Fight for $15; WE GOT IT….and so much more. Activism works.

That's nice. Too bad your party has created a situation where even THAT amount is woefully inadequate. Also, the labor pool has shrunk so badly that a recession is inbound and many of those businesses that finally started offering more money will be laying workers off. We haven't seen "bad" yet, but it's coming.
You know, I just had a revelation. Something good may come from this. These $15/hr poverty cases won't be able to hire anyone to perform their work for them--ie home improvement, auto repair, welding, electricians, machinists etc. So by necessity they will be forced to become productive or die. Win Win.
Just a reminder to everyone who mocked us when we demanded “Fight for $15” a few years back. Yall said it would never happen. Welp….now $15/hour is almost not even enough to get workers. Companies are GLADLY paying it. I see lowest level jobs, fast food, gas stations, etc, offering $17-$20/hour.

Activism works. Blocking roads GETS ATTENTION. It worked, and it will work on the next issues taken up.
I like it when you block a road and get hit by a car. Nice.
Over the weekend my uncle ordered some chicken at the drive through as well as apple cobbler for dessert he got mashed potatoes and gravey instead of the cobbler. That is the type of service that deserves $15.00 dollars an hour.
You either vote Democrat or you are a MAGA. Enabling MAGA makes you complicit so the debate is over.

Democrat or Trump. No other way around it.

Progtards, front and center. ^^^

THIS ^^^ is one of the most dangerous things about proglemmings.

My way or the highway.

They're exactly like Neo-Cons, that way.

They're big time Stalinist pricks. Joe McCarthy writ large.
You either vote Democrat or you are a MAGA. Enabling MAGA makes you complicit so the debate is over.

Democrat or Trump. No other way around it.
You are a blithering idiot. There are far more options than voting for the fore runners for each of the major parties.
Somewhere along the line women decided that they could take advantage of men having been taught not to hit a woman. That's now only true for a woman who acts like a woman. If a woman wants to act like a violent bitch, down she goes.
WTF does that have to do with this thread?
4.5 million quit their jobs last year.only some are coming back even after UE benefits stopped a loooong time ago. What s beautiful thing.
Hey Methuselah, you cannot normally get unemployment if you voluntarily quit. Is it the senility or ignorance showing?
I love the Trumper’s with their comments about inflation, prices have historically always gone up but wages have not gone up with them. The idea of fight for 15 was that we knew prices were going to go up no matter what we just wanted wages to go up with them and they did, otherwise many people would be struggling with their old wage
So now they are struggling even more with their new wage? Dumbass leech!
It rose because we fought for it. Had everyone just stayed silent we would still have this Putin inflation but jobs would be paying $7.15-$8 an hour.

But we didnt. We blocked roads. We made people notice, even if it had to become uncomfortable. We, yes, WENT AROUND Congress and got it done on our own with protest. And it worked.
You personally didn't block any road! Did you? Dumbass libtard!
Ummmm…..WE are the market. The labor market. “Demands of the market”. Ultra MAGAs aint real good at math
There is no such thing as an an Ultra MAGA. That came form brain-dead Brandon's speech writer t best and Brandon's own dementia addled brain at the worst.

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