Fentanyl deaths in America: Do we deserve to surivive as a sovereign country?

The illegals Biden and Dems are allowing to pour into our country with enough Fentanyl to kill us all 30 times over are just looking for the American dream right, NOT! Did you know these illegal KILLERS are lacing pot with Fentanyl to turn pot into an addictive drug?

Thanks to Biden and Dems a young woman who just started college smoked a joint and BAM dropped dead as a doornail due to Fentanyl overdose. Why aren't Biden and Dems in prison??
It was really Trump who spiked the spliff.
Drugs are a personal matter. No matter how you look at it you are only hurting yourself. The vast bulk of our drug problem is because drugs are criminalized and criminals control the supply. From the beginning the drug war has been a racially charged assault on personal freedom and has never been designed to do anything except keep the prisons full.
Agreed - BUT - what we're seeing with Fentanyl amounts to consumer fraud.

Someone sells you weed, and you smoke it thinking it's weed, but it's laced with Fentanyl. And pretty soon you can't live without that really good weed
Agreed - BUT - what we're seeing with Fentanyl amounts to consumer fraud.

Someone sells you weed, and you smoke it thinking it's weed, but it's laced with Fentanyl. And pretty soon you can't live without that really good weed
Which rarely happens.
Agreed - BUT - what we're seeing with Fentanyl amounts to consumer fraud.

Someone sells you weed, and you smoke it thinking it's weed, but it's laced with Fentanyl. And pretty soon you can't live without that really good weed
Pretty soon you can't live at all.
Agreed - BUT - what we're seeing with Fentanyl amounts to consumer fraud.

Someone sells you weed, and you smoke it thinking it's weed, but it's laced with Fentanyl. And pretty soon you can't live without that really good weed
Well then that goes back to my original claim that most of our drug problems are due to criminals controlling the supply. I can't see where that could possibly be a problem where pot is legal.
Agreed - BUT - what we're seeing with Fentanyl amounts to consumer fraud.

Someone sells you weed, and you smoke it thinking it's weed, but it's laced with Fentanyl. And pretty soon you can't live without that really good weed

And if weed were legal and you were allowed to grow your own or buy from a legit retailer then this would not be an issue.
And if weed were legal and you were allowed to grow your own or buy from a legit retailer then this would not be an issue.
Netherlands drug issues are over the top...they made drugs legal...even heroine.

Yeah...there's a reason people left.
Help me out. The Border Patrol says they seized a record amount of Fentanyl last year. In fact they seized 1,000% more than the year before.

If they can seize 1,000 % more and the stuff is still flowing how much do you think is still coming across? I mean instead of worrying about the lettuce picker they are focusing on drugs and somehow that isn’t enough.

A wall? It only works if you have people there to guard it. So how many people do we need to guard the border?
THIS I'd the root of the problem with Democrats and leftist libertarians
Drug use and addiction knows no political boundaries. You know that and you said that shit anyway.
because fentanyl is only pouring in the US killing people that smoke pot?

no, it is added to other drugs as well. But we could at least cut out part of the danger for a drug less dangerous than the bottle of rum in my pantry.
I say that we can do what PRC did to curb drugs pouring in....(they once had an opium problem)

Death sentences for all caught selling.
Lifetime imprisonment at hard labor for all addicts.

It isn't exactly nice...but it was effective.
Netherlands drug issues are over the top...they made drugs legal...even heroine.

Yeah...there's a reason people left.

The US has a far larger percent of the population with alcohol or drug use dependence than does the Netherlands.
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