Fetterman Shows Up to Work Looking Like a Slob Wearing a Hoodie, Attempts to Speak at Press Conference on Debt Ceiling Negotiations (VIDEO)

He has trouble communicating verbally, a common side effect of a stroke. That does not always indicate mental damage. I do not know enough about Fetterman to know how extensive the damage is.

But you are spot about that being where we are in America. All that matter to far too many people is the party and not the country.
It is more than that.
His mind 'wonders" like a person who is in advanced ageing. They can't maintain a thought, they will talk about something and then - you see it - they completely lose what they were saying.
Fetterman does that. Not just have difficulty expressing a thought - but loses the thought entirely.
That guy needs to resign from the Senate. Even 92 year old Feinstein can articulate better than him.
A whole host of Senators should resign.
Or better, people actually vote for someone that is capable and not so obviously corrupt.
For fucks sake - a feeble, elderly man who is OBVIOUSLY in serious cognitive decline - WON THE ELECTION TO BE PRESIDENT.
Staggeringly incomprehensible it happened. But it did.
And, like I said, that is where we are in America today. We would elect the anti-Christ if he said he was in our party.
A whole host of Senators should resign.
Or better, people actually vote for someone that is capable and not so obviously corrupt.
For fucks sake - a feeble, elderly man who is OBVIOUSLY in serious cognitive decline - WON THE ELECTION TO BE PRESIDENT.
Staggeringly incomprehensible it happened. But it did.
And, like I said, that is where we are in America today. We would elect the anti-Christ if he said he was in our party.
Too many senior citizens in congress.
He’s wrong about the 14th amendment having anything to do with the debt ceiling
Good, he is fitting the Trump mold perfectly… doesn’t know shit about the law because he isn’t a politician
Good, he is fitting the Trump mold perfectly… doesn’t know shit about the law because he isn’t a politician
Many people in elected office do not know the law

But fetterman is an anti trump lib
What the hell did I just watch? This guy is a complete invalid and has zero class when it comes to dressing in front of the cameras. The title is right. He is a slob.

One look at this video and it is obvious John Fetterman is not capable of doing his job.



He dressed the same way when he campaigned and he was elected. The shit y’all throw hissy fits about takes snowflake to a whole new level
Keep in mind, these MAGAts are the same ones proud of their orange sexual abuser who made fun of a physically handicapped reporter.
The man is a U.S. Senator. Is it too much to ask of him to show up not looking like he left a college dorm room?
Whether I have a soul or not has zero relevance to this thread. Those who lack intelligence lash out with insults. That’s all you’re doing. It’s boring
When they are failing and flailing, they descend to ad hominems.

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