Finally, a backbone Government.


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
Finally, a Government looking out for American Strategic Interests rather than Israel's.

JERUSALEM (AP) — Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas agreed to resume peace talks with Israel only after U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry gave him a letter guaranteeing that the basis of the negotiations will be Israel's pre-1967 borders, two senior Palestinian officials said Saturday.

The officials, both of whom are close to the Palestinian leader and privy to internal discussions, said the U.S. letter also stipulated that both sides are to refrain from taking any steps that would jeopardize the outcome of the talks. Israel is not to issue new tenders for Jewish settlements in the West Bank, while the Palestinians are not to pursue diplomatic action against Israel at any international organizations, the officials said on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to brief the media.

Palestinians: US says 1967 lines basis for talks
"The talks with Kerry were about to collapse, and the letter came as a lifeline in the last minute bargaining," one of the Palestinian officials said.

There was no immediate comment from the State Department.

After intense shuttle diplomacy, Kerry announced on Friday that Israel and the Palestinians had agreed on a basis for returning to the peace process, which broke down five years ago. The two sides are to meet — likely in the coming week — to work out final details on actually resuming their negotiations on the toughest issues of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Kerry would not give details on the agreement on the negotiations' framework. "The best way to give these negotiations a chance is to keep them private." he said. "We know that the challenges require some very tough choices in the days ahead. Today, however, I am hopeful."
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Pbel, do you really thing Israel will return to the '67 borders. Your personal opinion. I know you want them to, but do you think it will ever happen . Honest question
It was the 67 borders that led the Arab countries to unite to annihilate Israel. And Pbel's peace plan is for them to do it again. Just goes to prove one need not necessarily have to be a Palestinian to have a Palestinian mentality.
What do the Palestinians promise in return.

Will the aggression against southerners cease?

The Palestinians live up to a promise? And will the aggression stop? I think you know the answer to those questions.

Israel is a Super Power in the Middle East and will remain so in the foreseeable future, she can withdraw or advance at will.

Now you have to admit that the primary reason the UN admitted the Palestinian State as a non-member observer is that Abbas and Fatah took the peaceful avenue rather than a violent one.

The only aggression you speak of is Gaza...Abbas ought to be given enough military hardware to defend the West Bank and East Jerusalem with Israel's help if necessary.

Since Gaza is Not occupied, then Israel has a right to stop military attacks.

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