Ferguson judge withdraws all arrest warrants before 2015

Rule of law has turned into a joke in america. Millions of illegals get amnesty and now this. White people are morons for obeying the law.
Rule of law has turned into a joke in america. Millions of illegals get amnesty and now this. White people are morons for obeying the law.

It's the result of liberals being raised by parents who gave them no discipline or barriers.

EVERYTHING is ok. Or maybe it isnt. Let's talk it out. Rules aren't rules. They're negotiations. Right and wrong isn't real. It's more just how you feel that day.
Again we see that rioting and looting pays off. You get to steal a lot of stuff and get your fines cancelled too. BTW - where does a judge get authority to cancel all these arrest warrants anyway?

Throwing people in prison for 20 years for beating someone up or robbery isn't helping the black community improve. One way or the other we're going to be living with this community so I think we should attempt to improve things.

These kinds of sentences should only be for murder or rape.

Haha!! Nobody is getting 20 years for assault or robbery. It's a joke how lenient courts are on criminals for their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc etc offense. See some of these 18-30 year Olds getting arrested....and they have HUGE rap sheets? They obviously aren't getting jail time. Which is probably why they reoffend.

Singapore has extremely harsh sentencing. And almost zero crime. Hmmmm.
Exactly ..how else would they compile rap sheets pages long
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When will people learn to actually you know read the link before commenting?

From the article linked in the OP

The court will revisit those cases, with new warrants issued only if a defendant fails to show up in court later, the city explained. And all suspensions of driver's licenses are now null and void.

No one is getting away with a crime. They are simply throwing old arrest warrants out with the provision that new arrest warrants can be issued if people don't come to court on their new court dates. These people still have to come to court and face punishment for their crimes.

This part made me laugh though.

For example, in 88% of the cases in which the Ferguson police reported using force, it was against African-Americans. Also, between 2012 and 2014, black drivers were twice as likely as white drivers to be searched during traffic stops, but 26% less likely to be found in possession of contraband.

Here's a fact, if you act like an asshole during a stop a LEO is suddenly going to "detect a whiff of marijuana" or something else as a pretext to be be an asshole to you and search your vehicle.

Blacks are twice as likely to act like assholes to the police as whites. Among other things.
Again we see that rioting and looting pays off. You get to steal a lot of stuff and get your fines cancelled too. BTW - where does a judge get authority to cancel all these arrest warrants anyway?

Throwing people in prison for 20 years for beating someone up or robbery isn't helping the black community improve. One way or the other we're going to be living with this community so I think we should attempt to improve things.

These kinds of sentences should only be for murder or rape.

Haha!! Nobody is getting 20 years for assault or robbery. It's a joke how lenient courts are on criminals for their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc etc offense. See some of these 18-30 year Olds getting arrested....and they have HUGE rap sheets? They obviously aren't getting jail time. Which is probably why they reoffend.

Singapore has extremely harsh sentencing. And almost zero crime. Hmmmm.
Exactly ..how else wold they compile rap sheets pages long

Yeah I always laugh when I hear people talk about harsh sentencing. It's a joke. There's 25 year olds with 30 page rap sheets. Getting actual prison time....takes almost an effort on the criminals part to reoffend enough that the courts lose patience.
This is a good start

Now this country should de privatize all prisons and get the profit motive out of the judicial system

(CNN)The municipal court judge in Ferguson, Missouri, on Monday announced sweeping changes to the city's court system, including an order to withdraw all arrest warrants issued in that city before December 31, 2014.

Municipal Court Judge Donald McCullin, who was appointed in June, also changed the conditions for pretrial release. According to a press release put out by Ferguson, all defendants will be given new court dates with alternative penalties like payment plans or community service. Those caught for minor traffic violations should be less likely to end up behind bars

Ferguson judge withdraws arrest warrants before 2015 - CNN.com
Within 6 months, the number of new arrest warrants will be the same as the number this liberal judge expunged. Criminals are criminals and that won't change.
From the article linked in the OP

The court will revisit those cases, with new warrants issued only if a defendant fails to show up in court later, the city explained. And all suspensions of driver's licenses are now null and void.

No one is getting away with a crime. They are simply throwing old arrest warrants out with the provision that new arrest warrants can be issued if people don't come to court on their new court dates. These people still have to come to court and face punishment for their crimes.


So why throw out the old arrest warrants just to issue new ones.? Why can't we insist blacks obey the rules like we insist whites do? THINK
Again we see that rioting and looting pays off. You get to steal a lot of stuff and get your fines cancelled too. BTW - where does a judge get authority to cancel all these arrest warrants anyway?

Throwing people in prison for 20 years for beating someone up or robbery isn't helping the black community improve. One way or the other we're going to be living with this community so I think we should attempt to improve things.

These kinds of sentences should only be for murder or rape.

Haha!! Nobody is getting 20 years for assault or robbery. It's a joke how lenient courts are on criminals for their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc etc offense. See some of these 18-30 year Olds getting arrested....and they have HUGE rap sheets? They obviously aren't getting jail time. Which is probably why they reoffend.

Singapore has extremely harsh sentencing. And almost zero crime. Hmmmm.

He couldn't walk through ferguson at night.Never mind chicago detroit or new orleans.....and lives in portland with a 6.3% black population in a state with only 1.8% blacks...

It's usually the lack of proximity to non-Whites that makes an area liberal, because it allows liberals to maintain false views of non-Whites without reality constantly contradicting their ideology.
Again we see that rioting and looting pays off. You get to steal a lot of stuff and get your fines cancelled too. BTW - where does a judge get authority to cancel all these arrest warrants anyway?

Throwing people in prison for 20 years for beating someone up or robbery isn't helping the black community improve. One way or the other we're going to be living with this community so I think we should attempt to improve things.

These kinds of sentences should only be for murder or rape.

Throwing someone in prison for violent crimes isn't meant to help the "community" of the perp. It's meant to keep the public safe from maniacs with violent tendencies.
Guess any looters who got arrested get a free pass.

Justice sure takes a wrong turn in Ferguson.

Wonder what happens when the next riot and looting occurs??
This is a good start

Now this country should de privatize all prisons and get the profit motive out of the judicial system

(CNN)The municipal court judge in Ferguson, Missouri, on Monday announced sweeping changes to the city's court system, including an order to withdraw all arrest warrants issued in that city before December 31, 2014.

Municipal Court Judge Donald McCullin, who was appointed in June, also changed the conditions for pretrial release. According to a press release put out by Ferguson, all defendants will be given new court dates with alternative penalties like payment plans or community service. Those caught for minor traffic violations should be less likely to end up behind bars

Ferguson judge withdraws arrest warrants before 2015 - CNN.com

Sounds like a big win for criminals. Great promotion for more riots.
Yes loon OP; we've all see the "progress" made in places like Ferguson and Baltimore since you caring Progressives showed up on the scene to "help" people. what's the body count now?
Magic wand decrease in crime....everything will be better now.......
Yup. Just like some inner city schools literally redrawing the shape of the 'Bell Curve' to make negro kids appear to have higher IQs than they really have.Then all the (cough) educators had to do was change test results and what do you know? All the kids were scholastically eligible to get into colleges and universities.
Watch the crime rate in Ferguson soar now.
Yup. Just like some inner city schools literally redrawing the shape of the 'Bell Curve' to make negro kids appear to have higher IQs than they really have.Then all the (cough) educators had to do was change test results and what do you know? All the kids were scholastically eligible to get into colleges and universities.

It's not "some" - it's ALL schools use affirmative action scoring to "help" the blacks. Of course it backfires as employers know about it and know that a HS diploma or college degree from a black doesn't mean a thing,
Again we see that rioting and looting pays off. You get to steal a lot of stuff and get your fines cancelled too. BTW - where does a judge get authority to cancel all these arrest warrants anyway?

Throwing people in prison for 20 years for beating someone up or robbery isn't helping the black community improve. One way or the other we're going to be living with this community so I think we should attempt to improve things.

These kinds of sentences should only be for murder or rape.

Haha!! Nobody is getting 20 years for assault or robbery. It's a joke how lenient courts are on criminals for their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc etc offense. See some of these 18-30 year Olds getting arrested....and they have HUGE rap sheets? They obviously aren't getting jail time. Which is probably why they reoffend.

Singapore has extremely harsh sentencing. And almost zero crime. Hmmmm.
Singapore doesn't have many crimes that are subject to prison either. Low level, non violent crimes are dealt with by public caning.
Again we see that rioting and looting pays off. You get to steal a lot of stuff and get your fines cancelled too. BTW - where does a judge get authority to cancel all these arrest warrants anyway?

Throwing people in prison for 20 years for beating someone up or robbery isn't helping the black community improve. One way or the other we're going to be living with this community so I think we should attempt to improve things.

These kinds of sentences should only be for murder or rape.

Haha!! Nobody is getting 20 years for assault or robbery. It's a joke how lenient courts are on criminals for their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc etc offense. See some of these 18-30 year Olds getting arrested....and they have HUGE rap sheets? They obviously aren't getting jail time. Which is probably why they reoffend.

Singapore has extremely harsh sentencing. And almost zero crime. Hmmmm.
Singapore doesn't have many crimes that are subject to prison either. Low level, non violent crimes are dealt with by public caning.
I left my $1000 camera on a bench at East Coast Park. The next day I went back and the camera was still on the bench.
Try that in any inner city negro run/populated shit hole in the world and guess what?
Public caning? It's what happens to the drug dealers and thugs behind the scenes that's the best part.
Oh ya, I forgot. There is literally zero crime of any type in Singapore.
Hopefully President Trump will import the 'Singapore Method' for dealing with crime.
Every fucking gang-bager thug in the country is literally praying Trump doesn't become the next President. For fucking good reason.

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