Feinstein releases transcript of interview with Fusion Co-founder

It seems to me that by July 2016, Carter Page and Manafort's contacts, at the very least, with the Russians had been noticed to the FBI

Is it illegal to have Russian contacts?

"Show me in the constitution where it says Collusion is illegal!"

Criminal collusion is illegal - and that's what Mueller is investigating.

I know this, but these fools are amazing with the mental gymnastics they perform to justify their fuhrer.
It seems to me that by July 2016, Carter Page and Manafort's contacts, at the very least, with the Russians had been noticed to the FBI

Is it illegal to have Russian contacts?

"Show me in the constitution where it says Collusion is illegal!"

Criminal collusion is illegal - and that's what Mueller is investigating.
Not if he isn't investigating himself and Uranium One and The FBI, DOJ, FUSION GPS, DNC, OBAMA AND CLINTON laundering money through FUSION GPS to create a FAKE RUSSIAN DOSSIER which was used to launch a FAKE INVESTIGATION, and Illegal Wiretapping Operation.

When Mueller investigates himself and his buddies, then he will have regained any honor he lost, that is if he ever had any to begin with.
"Q. Okay. Maybe you can answer this question, then. Did either client ever direct Mr. Steele themselves, directly engage and have conversations with Mr. Steele?

A. I don't think I can answer that.

MR. LEVY: Do you want to take a break?


MR. LEVY: Let's take a break and confer.

MR. SIMPSON: That's fine.

MS. SAWYER: Sure. We'll go off the record for a few minutes."
It seems to me that by July 2016, Carter Page and Manafort's contacts, at the very least, with the Russians had been noticed to the FBI

Is it illegal to have Russian contacts?

"Show me in the constitution where it says Collusion is illegal!"

Criminal collusion is illegal - and that's what Mueller is investigating.

So do you think Trump called Putin so they could pull the tags off their mattresses at the same time?
The face of a true American patriot.

The Douche Bag set up MULTIPLE holding companies & LLCs, and also used subcontractors to try to keep The Fusion GPS name out of the spotlight, and possibly was laundering DNC & Clinton money through them for work on the Fusion GPS Dossier, which is actually illegal.

And he also used his holding companies to Promote and Get Published AntI-Trump Propaganda. Now why would a LOWLY RESEARCH FIRM choose sides in a political contest and allow itself to be used to FUNNEL FAKE NEWS TO THE MEDIA?

Certainly they would not do this on their own, but they would if THEY WERE PAID TO DO IT.
I thought it was clear that Simpson would not name names, but he was originally hired through a legal firm by republicans and later another buyer took over, whom I presume was Clinton or some democrat organization. There wasn't much there beyond what they do was common for legal firms needing background, and they and the FBI had a long term relationship with Steele whom they found to be reliable.

If James Comey and McCabe thought this guy was reliable, they meant Reliable as in "He's Dirty" and they could count on him to manufacture dirt for them and cover his tracks.

His biggest mistake was to send Valerie Big Vagina to Trump Tower as a Subcontractor in an attempt to frame Trump Jr., because they did not cover their tracks well enough on that one, and that is how this whole scam got exposed in the first place.
You are on ignore.
Thank YOU.

You don't seem to have a lot of common sense, and you seem to neglect the facts or even the testimony in this transcript.

Love the story about the One Fusion GPS "Russian" employee who when served with a subpoena to be questioned about his role as a "Russian Interpreter" dropped it and ran away.

It doesn't get any better than that!
Tree all I can tell you is you're missing a lot of leaves
Wow, you should see the Twitter comments for:

Chuck Grassly
Linda Graham
Jim Jordan

and the other GOP representatives from the House and the Senate.

They were betting this transcript wouldn't be released. Seems Dianne has balls.

Republicans, instead of protecting the country against Russian attacks, they want to file criminal charges against that guy that warned us of Russian attacks.

Republicans suddenly aligned with Russia.

Yea, run on that in the Mid Terms. Can't wait to see the ads.

I loved where he admitted he didn’t like Trump and his business practices re bankruptcies, etc. He stumbled a few times, after trying to weave a sordid tale that he later admitted they just had to trust through word of mouth and ‘intution’. Did they ever really find anything concrete? No.

I read the whole thing.

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