Fellow Conservatives I am entering the battle of my life time

It's saves a helluva lot of money and suffering over your Pub nonplan, functional moron. ER care and bankruptcy is STUPID policy.

You don't need the government instituting a single policy in order for bankruptcies to end because of medical bills. If you know of a situation where someone is in that predicament, pay their mortgage for a month by writing a check. You don't like that plan because it involves you having to actually do something with your own money instead of expecting others to be forced to do it.
STHU moron. Before O-Care we had 750k bankruptcies a year, and 500k THOUGHT they had good insurance, but had scam red state policies you IDIOTS love so much. I'm pretty sure now you're retarded. You paying for all the lazy people, and I'm supposed to help you stupid jackasses. Ay caramba.

I'll tell you like a told another one of your low life kind when it comes to your demands about what I do. There are two options: 1) Either you have the authority because I work for you or I am on your property and can make such demands of 2) You can personally enforce that demand. Since Option 1 isn't the case here, that's leave Option 2 being your. Take your best shot if you're willing.
This is called a politics forum. You talk about POLICY, short bus.

YOU'RE the one that made a demand and that demand wasn't policy related. You said shut up. I guess you don't have the guts to back up your demand.
I talk policy and politics. God knows what drivel you're going on about. O-Care isn't policy now? What demand? Jeeesh.
I'm so pro health care I spend thousands per year on insurance (yet very rarely use it).

Try again, Moron-dupe.
So you support Free Medicaid for low income and O-Care? You GOPers take things so personally, mistakenly. WHAT POLICY?

It's not free dumbass.
It's saves a helluva lot of money and suffering over your Pub nonplan, functional moron. ER care and bankruptcy is STUPID policy.

You don't need the government instituting a single policy in order for bankruptcies to end because of medical bills. If you know of a situation where someone is in that predicament, pay their mortgage for a month by writing a check. You don't like that plan because it involves you having to actually do something with your own money instead of expecting others to be forced to do it.

that lie has been disproven many times, NO ONE files bankruptcy solely due to medical bills, NO ONE
Idiot. Link? lol. Only most bankruptcies before O-Care duh.
I'm so pro health care I spend thousands per year on insurance (yet very rarely use it).

Try again, Moron-dupe.
So you support Free Medicaid for low income and O-Care? You GOPers take things so personally, mistakenly. WHAT POLICY?

It's not free dumbass.
It's saves a helluva lot of money and suffering over your Pub nonplan, functional moron. ER care and bankruptcy is STUPID policy.

You don't need the government instituting a single policy in order for bankruptcies to end because of medical bills. If you know of a situation where someone is in that predicament, pay their mortgage for a month by writing a check. You don't like that plan because it involves you having to actually do something with your own money instead of expecting others to be forced to do it.

that lie has been disproven many times, NO ONE files bankruptcy solely due to medical bills, NO ONE

That is a lie. If a person does not have insurance and needs medical care, and can't foot the bill, the hospital/collections can garnish your wages and take 25% of your pay, forcing people to file for bankruptcy, because many people can't afford to give up that much of their income.
I have worked so hard for so many years to get this blessed land to where she should be. I'm not happy on the day to day as you know over foreign policy regarding the Ukraine and Syria but all in all this government of mine has rocked it.

And I am damn proud of them.

We have a choice up and coming and if all the voters have lost their fucking minds and vote in a radical NDP I will now leave my country.

I am gone.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out

What loser province are you from?
Will the NDP support more science funding?

Given that Harper had muzzled any science in Canada that didn't toe the Conservative line, any new administration has to be a big improvement, simply because it can't be any worse.

It was a shocking travesty. Not only were the scientists fired and/or silenced, but several scientific libraries were dumpersterized, despite universities offering to take the material. It was like burning the Great Library at Alexandria. It's as if Conservatives thought that destroying the data would change the science.


Your post is a lie. Now what is done is done. And we've gone back to an election being won based on urban vs rural and votes don't count past the Ontario border its going to get really interesting on the economic front.

You see Ontario run by a liberal machine has the biggest debt of any sub territory EVAH. Just been downgraded again. Now under federal leadership our darling Justin plans to put the country on the same track as Ontario.

This after years of keeping our economic sticks on the ice during the world wide recession and actually balancing the books this year.

This part time drama teacher who is now going to head the country campaigned on putting us back into debt. And the welfare provinces went YAY!
The books were balanced by cutting healthcare and infrastructure spending and driving the country into a recession.

That's not economically sound policy. Harper inherited a balanced budget from the liberals, who balanced the budget after the Mulroney Conservatives ran up the biggest deficits in Canadian history.

Conservatives are the worst economic managers ever.
The books were balanced by cutting healthcare and infrastructure spending and driving the country into a recession.

That's not economically sound policy. Harper inherited a balanced budget from the liberals, who balanced the budget after the Mulroney Conservatives ran up the biggest deficits in Canadian history.

Conservatives are the worst economic managers ever.


You from the land of the liberals who have managed to now own the worst debt of a sub on the planet.

One third of the population of California and double the debt of California. Now that's some wicked economic policy eh?

And you have the nerve to bitch about Harper?


Ontario, the world’s most indebted sub-sovereign borrower, is ploughing ahead with Canada’s most ambitious infrastructure plan -- risking the censure of Standard & Poor’s and underperformance for its C$307 billion ($237 billion) of bonds.

The nation’s most-populous province is keeping a goal of spending C$130 billion over the next decade on work such as roads and mass transit in Toronto even after S&P dropped its credit grade this month to the lowest level ever. Yield spreads on some of the province’s debt reached the widest since January after the ratings move.

Ontario, More Indebted Than California, Ignores S&P in Borrowing

Ontario, More Indebted Than California, Ignores S&P in Borrowing
I have worked so hard for so many years to get this blessed land to where she should be. I'm not happy on the day to day as you know over foreign policy regarding the Ukraine and Syria but all in all this government of mine has rocked it.

And I am damn proud of them.

We have a choice up and coming and if all the voters have lost their fucking minds and vote in a radical NDP I will now leave my country.

I am gone.

Take Jed Nugent with you, he's prone to flailing his arms and making statements he has no intention of keeping as well.

Watch that Carribean though, storms seem to be a lot stronger lately due to extra energy in the atmosphere. Now where did that energy come from....
I have worked so hard for so many years to get this blessed land to where she should be. I'm not happy on the day to day as you know over foreign policy regarding the Ukraine and Syria but all in all this government of mine has rocked it.

And I am damn proud of them.

We have a choice up and coming and if all the voters have lost their fucking minds and vote in a radical NDP I will now leave my country.

I am gone.

Take Jed Nugent with you, he's prone to flailing his arms and making statements he has no intention of keeping as well.

Watch that Carribean though, storms seem to be a lot stronger lately due to extra energy in the atmosphere. Now where did that energy come from....

I've never seem where Teddly says he would leave America. I'm blessed by being dual between Canada and the US. I have options to run south.
Will the NDP support more science funding?

Science funding is what built the modern industrial infrastructure upon which profit depends. Profit makers stand on the shoulders of a government that gave them the most advanced satellite system in the world. Republican presidents like Dwight Eisenhower and even Richard Nixon understood this. They used government to make transportation more efficient. They used government to advance the sciences and make major technological advances.

During the postwar years, this nation expanded college access deep into the middle class, giving our great country the most well educated work force in history. This paid major dividends as American corporations lead the world in technological innovation.

The consumer electronics boom of the 80s blossomed into an Internet revolution that changed the world. The initial funding and research for this came out of NASA and the Pentagon.

Even the meteorological technology required by several economic sectors was funded by government. Duh, fighting wars and managing global shipping lanes required that government develop these things. And let's not talk about aerospace technology and Boeing - nor the commercial multiplier effect across sectors like shipping and tourism. Boeing was born as a heavily subsidized sub-sector of the Pentagon budget - but now it is an insanely profitable business. In its early years it lacked capital, and there wasn't any collection of private interests that had an incentive to invest in it. The amount required was too big, and it required years of debt and protectionism that only government could provide. And let's not talk about who protects Exxon's oil fields, or who stabilizes the globe militarily so that our corporations can have access to raw materials and labor markets in dangerous parts of the globe.

And what about the government run patent system which business craves. Or the legal system to ensure reliable transactions. Or the roads that bring consumers and goods to market. Or the water systems and energy grids, all developed in the public's dims before being seeded to profit makers.

The leading Republican candidate for president has used government bailouts and bankruptcy assistance for his failed business ventures. And what about the entire banking and credit systems which get practically no interest loans through the Fed discount window so that they can lend it out and make a killing? All of this is provided by government or quasi/government entities. This is why the most powerful players in the free market have built a lobbying empire in Washington - so they can suck the public dry. Socialize the cost and risk then privatize profit - then grease talk radio to cover it up and distract people with the culture war. Brilliant.

If government didn't exist, the free market would invent it so that it would have subsidies, bailouts, infrastructure and defense for its profit.

Study history people.
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I have worked so hard for so many years to get this blessed land to where she should be. I'm not happy on the day to day as you know over foreign policy regarding the Ukraine and Syria but all in all this government of mine has rocked it.

And I am damn proud of them.

We have a choice up and coming and if all the voters have lost their fucking minds and vote in a radical NDP I will now leave my country.

I am gone.

Take Jed Nugent with you, he's prone to flailing his arms and making statements he has no intention of keeping as well.

Watch that Carribean though, storms seem to be a lot stronger lately due to extra energy in the atmosphere. Now where did that energy come from....

I've never seem where Teddly says he would leave America. I'm blessed by being dual between Canada and the US. I have options to run south.
Well that would be about time.
I have worked so hard for so many years to get this blessed land to where she should be. I'm not happy on the day to day as you know over foreign policy regarding the Ukraine and Syria but all in all this government of mine has rocked it.

And I am damn proud of them.

We have a choice up and coming and if all the voters have lost their fucking minds and vote in a radical NDP I will now leave my country.

I am gone.

Take Jed Nugent with you, he's prone to flailing his arms and making statements he has no intention of keeping as well.

Watch that Carribean though, storms seem to be a lot stronger lately due to extra energy in the atmosphere. Now where did that energy come from....

I've never seem where Teddly says he would leave America. I'm blessed by being dual between Canada and the US. I have options to run south.

Lets hope we get a conservative president. If so we'd be happy to have you here. if not, if we get Hillary? why bother?
Ontario will be just fine. But thanks for the world depression and messing with the recovery for stupid politics. GOP- Party of Stupid Greed.
So you support Free Medicaid for low income and O-Care? You GOPers take things so personally, mistakenly. WHAT POLICY?

It's not free dumbass.
It's saves a helluva lot of money and suffering over your Pub nonplan, functional moron. ER care and bankruptcy is STUPID policy.

You don't need the government instituting a single policy in order for bankruptcies to end because of medical bills. If you know of a situation where someone is in that predicament, pay their mortgage for a month by writing a check. You don't like that plan because it involves you having to actually do something with your own money instead of expecting others to be forced to do it.

that lie has been disproven many times, NO ONE files bankruptcy solely due to medical bills, NO ONE

That is a lie. If a person does not have insurance and needs medical care, and can't foot the bill, the hospital/collections can garnish your wages and take 25% of your pay, forcing people to file for bankruptcy, because many people can't afford to give up that much of their income.

Then bankruptcy isn't due solely to medical bills. It's due to being unable to pay their bills.
It's not free dumbass.
It's saves a helluva lot of money and suffering over your Pub nonplan, functional moron. ER care and bankruptcy is STUPID policy.

You don't need the government instituting a single policy in order for bankruptcies to end because of medical bills. If you know of a situation where someone is in that predicament, pay their mortgage for a month by writing a check. You don't like that plan because it involves you having to actually do something with your own money instead of expecting others to be forced to do it.

that lie has been disproven many times, NO ONE files bankruptcy solely due to medical bills, NO ONE

That is a lie. If a person does not have insurance and needs medical care, and can't foot the bill, the hospital/collections can garnish your wages and take 25% of your pay, forcing people to file for bankruptcy, because many people can't afford to give up that much of their income.

Then bankruptcy isn't due solely to medical bills. It's due to being unable to pay their bills.

True, and for a long time,the main cause of bankrupsy was because of unexpected medical bills
It's saves a helluva lot of money and suffering over your Pub nonplan, functional moron. ER care and bankruptcy is STUPID policy.

You don't need the government instituting a single policy in order for bankruptcies to end because of medical bills. If you know of a situation where someone is in that predicament, pay their mortgage for a month by writing a check. You don't like that plan because it involves you having to actually do something with your own money instead of expecting others to be forced to do it.

that lie has been disproven many times, NO ONE files bankruptcy solely due to medical bills, NO ONE

That is a lie. If a person does not have insurance and needs medical care, and can't foot the bill, the hospital/collections can garnish your wages and take 25% of your pay, forcing people to file for bankruptcy, because many people can't afford to give up that much of their income.

Then bankruptcy isn't due solely to medical bills. It's due to being unable to pay their bills.

True, and for a long time,the main cause of bankrupsy was because of unexpected medical bills

That's like saying one failed test in a semester class caused someone to fail. If that one test had so much affect on the end result, things were already bad enough.

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