Fentanyl deaths in America: Do we deserve to surivive as a sovereign country?

So you would rather keep the sadisitc approach that clearly does not work than treat drugs like the public health problem it is? Of course you would. No drug warrior has ever been interested in actually solving the problem. Lots of money and careers tied up in keeping the prisons full.
I didn't get them on drugs. Why is it my responsibility to get them off drugs?
Do you think people are just walking across with wheelbarrows full? You know better than that. Drug smugglers are some of the most clever and industrious criminals on earth. They have strategies that the cops will never figure out no matter how hard they try. As long the demand exists there will be a supply in spite of anything the authorities try to do.
So you just leave the border open making it easy for tjem?? Huh

Surrender Monkey
I didn't get them on drugs. Why is it my responsibility to get them off drugs?
In the long run it will cost the country less to get addicts into rehab than to continue to simply lock them up in jail without any sort of treatment. Simple possession should not even be a crime because punishing it does nothing to keep drugs off the streets. It serves only to make people like you think something is being done.
In the long run it will cost the country less to get addicts into rehab than to continue to simply lock them up in jail without any sort of treatment. Simple possession should not even be a crime because punishing it does nothing to keep drugs off the streets. It serves only to make people like you think something is being done.
Karma will solve it. They keep taking this crap they will die. When enough die maybe survivors will finally stop taking it.

Places like Oregon who made it legal have drug deaths off the charts.
Then stay the hell away from poison. It's that simple.
Just say no? LOL what an idiot. That strategy worked about as well as abstinence only sex education. Trying to bullshit your way out of a problem never works but damned if it's still not SOP for the right.
Just say no? LOL what an idiot. That strategy worked about as well as abstinence only sex education. Trying to bullshit your way out of a problem never works but damned if it's still not SOP for the right.
As you Moonbats make it easy for the drugs to get into the country.

Most dying are brainwashed people in Moonbatistan.

I simple am having trouble caring when its self inflicted
As Fentanyl deaths continue to mount among the young in my city and yours, it is becoming evident that something very evil is going on. In my city many of these drug deaths go unreported because they are bad press for the red-faced no-necks that run the local economies dependent on the politics of getting rid of Donald Trump. Trump’s platform exposed Washington as infested with career politicians on both sides of the political spectrum that have enriched themselves by selling out America to globalist interlopers bent on taking out America as the last vestige of capitalist democracy on the planet.

Oddly, it seems that the parents of many of the millennials dying from these toxic drugs are completely on board with the untimely deaths of their children because it serves some greater good in their propagandized minds that in order to remove Trump one of their children had to go. As open borders operate as replacement centers for “new” citizens, lethal chemicals flow freely bringing great wealth to the drug cartels that poison the youth of the country. As these parents watch their children drop dead, some just walk away shrugging their shoulders and saying, “well at least Trump is gone, and Trump is bad, the government said so.” “My kid died so Trump could be gone and that’s a good thing.”

Obviously, this is a very sick development in our society, and it shows the extreme fanaticism embedded into the minds of the media indoctrinated. When Americans let their own children be attacked and poisoned by bad government policy just to get in line with a corrupted, sinister Washington status quo, we are in trouble as a nation. If this continues without a solution, maybe we do not deserve to survive as a sovereign country.

Drugs and alcohol are the "diseases of despair". Studies have shown that opioid deaths increase when auto plants shut down and leave a county. When manufacturing was off-shored to Asia, most Western democratic governments offered their workers free retraining, and income replacement until they were ready for the new job market. The USA did NOTHING for their displaced workers. You were on your own.

The USA has created a "dog eat dog" economy where the rich are doing very well, and working Americans are getting poorer every year. When Reagan was elected, you had a 20% chance of rising out of poverty into the middle class, if you got a good education and worked hard. Today, your chances are 2%.

Stagnant wages and the destruction of the union movement means that working people are now dependent on government handouts to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads. These people owned 5% of the wealth of the nation when Reagan took office. Today they have no equity or wealth.

Young people are graduating with an average debt equal to the price of a nice house when I was going to school. And the wealthy are getting the majority of the income and the wealth in the country. No decent minimum wage, no universal health care, no living wages.

Keep thinking you're the "land of opportunity". It is, but only if you're born wealthy.
As you Moonbats make it easy for the drugs to get into the country.

Most dying are brainwashed people in Moonbatistan.

I simple am having trouble caring when its self inflicted

Moonbats???? Brainwashed???? You're projecting your idiocy onto others. You don't read, fact check or conduct any "due diligence". You just swallow what Republicans tell you and believe every word of it.

What fools Republicans be.
Moonbats???? Brainwashed???? You're projecting your idiocy onto others. You don't read, fact check or conduct any "due diligence". You just swallow what Republicans tell you and believe every word of it.

What fools Republicans be.
Dems runnMoonbatistan derp.

You are killing your own with your ignorance
Everybody knows how bad this stuff is but a certain segment of society insists on playing Russian roulette with a packet of powder instead of a revolver. Darwin at work?
As you Moonbats make it easy for the drugs to get into the country.

Most dying are brainwashed people in Moonbatistan.

I simple am having trouble caring when its self inflicted
It's not easy for drugs to get into the country. Smugglers have to do some pretty outlandish things to get them here. The point is that it has always been like an arms race and clearly the DEA bozos have always been two steps behind if not actively involved. No amount of border security is going to make a dent in it so you might as well stop using that argument. The smugglers will always find a way as long as there is a demand for their product.
It's not easy for drugs to get into the country. Smugglers have to do some pretty outlandish things to get them here. The point is that it has always been like an arms race and clearly the DEA bozos have always been two steps behind if not actively involved. No amount of border security is going to make a dent in it so you might as well stop using that argument. The smugglers will always find a way as long as there is a demand for their product.
Spin away troll. You were just saying how brilliant they are then how our border cant stopnthem. To its hard.

You seem confused troll
As Fentanyl deaths continue to mount among the young in my city and yours, it is becoming evident that something very evil is going on. In my city many of these drug deaths go unreported because they are bad press for the red-faced no-necks that run the local economies dependent on the politics of getting rid of Donald Trump. Trump’s platform exposed Washington as infested with career politicians on both sides of the political spectrum that have enriched themselves by selling out America to globalist interlopers bent on taking out America as the last vestige of capitalist democracy on the planet.

Oddly, it seems that the parents of many of the millennials dying from these toxic drugs are completely on board with the untimely deaths of their children because it serves some greater good in their propagandized minds that in order to remove Trump one of their children had to go. As open borders operate as replacement centers for “new” citizens, lethal chemicals flow freely bringing great wealth to the drug cartels that poison the youth of the country. As these parents watch their children drop dead, some just walk away shrugging their shoulders and saying, “well at least Trump is gone, and Trump is bad, the government said so.” “My kid died so Trump could be gone and that’s a good thing.”

Obviously, this is a very sick development in our society, and it shows the extreme fanaticism embedded into the minds of the media indoctrinated. When Americans let their own children be attacked and poisoned by bad government policy just to get in line with a corrupted, sinister Washington status quo, we are in trouble as a nation. If this continues without a solution, maybe we do not deserve to survive as a sovereign country.

Seek mental help Ray!
Spin away troll. You were just saying how brilliant they are then how our border cant stopnthem. To its hard.

You seem confused troll
Thousands of trucks, trains and planes pass the border every day. A fairly small package of fentanyl goes a long way. These needles in the haystack of cross border trade are practically undetectable. I'm sure the DEA would be interested in your plan to find it all before it hits the streets.
Thousands of trucks, trains and planes pass the border every day. A fairly small package of fentanyl goes a long way. These needles in the haystack of cross border trade are practically undetectable. I'm sure the DEA would be interested in your plan to find it all before it hits the streets.
Easy. Secure the fucking border.
Easy. Secure the fucking border.
What does that even mean to a paranoid whackadoodle like you? Gov. Abbot tried to find some contraband with his truck inspection stunt and all he accomplished was to cost his state a bunch of lost business. He found nothing of significance. No drugs, no people, just goods trying to get to their destination. That should have told you something about the myth of "open borders" but you chose to ignore it.

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