Feinstein releases transcript of interview with Fusion Co-founder

The Douche Bag set up MULTIPLE holding companies & LLCs, and also used subcontractors to try to keep The Fusion GPS name out of the spotlight, and possibly was laundering DNC & Clinton money through them for work on the Fusion GPS Dossier, which is actually illegal.

And he also used his holding companies to Promote and Get Published AntI-Trump Propaganda. Now why would a LOWLY RESEARCH FIRM choose sides in a political contest and allow itself to be used to FUNNEL FAKE NEWS TO THE MEDIA?

Certainly they would not do this on their own, but they would if THEY WERE PAID TO DO IT.
Also of note is FUSION GPS being asked if they have ever been paid to or been asked to disseminate information to reporters or Government personnel, for the sole purpose of getting an investigation launched.

The Question Was Avoided and not answered. then a break was requested then Comments were REQUESTED TO BE "TAKEN OFF THE RECORD".

So yah, they did, at the request of Clinton and The DNC disseminate False Information to get The Fake Russian Collusion Investigation Launched.
And it also looks like FUSION GPS, not only created the FAKE RUSSIAN DOSSIER with Clinton DNC & OBAMA funds, but they also arranged to have their Subcontractor gain access to Trump Jr. under the guise of having some kind of dirt on Clinton only to turn around and try to discuss "Russian Adoptions".

So the whole thing was just another Clinton dirty trick and setup.
The Douche Bag set up MULTIPLE holding companies & LLCs, and also used subcontractors to try to keep The Fusion GPS name out of the spotlight, and possibly was laundering DNC & Clinton money through them for work on the Fusion GPS Dossier, which is actually illegal.

And he also used his holding companies to Promote and Get Published AntI-Trump Propaganda. Now why would a LOWLY RESEARCH FIRM choose sides in a political contest and allow itself to be used to FUNNEL FAKE NEWS TO THE MEDIA?

Certainly they would not do this on their own, but they would if THEY WERE PAID TO DO IT.
Hey tree guy,


Feel free to read the transcripts, instead of collapsing in another drug fueled breakdown
The Douche Bag set up MULTIPLE holding companies & LLCs, and also used subcontractors to try to keep The Fusion GPS name out of the spotlight, and possibly was laundering DNC & Clinton money through them for work on the Fusion GPS Dossier, which is actually illegal.

And he also used his holding companies to Promote and Get Published AntI-Trump Propaganda. Now why would a LOWLY RESEARCH FIRM choose sides in a political contest and allow itself to be used to FUNNEL FAKE NEWS TO THE MEDIA?

Certainly they would not do this on their own, but they would if THEY WERE PAID TO DO IT.
I thought it was clear that Simpson would not name names, but he was originally hired through a legal firm by republicans and later another buyer took over, whom I presume was Clinton or some democrat organization. There wasn't much there beyond what they do was common for legal firms needing background, and they and the FBI had a long term relationship with Steele whom they found to be reliable.
The Douche Bag set up MULTIPLE holding companies & LLCs, and also used subcontractors to try to keep The Fusion GPS name out of the spotlight, and possibly was laundering DNC & Clinton money through them for work on the Fusion GPS Dossier, which is actually illegal.

And he also used his holding companies to Promote and Get Published AntI-Trump Propaganda. Now why would a LOWLY RESEARCH FIRM choose sides in a political contest and allow itself to be used to FUNNEL FAKE NEWS TO THE MEDIA?

Certainly they would not do this on their own, but they would if THEY WERE PAID TO DO IT.
Hey tree guy,


Feel free to read the transcripts, instead of collapsing in another drug fueled breakdown

It's looking more and more every day like Putin Grabbed Hillary's Pussy and she liked it.

Russian Collusion was a Clinton Scam from the beginning and did one thing and one thing only....to show how corrupt Clinton & Obama were, and that they were so desperate that they were willing to use their Corrupt Cronies in The DOJ and FBI to try to rig a Presidential Election in their favor.
The Douche Bag set up MULTIPLE holding companies & LLCs, and also used subcontractors to try to keep The Fusion GPS name out of the spotlight, and possibly was laundering DNC & Clinton money through them for work on the Fusion GPS Dossier, which is actually illegal.

And he also used his holding companies to Promote and Get Published AntI-Trump Propaganda. Now why would a LOWLY RESEARCH FIRM choose sides in a political contest and allow itself to be used to FUNNEL FAKE NEWS TO THE MEDIA?

Certainly they would not do this on their own, but they would if THEY WERE PAID TO DO IT.
I thought it was clear that Simpson would not name names, but he was originally hired through a legal firm by republicans and later another buyer took over, whom I presume was Clinton or some democrat organization. There wasn't much there beyond what they do was common for legal firms needing background, and they and the FBI had a long term relationship with Steele whom they found to be reliable.

If James Comey and McCabe thought this guy was reliable, they meant Reliable as in "He's Dirty" and they could count on him to manufacture dirt for them and cover his tracks.

His biggest mistake was to send Valerie Big Vagina to Trump Tower as a Subcontractor in an attempt to frame Trump Jr., because they did not cover their tracks well enough on that one, and that is how this whole scam got exposed in the first place.
The Douche Bag set up MULTIPLE holding companies & LLCs, and also used subcontractors to try to keep The Fusion GPS name out of the spotlight, and possibly was laundering DNC & Clinton money through them for work on the Fusion GPS Dossier, which is actually illegal.

And he also used his holding companies to Promote and Get Published AntI-Trump Propaganda. Now why would a LOWLY RESEARCH FIRM choose sides in a political contest and allow itself to be used to FUNNEL FAKE NEWS TO THE MEDIA?

Certainly they would not do this on their own, but they would if THEY WERE PAID TO DO IT.
Hey tree guy,


Feel free to read the transcripts, instead of collapsing in another drug fueled breakdown

It's looking more and more every day like Putin Grabbed Hillary's Pussy and she liked it.

Russian Collusion was a Clinton Scam from the beginning and did one thing and one thing only....to show how corrupt Clinton & Obama were, and that they were so desperate that they were willing to use their Corrupt Cronies in The DOJ and FBI to try to rig a Presidential Election in their favor.
Jesus dude..... try thinking for a minute before you post

If you knew Jesus, you'd realize that you don't think at all.

You are overcome with Evil and Darkness.

You are blind being lead by The Blind.

Clinton Colluded with Russia and Putin, and along with Fusion GPS, Comey & McCabe conspired to rig an election, create an insurance policy in the event that failed, and then plotted a Soft Coup in Andrew McCabe's Office to overthrow a duly elected president.
The Douche Bag set up MULTIPLE holding companies & LLCs, and also used subcontractors to try to keep The Fusion GPS name out of the spotlight, and possibly was laundering DNC & Clinton money through them for work on the Fusion GPS Dossier, which is actually illegal.

And he also used his holding companies to Promote and Get Published AntI-Trump Propaganda. Now why would a LOWLY RESEARCH FIRM choose sides in a political contest and allow itself to be used to FUNNEL FAKE NEWS TO THE MEDIA?

Certainly they would not do this on their own, but they would if THEY WERE PAID TO DO IT.
I thought it was clear that Simpson would not name names, but he was originally hired through a legal firm by republicans and later another buyer took over, whom I presume was Clinton or some democrat organization. There wasn't much there beyond what they do was common for legal firms needing background, and they and the FBI had a long term relationship with Steele whom they found to be reliable.

If James Comey and McCabe thought this guy was reliable, they meant Reliable as in "He's Dirty" and they could count on him to manufacture dirt for them and cover his tracks.

His biggest mistake was to send Valerie Big Vagina to Trump Tower as a Subcontractor in an attempt to frame Trump Jr., because they did not cover their tracks well enough on that one, and that is how this whole scam got exposed in the first place.
You are on ignore.
Thank YOU.

You don't seem to have a lot of common sense, and you seem to neglect the facts or even the testimony in this transcript.

Love the story about the One Fusion GPS "Russian" employee who when served with a subpoena to be questioned about his role as a "Russian Interpreter" dropped it and ran away.

It doesn't get any better than that!
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It seems to me that by July 2016, Carter Page and Manafort's contacts, at the very least, with the Russians had been noticed to the FBI
Also love how the way they said they put together a lot of the FAKE RUSSIAN DOSSIER was to ORDER EVERY BOOK ON DONALD TRUMP ON AMAZON.COM and they didn't care if it was FICTION OR NOT, and that this comprised a lot of their research.


You cannot make this shit up!

Clinton & Obama spent $14 Million Dollars on that, and then funneled that to James Comey as some kind of Shocking Revelations?

"What we generally do at the beginning of a case if it's possible is to order all the books about the subject from Amazon so we're not reinventing the wheel and we know what's been written and said before. So this was typical. We ordered every Donald Trump book and, to my surprise, that's a lot of books."

Inside the Trump dossier handoff: McCain's 'go-between' speaks out

British court records reviewed by Fox News as well as U.S. congressional testimony revealed that Steele was directed and paid at least $168,000 by Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson to push the research that fall to five American media outlets. According to British court documents, Steele met with The New York Times (twice), The Washington Post (twice), CNN, The New Yorker and Yahoo News (twice).

Three weeks after Trump won the presidential election, at the Canadian security conference, the details were finalized for the dossier hand-off to McCain.

Along with the senator, Wood and McCain Institute for International Leadership staffer David J. Kramer attended the Canadian conference.

British court records state McCain ordered Kramer to get a personal briefing from Steele in Surrey, just outside of London, and then return to Washington, D.C., where Fusion GPS would provide McCain with hard copies.

In January, McCain officially gave the dossier to the FBI, which already had its own copy from Steele.

I'd say John McCain should go to jail for conspiring with Russians, but he's not going to be around for long.
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