Femto camera experiment says space is the medium for light

Nuts what's your take on the redshift of the galaxy's? Perhaps you know something about it that I don't?
Doubtful since it's straightforward logic, analogous to the sound of a train whistle traveling away from you growing lower in frequency (red shifted) while one approaching grows higher (blue shifted). The Aether is simply transferring the original transmitted, modulated, longitudinal signal to your ears or eyes in either case, though the specifics obviously vary dramatically. A "shift" requires either the transmitter or receiver be moving relative to the other linearly. Neither moving relative to the other means no "shift" Sherlock.
Doubtful since it's straightforward logic, analogous to the sound of a train whistle traveling away from you growing lower in frequency (red shifted) while one approaching grows higher (blue shifted). The Aether is simply transferring the original transmitted, modulated, longitudinal signal to your ears or eyes in either case, though the specifics obviously vary dramatically. A "shift" requires either the transmitter or receiver be moving relative to the other linearly. Neither moving relative to the other means no "shift" Sherlock.
Nuts do you think that when two nuclei of Hydrogen fuse the two nuclei become smaller inside the Helium atom? And there are eight sizes to nuclei for the first eight elements? But the question remains at what point are the elements higher then 8 created and where? In any event the elements would seem to have largely uniform properties so I doubt they have randomness to the size of the nuclei. Its probably not well defined anywhere so off the top of your head would you assume that two hydrogen's in a helium atom weigh less?
Nuts do you think that when two nuclei of Hydrogen fuse the two nuclei become smaller inside the Helium atom?
What do I look like? Lol. You mean the two protons? I don't. Not significantly anyway. Somehow, in reality, helium ends up having 4 very contented nuclei, not just the 2. It's weird. The Sun apparently cheats:

And there are eight sizes to nuclei for the first eight elements?
1 to 8 protons at 1 to 16 standard atomic weight, i.e. protons + neutrons.
But the question remains at what point are the elements higher then 8 created and where?
See this link.
In any event the elements would seem to have largely uniform properties so I doubt they have randomness to the size of the nuclei. Its probably not well defined anywhere so off the top of your head would you assume that two hydrogen's in a helium atom weigh less?
No. But just to confuse things further.. I presume mass to be one form of inertia. Velocity or relative motion another. By "weigh" or "weight" we mean relative to Earth's gravity. But hydrogen and helium are gases at STP so they actually "weigh" less than nothing on Earth. One can't really put them on a scale or make them "rest" for you. One can always weigh a bottle containing many under pressure, but then one must basically guess at their number to arrive at their average weight.. Presume them "ideal gases" or something.. It's all so Tricky! We really don't know shit yet, do we? Lol.
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If light waves are waves of temperature, then the source of the light must be not vibrating like sound, but releasing heat then cooling off then filling with heat and releasing over and over.
If light waves are waves of temperature, then the source of the light must be not vibrating like sound, but releasing heat then cooling off then filling with heat and releasing over and over.
Yes, like sound. Releasing waves of heat, i.e. energy, to the aether which then transfers it to some other matter. Sound involves way more steps, but the result is analogous.
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Yes, like sound. Releasing waves of heat, i.e. energy, to the aether which then transfers it to some other matter. Sound involves way more steps, but the result is analogous.
Nuts I find several article's on blueshift of light entering a gravity well, but not a single one that relates the color of the sky and blueshift. Are you a blueshift or scattering man?
Nuts I find several article's on blueshift of light entering a gravity well, but not a single one that relates the color of the sky and blueshift. Are you a blueshift or scattering man?
Scattering, I suppose, if those are my only options. Without consulting anything, I'd bet the color of the sky has nothing whatsoever to do with blue shift. Scattering, yes. And as I've explained many times already, "light" goes absolutely nowhere. Light energy travels because the Aether transports it -- acts as its "medium" -- along with transporting every other form of energy. Talk of "entering a gravity well" is atomistic, ass-backward, Einsteinian, space-time silliness. You can't still believe that crap. Why are you asking me to entertain it? :eusa_shhh:

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Without consulting anything, I'd bet the color of the sky has nothing whatsoever to do with blue shift. Scattering, yes.
It is a novel idea nuts, and I have had those before. tell me why do you think the sun is blueshifted in this picture from the moon if there is no atmosphere to scatter the light?
It is a novel idea nuts, and I have had those before. tell me why do you think the sun is blueshifted in this picture from the moon if there is no atmosphere to scatter the light?
View attachment 816940
Blue filtered perhaps. Neither "shifted" nor "scattered" -- stop reading all those idiotic responses on Quora ;)
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The sky is orange during the day on Mars and blue during sunset. Blue shifted light entering an atmosphere requires the density of the atmosphere to reflect its blueshift. If there is no atmosphere or its thin like on Mars, nothing reflects the blueshifted light until sunset when the the sun shines through a lot more atmosphere. On Earth the sunset is red. This may be because the sunlight at sunset is reflecting off the part of the earth where its high noon more then where its a sunset.
The sky is orange during the day on Mars and blue during sunset. Blue shifted light entering an atmosphere requires the density of the atmosphere to reflect its blueshift. If there is no atmosphere or its thin like on Mars, nothing reflects the blueshifted light until sunset when the the sun shines through a lot more atmosphere. On Earth the sunset is red. This may be because the sunlight at sunset is reflecting off the part of the earth where its high noon more then where its a sunset.
Again, no shifting is observed because the Sun and planets simply don't move anywhere near the speed of light (energy) relative to one another. Remove that strange notion from your brain.

Why is Mars Red? Why Are Some Images Blue?​

Mars is known as the Red Planet because of iron oxide (like rust) in its soil. The planet's distinctive reddish hue is visible from Earth even without the aid of a telescope. The ancient Romans named it for their God of War (Ares in Greek mythology).

So what's with the blue twilight?

Just as colors are made more dramatic in sunsets on Earth, Martian sunsets would appear bluish to human observers watching from the red planet. Fine dust makes the blue near the Sun's part of the sky much more prominent, while normal daylight makes the Red Planet's familiar rusty dust color more prominent.

"The colors come from the fact that the very fine dust is the right size so that blue light penetrates the atmosphere slightly more efficiently," said Mark Lemmon of Texas A&M University, College Station, a science team member of the Curiosity rover mission. "When the blue light scatters off the dust, it stays closer to the direction of the Sun than light of other colors does. The rest of the sky is yellow to orange, as yellow and red light scatter all over the sky instead of being absorbed or staying close to the Sun."
Again, no shifting is observed because the Sun and planets simply don't move anywhere near the speed of light (energy) relative to one another. Remove that strange notion from your brain.
It could be gravity not movement that's I'm talking about. And also have you ever considered the observer moving away or towards a stationary star rather then the star moving?

There seems to exist the unity of the science cult that runs around with these notions of scattering. Blueshift seems more practical to me. The sky .is either red or blue. The lack of other colors is a hint. I guess it must make you mad and you would rather go with the photon schematic of scattering no?
For light and all EMR, the source of the wave must be heating up and cooling off at the frequency of the wave. The retraction and expansion of the magnetic field unto the electric shell that occurs when light waves hit an atom cause the color of a substance. The color frequency of the atom is created by this retraction and expansion. If you think of bright light that hits an atom in waves of temperature changes, the atom’s electomagnetic shell has an inherent strength that alters the wavelength and reflects in a new frequency.
It could be gravity not movement that's I'm talking about. And also have you ever considered the observer moving away or towards a stationary star rather then the star moving?
As I said,
A "shift" requires either the transmitter or receiver be moving relative to the other linearly. Neither moving relative to the other means no "shift" Sherlock.
"moving relative to the other linearly" at near "light speed" in the case of "light". That covers "the observer moving away or towards a stationary star rather then the star moving" scenarios. And gravity, being the Aether's most obvious and direct effect, is obviously something we both can't avoid talking about. I'm not just kidding around here.
There seems to exist the unity of the science cult that runs around with these notions of scattering. Blueshift seems more practical to me. The sky .is either red or blue. The lack of other colors is a hint. I guess it must make you mad and you would rather go with the photon schematic of scattering no?
There's no "science cult" running around. The sky is not just red or blue. Rainbows exist. That's a hint. Photons are not required for scattering. You don't anger me. I do get frustrated at times like this though. Shifted light energy, whether it appears pink, purple, blue, green, or red, has nothing to do with all the relatively slow moving stuff in our solar system. If you still somehow believe it does, try making a logical argument for your case.
For light and all EMR, the source of the wave must be heating up and cooling off at the frequency of the wave. The retraction and expansion of the magnetic field unto the electric shell that occurs when light waves hit an atom cause the color of a substance. The color frequency of the atom is created by this retraction and expansion. If you think of bright light that hits an atom in waves of temperature changes, the atom’s electomagnetic shell has an inherent strength that alters the wavelength and reflects in a new frequency.
I'll have to think about all that and get back to you..
One might compare different light waves to different sized gears. For example if you put a rock on a record player the same energy that creates oscillations of the rock towards the center is the same energy used to create the oscillations of the rock at the outside. The energy is the same but the oscillations different. The rock and its oscillations determine the color the electromagnetic field of an atom displays. Moving the rock happens because of the electromagnetic shell strength.
So when you have enough infrared heat you get all the colors mixed in white light. When the wave of light enters an atom's magnetic field, the field retracts, then expands after the temperature change of the wave. If the expansion is slow, and isn't in equilibrium with the frequency of the white light, the mismatch will alter the wavelength of the white light as it bounces off of the electromagnetic shell. A mixture of colors, like red yellow and blue to make brown, maybe an equilibrium of multiple expansion rates from the mismatch. Evidently gold which is the best conductor might be most efficient at letting energy pass through it because of the rate at which it expands and retracts is divided between three colors.
For light and all EMR, the source of the wave must be heating up and cooling off at the frequency of the wave.
Evidence? Do flashlight bulbs quickly heat up and cool off? At a certain frequency? Same whether LED or incandescent? What's the frequency of white? What's the temperature in actual degrees Kelvin?

According to this source anyway,
"The good news is there are options for everyone."
Final answer?

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