surveillance camera on every street corner and traffic light. Fun times.

The National Transportation Safety Board recommended a nationwide ban on driver use of personal electronic devices Tuesday, following its investigation into a deadly accident last year in Missouri.

NTSB Chairman Deborah A.P. Hersman discussed the recommendations during a press conference after a meeting on that accident.

“According to [the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration], more than 3,000 people lost their lives last year in distraction-related accidents,”she said. “It is time for all of us to stand up for safety by turning off electronic devices when driving.”

While the NTSB investigates transportation and pipeline accidents and makes recommendations on safety rules and regulations, it has no power to implement them.

The NTSB’s recommendations urge all 50 states and the District ”to ban the nonemergency use of portable electronic devices (other than those designed to support the driving task).” According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, 35 states, including Maryland and Virginia, and the District ban texting while driving.

Read More:
NTSB seeks nationwide ban on driver use of personal electronic devices - Dr. Gridlock - The Washington Post
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Keep in mind,they're pushing for a ban on 'personal devices.' Not just Cell Phones.
Keep in mind,they're pushing for a ban on 'personal devices.' Not just Cell Phones.

It is already illegal to text or talk while driving in my state. An exception was allowed for hands free devices.

I dont need the feds
Keep in mind,they're pushing for a ban on 'personal devices.' Not just Cell Phones.

Yes, watching movies on the IPad would be banned too.

These laws are disgusting, absurd and asinine.

The larger question is how did we come to have a people whose personal enjoyment overrides another person's right to life?
All for our safety of course. They should ban car audio systems too because someone might crash when adjusting the volume

Just imagine, if this were to become a federal law, the federal government will now have their own fee imposed on top of the state's fee when you go to the circus show called traffic court to pay the piper.

Now watch all the people come and defend this and tell us we "need" it.
Except on Interstates and while crossing State lines the Federal Government has no authority to impose such a law.
Does this include law enforcement?
Raise of hands of how many folks have saw police talking on cell phones while driving...
All for our safety of course. They should ban car audio systems too because someone might crash when adjusting the volume

Just imagine, if this were to become a federal law, the federal government will now have their own fee imposed on top of the state's fee when you go to the circus show called traffic court to pay the piper.

Now watch all the people come and defend this and tell us we "need" it.

Factually, what might happen isn't entering into it. No one wants to ban texting because of what might happen. It's because of what happened.

We don't NEED laws like this. We NEED to have people stop their raging sense of entitlement.
The NTSB’s recommendations urge all 50 states and the District ”to ban the nonemergency use of portable electronic devices (other than those designed to support the driving task).”

Well it's good to know no one's ever gonna be in an accident because someone took their eyes off the road to check that GPS screen.
Except on Interstates and while crossing State lines the Federal Government has no authority to impose such a law.

Of course they do. The federal government has a financial hand on every road in the nation. States always get federal funding for state highways and even city streets.
The long tentacles of Big Government just keep growing longer & longer. Wait till people find out how they're going to enforce this law. Just check out Great Britain and find out. A surveillance camera on every street corner and traffic light. Fun times.

The National Transportation Safety Board recommended a nationwide ban on driver use of personal electronic devices Tuesday, following its investigation into a deadly accident last year in Missouri.

NTSB Chairman Deborah A.P. Hersman discussed the recommendations during a press conference after a meeting on that accident.

“According to [the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration], more than 3,000 people lost their lives last year in distraction-related accidents,”she said. “It is time for all of us to stand up for safety by turning off electronic devices when driving.”

While the NTSB investigates transportation and pipeline accidents and makes recommendations on safety rules and regulations, it has no power to implement them.

The NTSB’s recommendations urge all 50 states and the District ”to ban the nonemergency use of portable electronic devices (other than those designed to support the driving task).” According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, 35 states, including Maryland and Virginia, and the District ban texting while driving.

Read More:
NTSB seeks nationwide ban on driver use of personal electronic devices - Dr. Gridlock - The Washington Post

If this goes through, I'll really cut into my hobby.

I usually park by the side of the highway and point my hairdryer at oncoming traffic...you should see all the pile-ups as they stomp on their brakes!!
This includes all 'personal electronic devices.' Doesn't necessarily have to be a Cell Phone. And how will it be enforced? Great Britain uses video surveillance to record and then deliver fines via mail. We do that somewhat here with people who run tolls. But surveillance would have to be stepped up considerably to enforce this law.
How much of your personal life will be left uncontrolled by Big Brother? I can only imagine what they have in store for us in the future. God help us if another Terrorist Attack happens. Might as well toss the Constitution in a bonfire.
The Constitution requires a responsible people.

The Constitution was written for a moral and religious people. It is wholly unsuitable for the governing of any other.

As we become less moral, less religious, less responsible, the Constitution's suitability for governing us weakens.
Guess they'll be banning swimming pools and bathtubs next. Many many people die every year from those things. It's a damn Genocide.
The folks at Car and Driver Magazine have now documented just dangerous it can be.

Rigging a car with a red light to alert drivers when to brake, the magazine tested how long it takes to hit the brake when sober, when legally drunk at .08, when reading and e-mail, and when sending a text. The results are scary. Driving 70 miles per hour on a deserted air strip Car and Driver editor Eddie Alterman was slower and slower reacting and braking when e-mailing and texting.

The results:

Unimpaired: .54 seconds to brake
Legally drunk: add 4 feet
Reading e-mail: add 36 feet
Sending a text: add 70 feet
News Headlines

Many states already have laws in place and I agree that it should be up to each individual state. I do however agree there should be laws against texting; etc while driving. It's a huge safely issue. Carelessness like that causes property damage and drives up insurance rates.
My daughter was sitting at a stop light and got hit from behind by someone on their cell phone. Plus, I've seen quite a few people swerving all over the road while just being on their cell phone and that's during rush hour! It's an accident just waiting to happen.
On my phone, I have the option of setting my phone and texting to a message that tells the caller/texter that I'm driving and I'll get back to the caller/texter when I can.
Guess they'll be banning swimming pools and bathtubs next. Many many people die every year from those things. It's a damn Genocide.

How many OTHER people are killed. I have to agree with you. IF 3,000 people were killed in one year by being intentionally drowned by another you would start seeing some serious laws.

HOWEVER, you do know that once children started drowning in neighbor's pools, there was a flurry of laws demanding that all pools be secured by fences.

If we did not have a population composed of entitled selfish people none of these laws would be necessary.
The NTSB is a regulatory arm of the federal government and you can count on it to do what it does best...make regulations.

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