Finally, A President Willing To Cut Off Boomers' Social Security And Medicare Charity

Has anyone in this thread thought of reading his memorandum on the payroll tax cut? Not E & O and it's a deferral until Dec 31st, deferral meaning it will have to be paid back. Helps very few except employer's and maybe the self employed. Yes, he wants to make them permanent. It's just a proposal.

Read very careful the you decide if this is going to happen.

The employers can still deduct it from payrolls since it is not a mandate or law from Congress because only Congress has the authority to lay and collect taxes per the Constitution.
Has anyone in this thread thought of reading his memorandum on the payroll tax cut? Not E & O and it's a deferral until Dec 31st, deferral meaning it will have to be paid back. Helps very few except employer's and maybe the self employed. Yes, he wants to make them permanent. It's just a proposal.

Read very careful the you decide if this is going to happen.

The employers can still deduct it from payrolls since it is not a mandate or law from Congress because only Congress has the authority to lay and collect taxes per the Constitution.

They need to keep deducting and setting aside if this really starts Sept 1. Deferral means to me and most it will have to be paid at some point. When you read the memorandum it refers to Sec of Treasury obtaining legislation. LOL won't happen.

I'm going to keep paying mine.
Has anyone in this thread thought of reading his memorandum on the payroll tax cut? Not E & O and it's a deferral until Dec 31st, deferral meaning it will have to be paid back. Helps very few except employer's and maybe the self employed. Yes, he wants to make them permanent. It's just a proposal.

Read very careful the you decide if this is going to happen.

The employers can still deduct it from payrolls since it is not a mandate or law from Congress because only Congress has the authority to lay and collect taxes per the Constitution.

They need to keep deducting and setting aside if this really starts Sept 1. Deferral means to me and most it will have to be paid at some point. When you read the memorandum it refers to Sec of Treasury obtaining legislation. LOL won't happen.

I'm going to keep paying mine.
Again, only Congress can authorize the taxes this EO is unconstitutional which is why Trump is a waste of breathe in govt.
So, you are telling me that the money that I have been paying in to Medicare and SS since 1959 is not mine, and that I am just on a "dole".
You are a liberal Democrat, of course you are on the dole.

Well, I've got bad news for you, kid. You and your generation have as much chance of getting rid of Medicare and SS as I have of buying Trump's Apprentice helicopter.In spite of the fact that you grew up in a privileged world that we handed over to you, you guys developed no character, compassion, or common decency. We get it. Not our problem.
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I wonder about those in there late 30s to late 40s who have worked full time & managed to pay there bills, mortgage or rent but have been unable to put away any our only a few months worth of savings. will they some how manage to save or invest the $15 $20 dollar increase in their pay check in time to save enough money for their retirement at a time when people are living into their 90s or farther?
Conservative voters of all ages realize the president's plan will benefit all Americans.
We heard the same with Bush's tax cuts. I tell you what putting people out of work, because you don't like Trump takes taxes out of the system.
Has anyone in this thread thought of reading his memorandum on the payroll tax cut? Not E & O and it's a deferral until Dec 31st, deferral meaning it will have to be paid back. Helps very few except employer's and maybe the self employed. Yes, he wants to make them permanent. It's just a proposal.

Read very careful the you decide if this is going to happen.

The employers can still deduct it from payrolls since it is not a mandate or law from Congress because only Congress has the authority to lay and collect taxes per the Constitution.

After doing some research the employer's had a payroll tax deferral must be from the first bill and this does nothing to help the employee they have to pay it back. The other E & O's were smoke and mirrors and did absolutely nothing other than get a few trumpsters a woody.
Again, only Congress can authorize the taxes this EO is unconstitutional which is why Trump is a waste of breathe in govt.
Executive orders are unconstitutional?? The power to give executive orders is in Article Two of the Constitution.
President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.

The Trump campaign was apparently so satisfied with the public acknowledgement of the president's promise to make the payroll tax permanent—a move that would inherently bankrupt the Social Security system—that it clipped the portion of the press conference and shared on social media immediately after it concluded.

Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest accomplishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.

Workers can now spend the money the government had held for their retirement from the first day of their employment. Waiting until later years to begin saving for one's old age is a much more viable system, since everyone will be diligent in this effort.

It's a confusing mess.
Trump wants to cut the payroll tax which finances Medicare and Social Security. he's running on that. good luck, bro!
I'm for cutting off Social Security for everyone under 25yo - no more AFTER everyone above that who has actually paid into if for at least 20 years gets theirs paid.

You snowflakes seem to believe that the government is giving recipients government money each month, that they are doing recipients a favor by doing so. Those who believe that are just f*ing STUPID.



I don't know about you idiots who think killing SS without reimbursing anyone who has paid in is a good idea, but doing so would amount to THE LARGEST PONZI SCHEME IN WORLD HISTORY.

A man is sitting in prison right now for doing what is being suggested.

Screw that....

Tell you what...cut me a check right now for HALF of the money I have paid into SS, and you can do whatever you want with SS.

If you are a Baby Boomer, the president is finally ending your free ride.

LMAO What free ride. I've paid into both SS and Medicare my entire working life and have just now started receiving MY money back.

Your sure are an ignorant dumbass.
Trump can't defund SS or Medicare, we paid for those "entitlements".
The Defense department would be defunded first.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026, and SS in 2037 if not "fixed".
Here are some "fixes" for SS & Medicare.

Okay, buddy, but Trump wants to suspend Payroll Taxes... How does SS and Medicare get "Fixed" if you cut off their funding?
Trump can't defund SS or Medicare, we paid for those "entitlements".
The Defense department would be defunded first.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026, and SS in 2037 if not "fixed".
Here are some "fixes" for SS & Medicare.

Okay, buddy, but Trump wants to suspend Payroll Taxes... How does SS and Medicare get "Fixed" if you cut off their funding?
The payroll taxes are only suspended thru December.
My recommendation was to "fix" SS & Medicare for that temporary payroll tax suspension.
They are tossing $trillions around like it grows on trees. This won't end well.
Trump can't defund SS or Medicare, we paid for those "entitlements".
The Defense department would be defunded first.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026, and SS in 2037 if not "fixed".
Here are some "fixes" for SS & Medicare.

Okay, buddy, but Trump wants to suspend Payroll Taxes... How does SS and Medicare get "Fixed" if you cut off their funding?
Cut welfare like food stamps, Section 8 Housing and all that other stuff free-loaders exploit.

" will trump defund soc sec ? if yes, what will happen to my retirement soc sec check ? "

What a bunch of democrat bullshit. Trump signed an EO to TEMPORARILY defer payroll taxes on SSA and Medicare and right away the Dems piss and moan about it, like he's gonna cancel those programs if he gets re-elected. Which is absolute, 100% God Damn bullshit! He might be looking or ways to reduce the costs for those programs, AS HE SHOULD, cuz those programs are going to be bankrupt in 10-12 years or so. If not sooner. So your paycheck will be a bit bigger until the end of the year, BFD.

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