Files confirm trump did not visit Epstein home or island

You got one, supposedly, now address children belong to society, mutilation of them, aborting them, grooming them sexual and education.

You can't so stop.

You're in over your head
Ii don't address things you iimagine.

But I will address mutilated chilldrenn by AR 15's.
There is plenty of evidence that Trump hung out and flew around with him in the 90’s and the island was far from the only place Epstein was sex trafficking underage girls.

Cool story. Now tell us your story about Billy C.
You're an all over the map left loon

Get confused and.... well stupid

You need to stop this dishonest bs b-----. You said Biden was hiding, I showed you he wasn't and a result of Trump irresponsible campaign in 2020. You said you didn't believe it, and I again pointed to Cains death. You ran your mouth about Democrats being groomers, Ii showed you an example of a republican that was involved with sexing boys. You claim Democrats are for mutiation of children, and I pointed out where republicans don't mind children being mutilated. Simply put you're a dumb --- right wing nutjob and all you can do is lie because everything you believe is fiction.
Dummy, the whole point of conversation was that just because Trump is not in the lists of people who flew to the island does not mean he didn't participate in the sex traffiking that was happening in Florida and NY.

There was a woman who accused him of raping her with Epstein while she was underage and that remains a possibility, even if not proof.
Fuck off asshole

Lib lies are flying around everywhere and I dont have the time or patience to take all of them seriously

And I’m not going to pronounce trump guilty till proven innocent
No he didn't. He had 3 scheduled debates with trump and trump chickened out of one. Biden ran a COVIID responsible campaign while people died because Trump did not.. Ask Herman Cain and don't try this lie again.

That's a good one. Say, weren't the "antidotes" for COVID built on Trump's watch?

Explain to all of us why the left shut down the economy during Trump's tenure, only to reopen things with Biden despite the US experiencing twice the cases as one year earlier?

Considering your position Biden did such a good job, why were there more covid deaths on Biden's watch?

And why do you think they lied about the number of covid deaths on Trump's watch?
Fuck off asshole

Lib lies are flying around everywhere and I dont have the time or patience to take all of them seriously

And I’m not going to pronounce trump guilty till proven innocent

Well thats rich.

You were caught posting lies right here and now are complaining about lies flying.
Actually Hillary was the safest bet. And just like with Gore we let the loser get in because people chose to believe the republican narrative, and they proceeded to mess up our country. Are people going to do this again?

^^^Kook lefty election deniers are still embarrassing themselves. LOL!

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