Fentanyl deaths in America: Do we deserve to surivive as a sovereign country?

The origination of this problem falls solely on the FDA, and the political class.

Once again, they have shown their naked corruption.
The origination of this problem falls solely on the FDA, and the political class.

Once again, they have shown their naked corruption.

Actually it was left wing black politicians that begged to the government to start a war on drugs in the black community, where heroin addiction was through the roof in the 1960's. They did so again in the 1970's. Now of course they run around denying that and blaming 'somebody else'.
And they all received Darwin awards....

This is the fun part, you all pretend to care about the fentanyl deaths, and then make comments like this proving you do not give even a tiny fuck about them
This is the fun part, you all pretend to care about the fentanyl deaths, and then make comments like this proving you do not give even a tiny fuck about them
It's survival of the fittest minds out there.
If you do drugs expect to die slowly and be physically abused...the quick way to die is to be around those selling it....they die of gunshots.

It's not a joke...it's not pleasant...it's reality.
As Fentanyl deaths continue to mount among the young in my city and yours, it is becoming evident that something very evil is going on. In my city many of these drug deaths go unreported because they are bad press for the red-faced no-necks that run the local economies dependent on the politics of getting rid of Donald Trump. Trump’s platform exposed Washington as infested with career politicians on both sides of the political spectrum that have enriched themselves by selling out America to globalist interlopers bent on taking out America as the last vestige of capitalist democracy on the planet.

Oddly, it seems that the parents of many of the millennials dying from these toxic drugs are completely on board with the untimely deaths of their children because it serves some greater good in their propagandized minds that in order to remove Trump one of their children had to go. As open borders operate as replacement centers for “new” citizens, lethal chemicals flow freely bringing great wealth to the drug cartels that poison the youth of the country. As these parents watch their children drop dead, some just walk away shrugging their shoulders and saying, “well at least Trump is gone, and Trump is bad, the government said so.” “My kid died so Trump could be gone and that’s a good thing.”

Obviously, this is a very sick development in our society, and it shows the extreme fanaticism embedded into the minds of the media indoctrinated. When Americans let their own children be attacked and poisoned by bad government policy just to get in line with a corrupted, sinister Washington status quo, we are in trouble as a nation. If this continues without a solution, maybe we do not deserve to survive as a sovereign country.

My city does a pretty good job of reporting when there is an outbreak of Fentanyl OD's associated with laced drugs and issuing public warnings about it. They usually come in clusters and they are also pretty decent at tracking down the source and arresting said dealer within a few weeks. One of the pluses of living in Nowhereville is that these things tend to lead back to a single source. A guy three houses up from me was one of the OD victims last time there was a big cluster. My understanding is that it was in the weed he was smoking. Anyway, yes I blame the victims for being idiotic enough to buy from unknown sources. If nothing else, sit on that weed awhile before using in case there is another outbreak. Let others be your guinea pig or buy some Fentanyl test kits.
They exist because of scum like you provide customers.
The drug war produced the situation we are in today. In spite of abundant evidence that it has done far more harm than good we are still stuck with a system that would much rather just lock someone up than do a damned thing to help them get off drugs.
Actually it was left wing black politicians that begged to the government to start a war on drugs in the black community, where heroin addiction was through the roof in the 1960's. They did so again in the 1970's. Now of course they run around denying that and blaming 'somebody else'.
Actually it was the FDA who worked hand in glove with companies like Purdue Pharma.

They not only approved these news drugs, but they permitted the promotion of them as 'non-addictive' opium alternatives.

Concurrently, it was also the US Gov, and allies who opened the largest opium market in the world, Afghanistan.

Then, once the problem grew so large, and the deaths began to explode...

The government, in typical government fashion turned coat...threw everyone in jail...and mandated draconian restrictions on prescribing the drugs which they knew were addictive in the first place.

MEANWHILE AT THE US BORDER...tons and tons of Fentanyl are pouring in as we have neglected security measures, and funding (gotta save everywhere else...of course) there.

There's drug use and abuse in every family. Chances are you are such a reactionary stick in the mud judgemental jerk that everyone hides it from you.
No need. All the junkies in my family have already sent themselves to hell, where they belong.

PS -- I think it's cute when you try to hurt my feelings by calling me names. Please do it more.
It's survival of the fittest minds out there.
If you do drugs expect to die slowly and be physically abused...the quick way to die is to be around those selling it....they die of gunshots.

It's not a joke...it's not pleasant...it's reality.

I appreciate your honesty. I think you are fucking moron, but at least you are honest.

By the way, do you ever have a drink of alcohol?
I want to know why the Democrats are leaving our borders wide open so the fentanyl can flow freely

you would have to ask them.

and then ask yourself why fentanyl deaths went up 45% during a time we were told the borders were the most secure ever
The drug war produced the situation we are in today. In spite of abundant evidence that it has done far more harm than good we are still stuck with a system that would much rather just lock someone up than do a damned thing to help them get off drugs.
I didn't get them on drugs. Why is it my responsibility to get them off drugs?

Hint: Whatever "answer" this bot comes up with is going to be a lie. Just watch.
I want to know why the Democrats are leaving our borders wide open so the fentanyl can flow freely
Do you think people are just walking across with wheelbarrows full? You know better than that. Drug smugglers are some of the most clever and industrious criminals on earth. They have strategies that the cops will never figure out no matter how hard they try. As long the demand exists there will be a supply in spite of anything the authorities try to do.
Do you think people are just walking across with wheelbarrows full? You know better than that. Drug smugglers are some of the most clever and industrious criminals on earth. They have strategies that the cops will never figure out no matter how hard they try. As long the demand exists there will be a supply in spite of anything the authorities try to do.
Sounds like they're your heroes.
I didn't get them on drugs. Why is it my responsibility to get them off drugs?

Hint: Whatever "answer" this bot comes up with is going to be a lie. Just watch.
So you would rather keep the sadisitc approach that clearly does not work than treat drugs like the public health problem it is? Of course you would. No drug warrior has ever been interested in actually solving the problem. Lots of money and careers tied up in keeping the prisons full.

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