Fighting Words At 20 Paces


Sep 23, 2010
Debates are bloodless affairs where attacking an opponent psychically is considered bad form. An affaire d’honneur is all about spilling blood with pistols, swords, or words. America’s most famous duel was about politics. Burr did in Hamilton.

NOTE: An affaire d’honneur in 1837 Russia bordered on redundancy when a man of words was killed in a famous duel. Considering the outcome, Aleksandr Pushkin should have challenged the Frenchman to a debate:

March 7, 1999
Pistols at 20 Paces

Pistols at 20 Paces


I was disappointed when Michelle Malkin did not call upon me to act as her second when she challenged Michelle Rhee to a duel:

. . . a well-known personality on the right has challenged the untouchable education change agent and Common Core supporter Michelle Rhee.


. . . Rhee repeated the talking points that the CCS are internationally benchmarked and that every school district has the ability to choose its own curriculum to fit the standards. Neither of these assertions is true.

May 8, 2014
Michelle Malkin Wants to Debate Michelle Rhee on Common Core
Ann Kane

Blog: Michelle Malkin Wants to Debate Michelle Rhee on Common Core

Make no mistake on this. It would be a duel not a debate, and it would be a good one because neither Michelle Malkin nor Michelle Rhee is, or ever was, an elected official. It would be a purely ideological donnybrook where the supporters of each duelist would demand blood. Indeed, I for one expect my Michelle to administer the coup de grace after she wounds the other Michelle. That’s why the duel won’t happen. Libs never debate a tenet of their agenda because touchy-feely moralizing does not work as well debating a specific topic as it does when debating liberalism in general.

NOTE: Al Gore running away from Christopher Monckton’s challenge to a shootout about global warming was a classic copout.

A few words about Michelle Rhee

Rhee came to national prominance when she was school chancellor in Washington , D.C. Liberals loved her, and many conservatives made the mistake of accepting her at face value. You can research Rhee for specific details. In addition to her Common Core advocacy, I want to point to 2 glaring negatives many conservatives missed in their adoration:

1. Rhee attended Harvard’s JFK School of Government.

2. She put through art and music in D.C.’s public schools.

Number 2. is an extension of government-approved art pioneered by Communists in the former Soviet Union, and practiced by the National Endowment for the Arts.
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