Feds uncover ‘expansive’ use of illegal immigrants in South Carolina construction

I think the Feds should enforce our immigration laws including punishing those businesses that hire illegals.

Not sure why this is complicated for you, but then again didn't you admit to hiring illegals once?
You seem to struggle with understanding that if the Feds did their job on the front end there would be no back end issue to address.
You excuse making weirdos have turned the tables, you have convinced your silly selves that the criminal isn’t responsible for his actions, the Feds aren’t required to do what they’re sworn to do and that employers harbor all the blame. That’s just plain fucking bizarre.
A fun exercise….ask pknopp to link us to his/her posts where he/she badmouthed the Democrats for refusing to support mandatory e-verify, ask him/her to link to his/her posts badmouthing the Feds for not doing their job on this, ask him/her to link to his/her posts where he/her badmouthed the wetbacks traversing our border against our will.
The writing is on the wall. Stop the excuse making and assign the balme where it belongs.
You seem to struggle with understanding that if the Feds did their job on the front end there would be no back end issue to address.

You are really not this stupid, so quit pretending. No matter what the Feds do at the border, as long as there are US companies willing to pay people to be here illegal, they will keep coming.

You have to fix the problem on both ends, not just one. Even you have to be able to understand that.
Well when you let a stampede of illegals in the country of course this will happen.

Even if they pay the same as they Americans they still save a shitload of money because they don't have to give them benefits, don't pay insurance on them or workers comp, they don't have to report anything to the IRS, no 401k matches, no nothing. And they can do whatever they want with them with no legal restrictions.
You seem to struggle with understanding that if the Feds did their job on the front end there would be no back end issue to address.
You excuse making weirdos have turned the tables, you have convinced your silly selves that the criminal isn’t responsible for his actions, the Feds aren’t required to do what they’re sworn to do and that employers harbor all the blame. That’s just plain fucking bizarre.
A fun exercise….ask pknopp to link us to his/her posts where he/she badmouthed the Democrats for refusing to support mandatory e-verify, ask him/her to link to his/her posts badmouthing the Feds for not doing their job on this, ask him/her to link to his/her posts where he/her badmouthed the wetbacks traversing our border against our will.
The writing is on the wall. Stop the excuse making and assign the balme where it belongs.

I have condemned the government for not passing e-verify. The government. You seem unable to grasp that the government is nearly all (R) or (D) but you are only interested in your partisan arguments.
You seem to struggle with understanding that if the Feds did their job on the front end there would be no back end issue to address.
You excuse making weirdos have turned the tables, you have convinced your silly selves that the criminal isn’t responsible for his actions, the Feds aren’t required to do what they’re sworn to do and that employers harbor all the blame. That’s just plain fucking bizarre.
A fun exercise….ask pknopp to link us to his/her posts where he/she badmouthed the Democrats for refusing to support mandatory e-verify, ask him/her to link to his/her posts badmouthing the Feds for not doing their job on this, ask him/her to link to his/her posts where he/her badmouthed the wetbacks traversing our border against our will.
The writing is on the wall. Stop the excuse making and assign the balme where it belongs.

Lots of illegals arrive by plane or ship and just overstay their visas.

The last numbers I saw were 65,000 Iranians and 67,000 Israelis.
Lots of illegals arrive by plane or ship and just overstay their visas.

The last numbers I saw were 65,000 Iranians and 67,000 Israelis.
Yep, and that's why aggressive natured, indefinite iCE raids are necessary...you know, that iCE you want to abolish?
I have condemned the government for not passing e-verify. The government. You seem unable to grasp that the government is nearly all (R) or (D) but you are only interested in your partisan arguments.
Right...and it all begins at the point of origin....THE BORDER
You want to work it backwards...that's where you're flawed

I do not want it backwards, I want both at the same time, unlike you who only care about one end...that's where you're flawed
Sheesh, it's not like you haven't argued with me against that being the problem dozens of times.
I sure have and ever time you cry "IT'S THE EMPLOYERS"
I could link you to 100 of your posts doing just that and NONE showing your condemnation of government or the illegal himself....weird huh?
I sure have and ever time you cry "IT'S THE EMPLOYERS"
I could link you to 100 of your posts doing just that and NONE showing your condemnation of government or the illegal himself....weird huh?

Not weird at all. You are simply lying.
Those executives need huge fines and a few years in general population at the prisons where they keep the car thieves, Qmart robbers, muggers, wife beaters, but it won't happen. They will get small fines and white-collar treatment.
So do the politicians who allow illegal immigration. The Biden admin violates federal law every day. 🔒 Them up.

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