Femto camera experiment says space is the medium for light

I hope you smoke dope before posting this stuff. Again though, thanks for giving me more opportunity and reason to think about this stuff. I lose interest otherwise yet still have much to clarify in my head.
I must admit nuts I'm standing outside so many boxes I lose count.
Another quick brainstorm, a dark substance doesn't 'absorb' heat better then a light one, the magnetic field's retract differently at the same aether temperature. A white substance would retract less then a dark substance, the retraction determines how hot the substance gets. thoughts?
Another quick brainstorm, a dark substance doesn't 'absorb' heat better then a light one, the magnetic field's retract differently at the same aether temperature. A white substance would retract less then a dark substance, the retraction determines how hot the substance gets. thoughts?
Yeah, you're right. It's definitely confusing. I can better see now why my responses haven't been very helpful. Let's start fresh with a good hard look at the EM spectrum:

First note just how tiny the visible light (energy) portion truly is..
Next, notice there's no color "white" or "black"..
You decide which end (red or violet) is darker or lighter..
The adjacent infrared (heat energy) portion is enormous by comparison..
Some overlap in how objects respond to each is therefore likely..
Same goes for the ultraviolet..

Ponder that awhile..
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Okay, well some straightforward conclusions can already be deduced from the above observations regarding:
a dark substance doesn't 'absorb' heat better then a light one
Again, there's no color "white" or "black" in the visible light spectrum. There's no color "light" or "dark" either. Combining the rainbow of colors in the tiny light spectrum creates the "white" reflected to our eyes. When a surface reflects no rainbow colors we see "black" because the surface absorbed any and all of the visible light striking it.

Absorbing visible light energy doesn't make black surfaces necessarily any warmer than white ones. It seems black (or dark) surfaces just absorb more infrared energy than white (or light) ones do. But again, there's apt to be some sorts of overlap involved.

So to sum up, yes, a dark substance does 'absorb' heat better than a light one.
Yeah, you're right. It's definitely confusing.
Nuts I'm having trouble contemplating EMR in my own theory and those out there. What is it that creates frequency? I was thinking that it was density/heat on the aether, but that can't be it because as the light expands and cools off it still remains light instead of tapering downwards through infrared. Vibrations at the source of the energy usually creates frequency. Electricity must be made of light or have some light in it, lightning is bright, and it oscillates atoms in light bulb filaments so they create the light.?
What is it that creates frequency?

ƒ = ν / λ

ƒ = frequency
λ = wavelength
ν = velocity

Frequency is forever tied and inversely proportional to wavelength.
Since the velocity "ν" of light energy "in a vacuum" -or- "in space" has always been measured to be "c" or "299 792 458 m / s", the equation reduces to:

ƒ = c / λ -or- λ = c / ƒ

Why periodic?

τ = the period, is defined as 1 / ƒ
So substituting from λ = c / ƒ above..
λ = cτ
But, when Hertzian units (one cycle "per second" or 1/s) are used (as in the "m / s" value given for c above),..
λ = c

We say the time it takes for one "wave" of "light" to travel "299 792 458" meters or "one length" in "space" is one second.. because that's what we've always measured it to be. However, meters and seconds are our inventions to begin with. Not derived from nature other than crude measurements of the Earth or the like. Arbitrary units that we created for our convenience. The Aether couldn't care less.

The Aether is what actually controls light energy.

It's a very good question and I ain't done yet..
So far I hope I've somewhat clarified the difference between what "we" (the modern physics establishment) generally mean by "What creates frequency?" and what the Aether actually "thinks" of our assessment..
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Enter Max Planck and his good buddy, Einstein..
In the late 1890s, physicist Max Planck proposed a set of units to simplify the expression of physics laws. Using just five constants in nature (including the speed of light and the gravitational constant), you, me and even aliens from Alpha Centauri could arrive at these same Planck units.

The basic Planck units are length, mass, temperature, time and charge.
Wait a minute..? What exactly do you mean by "in nature"? And wtf:..?
In particle physics and physical cosmology, Planck units are a set of units of measurement defined exclusively in terms of four universal physical constants, in such a manner that these physical constants take on the numerical value of 1 when expressed in terms of these units.
Notice how confused the physics community remains about all this stuff after these many years? Two fart smellers, no doubt.. good notion.. but wtf?
The first link concludes thusly:
The Planck scale is the universal limit, beyond which the currently known laws of physics break. In order to comprehend anything beyond it, we need new, unbreakable physics.
Here's a thought.. If you know the laws breakdown at some point.. try not presuming them to be "universal" to begin with? If you know they breakdown, perhaps they simply aren't correct? From the Wikipedia link:
Planck units do not incorporate an electromagnetic dimension.
The Aether has been avoided at all costs, in other words.. No real surprise then that we've gone virtually nowhere (dielectrically speaking) in the past century..
Implicit in the dimensions of the Planck constant is the fact that the SI unit of frequency, the hertz, represents one cycle per second.
which, as I've already explained, means bupkis to the Aether.

More later..
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Okay, so I was thinking more peeing on Planck, Einstein, and The Standard Model would be needed, but upon rereading, it seems sufficient. I feel like I learned something just reading over my own crap. So I'll just quietly pat myself on the back a moment longer.. and move on.

"What is it that creates frequency?"

The Aether, as I've been saying all along. Again,
The Planck scale is the universal limit, beyond which the currently known laws of physics break. In order to comprehend anything beyond it, we need new, unbreakable physics.
That description generally fits modern physicists, but it's never been true of those practicing within the art of electrical science. Folks like Nikola Tesla, Oliver Heaviside, C.P. Steinmetz, and E.P. Dollard were never swayed. They innately understood that fields, unlike "particles" or "waves," effortlessly transcend any supposed "Planck scale universal" or "zero point" limits.

That the Aether is equally content within space and counterspace. The magnetic and the dielectric. The inductive and the capacitive. That it's endless compressibility and expansiveness allow it guide energy to and from our spatial, material world, into and out of the coordinate free dielectric realm.

Unlike "space", the Aether, along with all of its field manifestations, possesses properties. Mathematical properties. Spatial ones within our tangible universe and non- or anti- spatial properties otherwise. I'm beginning to lose myself, so I'll just get to the point rather than prattle on in this vein.

Space, having no properties by definition, has no lines of force. The Aether does.



[Steinmetz (1911, p.10-11) ]

Go back 112 years and you may learn a lot.

"lines of magnetic force"
"lines of dielectric force"

"What is it that creates frequency?"

Whatever the average number of "lines of force" per unit distance in "space" turns out to be, it's clearly a mathematically determined property of the Aether. One that yields c and, by extension, every luminiferous energy frequency under the Sun.
"What is it that creates frequency?"

Whatever the average number of "lines of force" per unit distance in "space" turns out to be, it's clearly a mathematically determined property of the Aether. One that yields c and, by extension, every luminiferous energy frequency under the Sun.
Dr.Nuts do you think it might be of value to gather all the contradictory theories that are anti aether and expose them? You would be better at that then me.
Dr.Nuts do you think it might be of value to gather all the contradictory theories that are anti aether and expose them? You would be better at that then me.
That would be like herding cats.. Nah, atomism vs. electrical science is all I've ever seen. Thanks to Einstein and blowhards like Feynman, 99% still regard atomism / QM / Standard Model dogma as the gospel truth. I'm likely being irrationally optimistic hoping that a whopping 1% still seriously question any of it. I just try to share stuff and think out loud about it as much as possible to make better sense of it all.. mostly for my own sake. About fifty-three years and counting since I first began repeatedly screaming "BULLSHIT!" (internally) at "Dr. Lord" in my elected 7th grade introductory physics class.. as I dutifully provided all the stupid answers he demanded to earn the A+ grade my parents demanded, LOL.
Basic Electrical Science.. still being performed on YouTube!

Yes nuts I've studied electronics college level. What do you think of this idear: using a one way mirror as a diode so that current passes through the glass side then reflects into the mirror so the current is always one way?
Yes nuts I've studied electronics college level.
Electrical Science. "Solenoids and Relays"
Dielectric + magnetic = Aether science not semiconductor science
What do you think of this idear: using a one way mirror as a diode so that current passes through the glass side then reflects into the mirror so the current is always one way?
I don't get it.
Electrical Science. "Solenoids and Relays"
Dielectric + magnetic = Aether science not semiconductor science
We covered this in my textbook, its been so long like 15 years since I studied that stuff. Their are really only parts that I remember. I still remember how a computer gate works. Anyhoo those parts and ideas are very complex. Are you trying to convince me that you understand how they work? stepping outside the box Nuts we really have to start from scribbly scratch on electricity, you know that.

Back to frequency, if we look at red shift andd blue shift and the doppler effect, we can see the aether is responsible for frequency as the added velocity of the star or car, stretches out the frequency. If frequency is stretched by speed it probably is effected by gravity as well. any thoughts?
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We covered this in my textbook, its been so long like 15 years since I studied that stuff. Their are really only parts that I remember. I still remember how a computer gate works. Anyhoo those parts and ideas are very complex. Are you trying to convince me that you understand how they work?
Should. My mom worked with Mauchly on the first digital electronic computer at Penn. The first digital "computer gate" was a vacuum tube diode and vacuum triodes, etc. served as low gain transistors before semiconductors blew them out of the water. I studied computer engineering at Drexel for several years after earning my degree in chemistry. Most valuable lesson learned? 99% of engineers are assholes.. so don't become one unless you really wanna be an asshole.
stepping outside the box Nuts we really have to start from scribbly scratch on electricity, you know that.
Preaching to the choir, but no need to get ridiculous. One can't logically get more scribbly scratch than the Aether.
Back to frequency, if we look at red shift andd blue shift and the doppler effect, we can see the aether is responsible for frequency as the added velocity of the star or car, stretches out the frequency. If frequency is stretched by speed it probably is effected by gravity as well. any thoughts?
The Doppler Effect of a passing train horn involves air compression and rarefaction. Does red shift similarly involve light energy compression and rarefaction? Of course. However, neither is "stretched by speed." The speed of transverse wave (non-longitudinal), light energy transfer through "space" can indeed be presumed a constant for our purposes, at least until we can detect any behaving differently. Red shift is a matter of relativity, not one of changing speed or velocity. The frequency (and therefore the energy detected per unit time) "shifts" simply because the transmitter or receiver moves relative to the other.
The Doppler Effect of a passing train horn involves air compression and rarefaction. Does red shift similarly involve light energy compression and rarefaction? Of course. However, neither is "stretched by speed." The speed of transverse wave (non-longitudinal), light energy transfer through "space" can indeed be presumed a constant for our purposes, at least until we can detect any behaving differently. Red shift is a matter of relativity, not one of changing speed or velocity. The frequency (and therefore the energy detected per unit time) "shifts" simply because the transmitter or receiver moves relative to the other.
It is relative, however the light from the star is going to be red shift or blue shift for all observers depending on what side of the star you are on. So the light waves emitted by the star are actually more compressed or stretched out according to the stationary aether, if you are relative to the star then you to are emitting waves red shift and blue shift. As something gets hot, the atoms vibrate more, until they vibrate at the frequency of light. hmm deeper thoughts needed I think.

I wonder if heating up carbon in a vacuum and then slowly adding oxygen could produce a release of electricity, perhaps if you wrapped wood in tin foil and captured electricity from a slow oxidation process.
It is relative, however the light from the star is going to be red shift or blue shift for all observers depending on what side of the star you are on.
There's no "however"! -- "It is relative" to what? Any particular observer's location at any given time. Suppose you're on "the star" or to one side and moving in the exact same direction at the same speed? No red or blue shift, n'est-ce spa? You neglected to cover that possibility, my description did not. How about c being a constant? Nothing.. ?
So the light waves emitted by the star are actually more compressed or stretched out according to the stationary aether,
No idea what you mean by "the stationary aether"?
if you are relative to the star then you to are emitting waves red shift and blue shift. As something gets hot, the atoms vibrate more, until they vibrate at the frequency of light. hmm deeper thoughts needed I think.
Yeah, "light" comes in all frequencies.. Red or blue shift is only observed by an observer. It's not emitted. Yes, a star can be imagined observing you reflect(re-emit) light energy from the Sun, just as moons and planets do, and possibly red or blue shifted depending upon your relative motions.
I wonder if heating up carbon in a vacuum and then slowly adding oxygen could produce a release of electricity, perhaps if you wrapped wood in tin foil and captured electricity from a slow oxidation process.
All is electricity.. dielectric + magnetic in nature.
Yeah, "light" comes in all frequencies.. Red or blue shift is only observed by an observer. It's not emitted. Yes, a star can be imagined observing you reflect(re-emit) light energy from the Sun, just as moons and planets do, and possibly red or blue shifted depending upon your relative motions.
Nuts I can't imagine frequency of light being caused by and a wave of light being anything but hot/dense aether followed by slightly less hot/dense aether. So in other words the 'wave' of light is temperature fluctuations in intervals. Light has been discovered important to electrolysis I wonder if it is useful with battery's as well.
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Nuts I can't imagine frequency of light being caused by and a wave of light being anything but hot/dense aether followed by slightly less hot/dense aether. So in other words the 'wave' of light is temperature fluctuations in intervals. Light has been discovered important to electrolysis I wonder if it is useful with battery's as well.
Got me thinking about farts.. pop gun relief, abrupt blasts, quiet but deadly,..

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