Feds to issue new medical marijuana policy

Did I misspell remidy?

Don't bother answering, at this point, I'm honestly not caring.
I am a high school teacher and a mother of two teenagers.

OH MY GOD HOLY JESUS MOTHERFUCKING SHIT!!! And you listing those credentials somehow is suppossed to strengthen your arguement... how?

But I mean if your kids think its okay, somehow appropriate, or the correct behavior to steal your drugs then some where along the line you really failed as a parent...

Here's the law in Maine:

A. How to become a medical marijuana patient in the state of Maine

Under the Act, a person who is at least 18 years of age may lawfully possess a usable amount of marijuana for medical use if, at the time of that possession, the person has available an authenticated copy of a medical record or other written documentation from a physician, demonstrating that:
  1. The person has been diagnosed by a physician as suffering from one or more of the conditions enumerated below;
  2. A physician, in the context of a bona fide physician-patient relationship with the person:
    1. Has discussed with the person the possible health risks and therapeutic or palliative benefits of the medical use of marijuana based on information known to the physician, including, but not limited to, clinical studies or anecdotal evidence reported in medical literature or observations or information concerning the use of marijuana by other patients with the same or similar conditions;
    2. Has provided the person with the physician's professional opinion concerning the possible balance of risks and benefits of the medical use of marijuana in the person's particular case; and
    3. Has advised the person, on the basis of the physician's knowledge of the person's medical history and condition, that the person might benefit from the medical use of marijuana;
  3. The person has disclosed to the physician that person's medical use of marijuana; and
  4. The person is under the continuing care of the physician.
A. Possession and Growing Limitations

Maine's Medical Marijuana Law was amended to allow for the term "usable amount of marijuana for medical use" to mean:
  1. 2-1/2 ounces or less of harvested marijuana and;
  2. A total of 6 plants, of which no more than 3 may be mature, flowering plants.
B. Consumption of Medical Marijuana

Under Maine's Medical Marijuana Act, the medical use of marijuana by an eligible patient is not authorized in a public place or in a workplace where such use is not permitted.
C. Paraphernalia associated with medical use

Title 22, section 2383-B, subsection 5 of the Act permits any paraphernalia associated with the medical use of marijuana including any paraphernalia involved in the use, possession with intent to use, planting, propagation, cultivation, growing, harvesting, manufacture, compounding, conversion, production, processing, preparation, testing, analyzing, packing, storing, containment, concealment, ingesting, inhaling or otherwise introduce marijuana into the human body for medical use.
D. Access to Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana patients cannot go to a pharmacy for medical marijuana. Pharmacies can only dispense medications that are "prescribed." Unfortunately, medical marijuana is classified by the federal government as a Schedule I drug which means that it cannot be "prescribed" by any health care professional.
Under Maine's medical marijuana law, doctors may only "recommend" marijuana, and that allows patients to grow their own medical marijuana for their private use. The state of Maine does not provide information on the acquisition of marijuana. Therefore, the State of Maine will not assist in getting seeds or plants to start growing medical marijuana.

Essentially, as a prescribing physician in Maine, I cannot "prescribe" this drug. I can only write a letter recommending that the use of marijuana in a patient is appropriate for symptom control. And with that in mind, there are only certain patient's that will qualify.

The patient apparently has to keep this letter on his/her person and will therefore be exempt from arrest if they are found to be following the guidelines of us.

To this point, I have written only one of these letters for a quadriplegic with muscle spasticity.

ADDENDUM: And since I've never used marijuana, I don't know if 2.5 ounces is a lot or a little, and I don't know if 3 flowering plants is a lot or a little.
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- Federal drug agents won't pursue pot-smoking patients or their sanctioned suppliers in states that allow medical marijuana, under new legal guidelines to be issued Monday by the Obama administration.

Two Justice Department officials described the new policy to The Associated Press, saying prosecutors will be told it is not a good use of their time to arrest people who use or provide medical marijuana in strict compliance with state law.

The guidelines to be issued by the department do, however, make it clear that agents will go after people whose marijuana distribution goes beyond what is permitted under state law or use medical marijuana as a cover for other crimes, the officials said.
My Way News - Feds to issue new medical marijuana policy

This is one more thing out of many that I disagree with that I actually agree with. The Federal government should not be stepping on the toes of States rights. Currently there are 13 states that allow for medical marijuana use with people who obtain written notice from their doctors to treat chronic conditions.

We need to spend DEA funds to track down crack-cocain--herion & meth dealers.

Your thoughts?

YAAAAAAAYYYY!!! Finally- Medical Marijuana will be legalized soon in all 50 states!!! Oh this is GOOOOOOD news!!

With fewer potheads in jail, there will be plenty more space for REAL criminals- to serve longer sentences!!! Woot Woot!!!! Less "overcrowding" = Good policy!!! Wow- I mean, the US has 25% of the world's population behind bars as it is.. And we only make up less than 15% of the total population of the world. Sad that a country with so much proported freedom has so many of its own citizens lacking in it..


- Federal drug agents won't pursue pot-smoking patients or their sanctioned suppliers in states that allow medical marijuana, under new legal guidelines to be issued Monday by the Obama administration.

Two Justice Department officials described the new policy to The Associated Press, saying prosecutors will be told it is not a good use of their time to arrest people who use or provide medical marijuana in strict compliance with state law.

The guidelines to be issued by the department do, however, make it clear that agents will go after people whose marijuana distribution goes beyond what is permitted under state law or use medical marijuana as a cover for other crimes, the officials said.
My Way News - Feds to issue new medical marijuana policy

This is one more thing out of many that I disagree with that I actually agree with. The Federal government should not be stepping on the toes of States rights. Currently there are 13 states that allow for medical marijuana use with people who obtain written notice from their doctors to treat chronic conditions.

We need to spend DEA funds to track down crack-cocain--herion & meth dealers.

Your thoughts?

YAAAAAAAYYYY!!! Finally- Medical Marijuana will be legalized soon in all 50 states!!! Oh this is GOOOOOOD news!!

With fewer potheads in jail, there will be plenty more space for REAL criminals- to serve longer sentences!!! Woot Woot!!!! Less "overcrowding" = Good policy!!! Wow- I mean, the US has 25% of the world's population behind bars as it is.. And we only make up less than 15% of the total population of the world. Sad that a country with so much proported freedom has so many of its own citizens lacking in it..



Wait a minute...

This doesn't make marijuana legal. It would only make medical marijuana legal.

And as I noted in my post regarding Maine's laws, medical marijuana is only to be recommended to a very small subset of the population.

I'm willing to bet that of all the people in jail for marijuana violations, only the smallest fraction of them would qualify medically.

Here's the law in Maine:

A. How to become a medical marijuana patient in the state of Maine

Under the Act, a person who is at least 18 years of age may lawfully possess a usable amount of marijuana for medical use if, at the time of that possession, the person has available an authenticated copy of a medical record or other written documentation from a physician, demonstrating that:
  1. The person has been diagnosed by a physician as suffering from one or more of the conditions enumerated below;
  2. A physician, in the context of a bona fide physician-patient relationship with the person:
    1. Has discussed with the person the possible health risks and therapeutic or palliative benefits of the medical use of marijuana based on information known to the physician, including, but not limited to, clinical studies or anecdotal evidence reported in medical literature or observations or information concerning the use of marijuana by other patients with the same or similar conditions;
    2. Has provided the person with the physician's professional opinion concerning the possible balance of risks and benefits of the medical use of marijuana in the person's particular case; and
    3. Has advised the person, on the basis of the physician's knowledge of the person's medical history and condition, that the person might benefit from the medical use of marijuana;
  3. The person has disclosed to the physician that person's medical use of marijuana; and
  4. The person is under the continuing care of the physician.
A. Possession and Growing Limitations

Maine's Medical Marijuana Law was amended to allow for the term "usable amount of marijuana for medical use" to mean:
  1. 2-1/2 ounces or less of harvested marijuana and;
  2. A total of 6 plants, of which no more than 3 may be mature, flowering plants.
B. Consumption of Medical Marijuana

Under Maine's Medical Marijuana Act, the medical use of marijuana by an eligible patient is not authorized in a public place or in a workplace where such use is not permitted.
C. Paraphernalia associated with medical use

Title 22, section 2383-B, subsection 5 of the Act permits any paraphernalia associated with the medical use of marijuana including any paraphernalia involved in the use, possession with intent to use, planting, propagation, cultivation, growing, harvesting, manufacture, compounding, conversion, production, processing, preparation, testing, analyzing, packing, storing, containment, concealment, ingesting, inhaling or otherwise introduce marijuana into the human body for medical use.
D. Access to Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana patients cannot go to a pharmacy for medical marijuana. Pharmacies can only dispense medications that are "prescribed." Unfortunately, medical marijuana is classified by the federal government as a Schedule I drug which means that it cannot be "prescribed" by any health care professional.
Under Maine's medical marijuana law, doctors may only "recommend" marijuana, and that allows patients to grow their own medical marijuana for their private use. The state of Maine does not provide information on the acquisition of marijuana. Therefore, the State of Maine will not assist in getting seeds or plants to start growing medical marijuana.

Essentially, as a prescribing physician in Maine, I cannot "prescribe" this drug. I can only write a letter recommending that the use of marijuana in a patient is appropriate for symptom control. And with that in mind, there are only certain patient's that will qualify.

The patient apparently has to keep this letter on his/her person and will therefore be exempt from arrest if they are found to be following the guidelines of us.

To this point, I have written only one of these letters for a quadriplegic with muscle spasticity.

ADDENDUM: And since I've never used marijuana, I don't know if 2.5 ounces is a lot or a little, and I don't know if 3 flowering plants is a lot or a little.

Apparently, it is an awful lot. I think an ounce would suffice- but it helps to write the prescription for 2.5 oz (the maximum) because that way the person who gets high too easily can have a stash that lasts for months.

An ounce is a HUGE bagful, and it can cost in upwards of 500-600 dollars, for the medical (and therefore extremely potent) kind.

I have smoked pot many times, socially, although I do not currently partake (waiting for a diagnosis on glaucoma, hoping its negative, of course- plus I don't like the feeling of being high very much- but am willing to use it as long as I don't have to smoke it- yuck) and whenever I have done it, it took only one or two puffs to get me high. Most people, especially those who smoke daily, or more than one time a day, seem to have a higher tolerance to it, and can smoke a whole "bowl" or "joint"- about the same amount as a cigarette. These people, and I imagine those who use it medically, will smoke pot anywhere between 5 and 10 times a day. However, it really depends on the user, how much they can handle. If you prescribe pot, I would suggest only prescribing a minimal amount at a time, at first. like a half an ounce. The user may not like the side effects, and having to pay all that money for it really might cause you to lose patients, lol.. If, that is, they have to fill the prescription or note for the exact amount, anyways.

Also, apparently there is a way of inhaling marijuana to get the most THC out of it, without having all the tar and ick get into your lungs.. Through a vaporizer. I guess people can get these at head shops, and maybe even marijuana dealers, but however you get ahold of them, I would definitely let your patients know that there are alternative methods of getting the THC in their bodies without inhaling the tar. (Lung Cancer being so damned popular amongst diseases these days)

Anyhoo- Ex pothead here- just letting you know some good information that might prove useful.

Check out this site, also:

High Times > Home

They are really a bit seedy, but they do seem to be the forerunners on the whole legalizing medical marijuana issue.. =) OH and they apparently have a vaporizer ad on the site, too. That is a good healthy inhalation alternative to smoking pot.
My Way News - Feds to issue new medical marijuana policy

This is one more thing out of many that I disagree with that I actually agree with. The Federal government should not be stepping on the toes of States rights. Currently there are 13 states that allow for medical marijuana use with people who obtain written notice from their doctors to treat chronic conditions.

We need to spend DEA funds to track down crack-cocain--herion & meth dealers.

Your thoughts?

YAAAAAAAYYYY!!! Finally- Medical Marijuana will be legalized soon in all 50 states!!! Oh this is GOOOOOOD news!!

With fewer potheads in jail, there will be plenty more space for REAL criminals- to serve longer sentences!!! Woot Woot!!!! Less "overcrowding" = Good policy!!! Wow- I mean, the US has 25% of the world's population behind bars as it is.. And we only make up less than 15% of the total population of the world. Sad that a country with so much proported freedom has so many of its own citizens lacking in it..



Wait a minute...

This doesn't make marijuana legal. It would only make medical marijuana legal.

And as I noted in my post regarding Maine's laws, medical marijuana is only to be recommended to a very small subset of the population.

I'm willing to bet that of all the people in jail for marijuana violations, only the smallest fraction of them would qualify medically.

I know that!! I am just saying.. This is a STEP in the right DIRECTION... I said SOON. READ.
I remember when I got high for the first time, the third time that I had tried, I remember thinking......... how the fuck could this be illegal, surely it will be legalized soon, surely people will figure out that "Reefer Madness" was complete bullshit backed by the alcohol industry. How insane is it for people to be jailed for enjoying such a great feeling. That was 37 years ago! I smoked pot for 35 years, quitting a few times to pass drug tests. I finally quit completely 2 years ago, cold turkey, to get a new job that does random tests......... haven't even smelled any since then. I miss it, just like I would miss anything I enjoy, but it certainly wasn't addictive or detrimental to me in any way that I know of. It didn't even make me a liberal.
Wow. Something I can agree with. The Obama (May his camels be plentiful) seems to understand better then some. Drug legalization is a States Rights issue. Each state has the right to determine their laws regarding drugs.
Wow. Something I can agree with. The Obama (May his camels be plentiful) seems to understand better then some. Drug legalization is a States Rights issue. Each state has the right to determine their laws regarding drugs.

But how can he be for states rights when he has a plan for global domination? :eusa_whistle:
Wow. Something I can agree with. The Obama (May his camels be plentiful) seems to understand better then some. Drug legalization is a States Rights issue. Each state has the right to determine their laws regarding drugs.

But how can he be for states rights when he has a plan for global domination? :eusa_whistle:

Maybe your confusing Obama with Mojo Jojo.
I am a high school teacher and a mother of two teenagers.

OH MY GOD HOLY JESUS MOTHERFUCKING SHIT!!! And you listing those credentials somehow is suppossed to strengthen your arguement... how?

But I mean if your kids think its okay, somehow appropriate, or the correct behavior to steal your drugs then some where along the line you really failed as a parent...

Never stole any of my mother's prescription drugs, don't even know if she had any because my mom was old school and would whoop us if she found us in her room and locked the door when she went to work. I was very particular in High School and Middle School about what I did... weed only and I had a little taste of liquor here and there. Never brought weed into my house. Never smoked in my room because we didn't have locks on our doors when I was living in my mom's house and if we were caught doing something while the door was closed she took the door off the hindges. Never smoked with certain people... never rode in a car with weed... I had my own rules and regulations and self-control.

I agree though, it's crazy because we live in an era where we believe that we need the government to tell us and even worse our children what to do even when it comes to what we put in our bodies. No. Attend to the business which concerns you and I'll attend to the business that concerns me.

I'm glad that this went through, I've been waiting for this shift in direction. I mean it's really more a states rights victory then anything... but I mean it is a kick to the groin of the prohibitionists and a stomp on the foot of the corporate prison-industial complex.
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Fuck the FDA too.

Drinking beer and whiskey is also all about the high.

Doing a shot next to someone does not have the risk of passing the intoxication or the other effects over to the second person

And alcohol does have medicinal uses as just what it is, in it's chemical form... the chemical benefit of marijuana can be had it an approved delivery form without the high... kind of like why we have methadone and not heroin not being prescribed

Dave if someone can get high sitting in the same room with someone smoking pot....then said person is a wuss....and Marinol does not work as well as the real thing...period....
I'm on this kick because Dis has accused (UNJUSTLY!) that I am a drug addict and/or alcoholic.

We all know that is a fabrication. Only unhappy, miserable people are potheads and drunks.

Hey, Dis, where does that leave you?

dam the "potheads" i knew and know now.....are not unhappy or miserable....and most are doing quite well.....alcohol....thats another story....
If marijuana truly helps people with specific illnesses, then I approve. However from what I've learned from friends in CA, it's pretty easy to get for just about any disorder.

I am a high school teacher and a mother of two teenagers. Pills stolen from parents are very very popular today. Kids think it's ok, because it comes from a doctor. The same will go with marijuana. I do not want to see it legalized. Kids are stupid enough. :cuckoo:
Pills are easier at school because there's no way the kids can sneak off campus for the most part to light up. Pills are much more dangerous..and easy to pass around right under everyone's nose.

kids i have talked to out here say Pot is not "high" on their lists of drugs......alcohol and chemicals still are more popular....
If marijuana truly helps people with specific illnesses, then I approve. However from what I've learned from friends in CA, it's pretty easy to get for just about any disorder.

I am a high school teacher and a mother of two teenagers. Pills stolen from parents are very very popular today. Kids think it's ok, because it comes from a doctor. The same will go with marijuana. I do not want to see it legalized. Kids are stupid enough. :cuckoo:

That's just silly.
No one who wants to do drugs cares about the legality.
And kids do not think "it's ok" to take pills. They know what they're doing.
They're trying to get high. And mom's pills in the cabinet are an easy score.
I remember when I got high for the first time, the third time that I had tried, I remember thinking......... how the fuck could this be illegal, surely it will be legalized soon, surely people will figure out that "Reefer Madness" was complete bullshit backed by the alcohol industry. How insane is it for people to be jailed for enjoying such a great feeling. That was 37 years ago! I smoked pot for 35 years, quitting a few times to pass drug tests. I finally quit completely 2 years ago, cold turkey, to get a new job that does random tests......... haven't even smelled any since then. I miss it, just like I would miss anything I enjoy, but it certainly wasn't addictive or detrimental to me in any way that I know of. It didn't even make me a liberal.

yea i had quit cold turkey after about 30 years ....missed it....wanted some after a fucked day....but after a week or two.....

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