Secretary of Transportation Buttigieg has emerged as a top VP choice

That would mean that Mark Kelly may have told Harris... "Get your crazy-looking self out of my face. There is no way I would play the role of your lil flunky."

Which leaves Harris with no one except a gay dude to chose from.
It is hatred of gay people that will keep him from being the VP choice.

It is up in the air if our country has progressed where people would vote for black woman, but the bigotry against gays is far too strong to put a gay man on national ticket.

We need more hate filled people like you to die off before that can happen
We would if it were someone like Condolezza Rice or Candace Owens, asshole.

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has emerged as a top choice to be Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate in the 2024 presidential election, some recent polls show.

President Joe Biden announced this month he was stepping down from the race and threw his support behind Harris as the Democratic candidate. Harris has received endorsements from many other Democrats, including former President Barack Obama, but she will need to choose a running mate soon.

Many names have been floated, such as Buttigieg and governors Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania and Andy Beshear of Kentucky. However, several recent polls have shown Buttigieg as a top choice among Democratic voters.

A poll conducted by PBS News/NPR/Marist this month found 21 percent of voters saying they'd like to see Harris choose Buttigieg. Whitmer also received 21 percent in the poll, while 17 percent sided with Shapiro and 13 percent said Arizona Senator Mark Kelly.

Kamala was Biden's token choice to be his VP.
Buttigieg was also a token choice.
Buttigieg had no experience in transportation, and he has been a failed administrator.
Buttigieg would be foolish choice for VP.
Good. She should pick him. A black/Asian woman and a gay guy on the ticket. And, he's done such a bang up job as transportation secretary, that is when he wasn't off on maternity leave. If I remember correctly, that was even around the same time as a crisis. Family comes first.
  • Well it's not like Buttplug will have much of a career (other than in a gay bathhouse).....
  • The Peter Puffer ticket.
    ......Buttplug was just as bad as Camel Toe
  • So, a swallower and a spitter.
  • Mayor Buttfuck
  • Kameltoe has adopted
  • a deranged fudge packer......
Yeah, me too.
I also noted the sad MAGA fear of strong women and the fear of the well-regarded and successful mayor of South Bend.
Notably, Mayor Pete graduated from Harvard and was a Rhodes Scholar on a full ride scholarship before deploying to the war in Afghanistan and being a business consultant with the famed McKinsey and Company advisors.

So, posters does your education and career accomplishments compare to Mayor Pete?
Or, is it merely a sense of inferiority and resentment that animates your peculiar postings*?

Just askin'.

*Do posting like those from Sunni, Mac-7, Lassie, Galt, and others polish the perception of MAGA-think?
Or do their posting validate the widely held views about of the quality of their education, sense of class and decorum, or does it more directly reflect the quality of the parenting they experienced?

I dunno, just askin'.
Yeah, me too.
I also noted the sad MAGA fear of strong women and the fear of the well-regarded and successful mayor of South Bend.
Notably, Mayor Pete graduated from Harvard and was a Rhodes Scholar on a full ride scholarship before deploying to the war in Afghanistan and being a business consultant with the famed McKinsey and Company advisors.

So, posters does your education and career accomplishments compare to Mayor Pete?
Or, is it merely a sense of inferiority and resentment that animates your peculiar postings*?

Just askin'.

*Do posting like those from Sunni, Mac-7, Lassie, Galt, and others polish the perception of MAGA-think?
Or do their posting validate the widely held views about of the quality of their education, sense of class and decorum, or does it more directly reflect the quality of the parenting they experienced?

I dunno, just askin'.
LOL....I got him beat like a rented mule on net worth.

Yeah, me too.
I also noted the sad MAGA fear of strong women and the fear of the well-regarded and successful mayor of South Bend.
Notably, Mayor Pete graduated from Harvard and was a Rhodes Scholar on a full ride scholarship before deploying to the war in Afghanistan and being a business consultant with the famed McKinsey and Company advisors.

So, posters does your education and career accomplishments compare to Mayor Pete?
Or, is it merely a sense of inferiority and resentment that animates your peculiar postings*?

Just askin'.

*Do posting like those from Sunni, Mac-7, Lassie, Galt, and others polish the perception of MAGA-think?
Or do their posting validate the widely held views about of the quality of their education, sense of class and decorum, or does it more directly reflect the quality of the parenting they experienced?

I dunno, just askin'.
You described a successful student with no accomplishments. Who has been a disaster in his present position.

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has emerged as a top choice to be Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate in the 2024 presidential election, some recent polls show.

President Joe Biden announced this month he was stepping down from the race and threw his support behind Harris as the Democratic candidate. Harris has received endorsements from many other Democrats, including former President Barack Obama, but she will need to choose a running mate soon.

Many names have been floated, such as Buttigieg and governors Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania and Andy Beshear of Kentucky. However, several recent polls have shown Buttigieg as a top choice among Democratic voters.

A poll conducted by PBS News/NPR/Marist this month found 21 percent of voters saying they'd like to see Harris choose Buttigieg. Whitmer also received 21 percent in the poll, while 17 percent sided with Shapiro and 13 percent said Arizona Senator Mark Kelly.

Kamala was Biden's token choice to be his VP.
Buttigieg was also a token choice.
Buttigieg had no experience in transportation, and he has been a failed administrator.
Buttigieg would be foolish choice for VP.

They'd be better off choosing someone with a name people can actually say.
They'd be better off choosing someone with a name people can actually say.
They just need to remember that he is The "Booty Judge."

Clearly, with a black woman Democrat on the ticket, the Dem elites will insist on a white man to keep her from making any large mistakes, or from thinking for herself too much.

Mayor Pete is a very good choice, given that he is one of the few white men who will not offend the wokesters, I don't think he's Jewish, so he will not offend the other half of the Democrat base.

Also, he can talk his way out of anything, as his appearances before Congress show. I look for him to do most of the talking.

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has emerged as a top choice to be Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate in the 2024 presidential election, some recent polls show.

President Joe Biden announced this month he was stepping down from the race and threw his support behind Harris as the Democratic candidate. Harris has received endorsements from many other Democrats, including former President Barack Obama, but she will need to choose a running mate soon.

Many names have been floated, such as Buttigieg and governors Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania and Andy Beshear of Kentucky. However, several recent polls have shown Buttigieg as a top choice among Democratic voters.

A poll conducted by PBS News/NPR/Marist this month found 21 percent of voters saying they'd like to see Harris choose Buttigieg. Whitmer also received 21 percent in the poll, while 17 percent sided with Shapiro and 13 percent said Arizona Senator Mark Kelly.

Kamala was Biden's token choice to be his VP.
Buttigieg was also a token choice.
Buttigieg had no experience in transportation, and he has been a failed administrator.
Buttigieg would be foolish choice for VP.
Buttigieg may be the only one in the current administration stupid enough to work with Kameltoe....we know her staff tends to leave pretty quickly.
Yeah, me too.
I also noted the sad MAGA fear of strong women and the fear of the well-regarded and successful mayor of South Bend.
Notably, Mayor Pete graduated from Harvard and was a Rhodes Scholar on a full ride scholarship before deploying to the war in Afghanistan and being a business consultant with the famed McKinsey and Company advisors.

So, posters does your education and career accomplishments compare to Mayor Pete?
Or, is it merely a sense of inferiority and resentment that animates your peculiar postings*?

Just askin'.

*Do posting like those from Sunni, Mac-7, Lassie, Galt, and others polish the perception of MAGA-think?
Or do their posting validate the widely held views about of the quality of their education, sense of class and decorum, or does it more directly reflect the quality of the parenting they experienced?

I dunno, just askin'.

How does my education and career accomplishments compare to Mayor Pete?

Well I never took it up the ass or sucked a dick, if that's what you're asking about.
"...with a black woman Democrat on the ticket, the Dem elites will insist on a white man to keep her ...... from thinking for herself...".

When the MAGAs forget to go full-on misogyny ....well, they default to their well-entrenched and familiar----racism.
As we see above from the prolific poster Flops.

Well I never took it up the ass or sucked a dick, if that's what you're asking about.
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"How does my education and career accomplishments compare...? Well I never took it up the ass or sucked a dick, if that's what you're asking about."

Well, actually, earnest poster JGalt, my avatar was NOT asking about those sexual practices. Rather we were thinking --Harvard, Oxford, McKinsey.
However, if those personal sexual choices are what most interest you, ----- that's on you. Not my poor avatar.

Not that we are here to judge you.

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