Ferguson Oathbreakers Launch Flammable Tear Gas at Crowd, Then Launch flares and ignite the gas.

While Obama says on national TV that he's about to go play another round of golf.

I'm watching Ferguson women dropping rocking and rolling to put the fire out of their clothes --- by the police...err terrorists.

With over a decade of military service under by belt I can assure you with 100% accuracy that there is absolutely no such thing as flammable tear gas. The gas they use is the exact same gas we used in the military gas chamber. In fact, the gas is made up of nothing more than a chemical that makes a smoke when it is burned. The reason it isn't flammable is because it MUST be burned in order to create the smoke. Now explain to me how this gas can be ignited twice? How can the smoke born from the burning of chemical be flammable? Ladies and gentlemen I give you the ignorance of the left.
Why do these ignorant ass protesters say they want justice for Mike Brown?


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