Fin ... ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
what the french use as ending for a film.However it could be used
to justify a grand distinguishing feature from which one derives
it's name.Or conspicious object like a shark fin above water moving fast
& furiously as in the classic summer film - Jaws -.
Summer is here and that means heat.Like the DeNiro movie
- Heat -.
Will there be some relief ... Not this week.As whether would have it.
Which brings us to Biden World.Each week a creepy version of
Unamericanism.Like a bad roller coaster ride.No Fin within sight.
However most things in Life ... pass.Like the weather.
Maybe a barking dog { maybe not }. Even in and during a blizzard.
Some dogs are like that.Not many but a few.
So what is President Biden like ?. Shore nuff ain't like any
Founders.Like George Washington or James Madison
or Thomas Jefferson { a Liberal but a good Liberal }.
What is Joe Biden good at.? At this point ... fairly obvious.
Keeping on the Obama path of Transformation.
But who in their right mind cottons transformation.
Maybe those actors or actress stuck in a movie
where disaster or creepiness is all around.Not very keen.
Mental acuity need not apply.Keenness keep your distance.
I have to say most True blue Americans cotton keenness.
Or the ability to have a likin'..Like Baseball.Americas
Pastime.There's a reason only one human being was allowed
to have her dog next to her side at a Baseball game.
Because dogs sometimes don't cotton to strangers.
But that little detail was not influencing Cincinnati
Baseball owner Marge Schott. About as ugly in the face
as ever allowed into a baseball park.Chain smoker and
vodka slugger.With her huge beloved companion
Scottzie { Saint Bernard } close at hand.definately her only
better half.Marge Schott was eventually found out.As a
not easily disguised Bigot.Forced from Baseball { banned }
for easily understood and witnessed displays of Unamericanism.
Being of German extraction Marge Schott acted like a Nazi Party
member.Nott Goott.She also was caught using the " N " word
with no shame.There are americans like that.Their way or the
highway ... no matter what.Usually old timer bigots who drink and
smoke and cuss as if just another day out and about.
There may be no Fin to that *human comedy.
Such is life.

* The Human Comedy - { 1943 } Starring Mickey Rooney
as Homer Macauley as trusting and watchfull brother to
an Idyllic homespun family heading into an apparent pang
of wartime.
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