FINALLY! Nader calls for UNITY to overthrow

Ralph Nader's America: Impeach Obama, decriminalize drugs, libertarians & progressives unite!


One of the people on my list I would trust to start a mixed ticket and pro-liberty movement, and sure enough, Nader comes out saying what needs to be done and is already happening.

nader is a malignant twit

Understand his message and meaning though.

What if all prochoice, prolife and proliberty activists
united to stop abuse of federal laws and govt from superceding our rights
and independence to invest in self-governing and self-managed programs.

Wouldn't that work, in whatever form it turns into?
Nader may suggest it his way.
Milton Wolf also called for unity, of Occupy and Tea Party against corporate cronyism.

The ultimate reform that comes out
may be quite different from how it is envisioned.

But the CONCEPT is right on!

Greens, Tea Party, Libertarian, definitely can pull it off by
working together, uniting on Constitutional grounds for federal policies, while respecting
each other's positions as a Party and keeping that separate and intact.
I can agree with Nader on a few things, but not over the presidents war power.

The campaign against Libya is constitutional.

That practice confirms that the president, under his commander-in-chief and other executive powers, has very broad discretion to use U.S. military force in the absence of congressional authorization. Presidents have done this, in military actions large and small, over 100 times, since the beginning of the republic. The largest and most consequential unauthorized military action is the Korean War launched by President Truman in 1950. Another big conflict without congressional authorization—and, indeed, in the face of an overt congressional vote that declined to provide such authorization—was President Clinton's Kosovo intervention in 1999.
Is that old nut case still around? Here's the deal. Even democrats can't defend scandal after scandal in the crooked Obama administration but instead of criticizing the democrat party they get all crazy and call for anarchy or legalizing drugs. The modern libertarian party might as well change it's name to the pot-heads.
Is that old nut case still around? Here's the deal. Even democrats can't defend scandal after scandal in the crooked Obama administration but instead of criticizing the democrat party they get all crazy and call for anarchy or legalizing drugs. The modern libertarian party might as well change it's name to the pot-heads.

They are the pot head party because it always comes down to legalizing drugs.
Ralph Nader's America: Impeach Obama, decriminalize drugs, libertarians & progressives unite!


One of the people on my list I would trust to start a mixed ticket and pro-liberty movement, and sure enough, Nader comes out saying what needs to be done and is already happening.

For the most part the GREEN party believe in commie style socialist dytopia. That is the polar opposite of the libertarian party.

Even if they did unit, what would that equate to at the polls. 0.5-0.8% of the vote. Congrats losers like Nader are reaching for the basement when they just barely make it to ground level!
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Is that old nut case still around? Here's the deal. Even democrats can't defend scandal after scandal in the crooked Obama administration but instead of criticizing the democrat party they get all crazy and call for anarchy or legalizing drugs. The modern libertarian party might as well change it's name to the pot-heads.

They are the pot head party because it always comes down to legalizing drugs.
And legalizing drugs comes down to whether or not We the People live in a free country.

The Land of the Free has more prisoners than any other country on Earth because the US Federal government outlawed the same plant that was legalized to help America win World War II.

Why do right-wing Republicans draw guns against the government to protect a rich racist criminal's cattle but never in the last 40 years to protect a producer of marihuana?

There is ZERO constitutional grounds to impeach the president. Sorry guys - Nader is wrong on this point and it severely diminishes his political clout to even entertain such a notion.

If Obama could have been impeached - Republicans would have pulled out all stops to get it done.

I have been extremely vocal on the war on drugs, but they should never be legalized (except for marijuana) and instead only decriminalized. So, on that note, I completely agree with Nader.

By decriminalizing drugs and offering a fine or treatment, we can follow in Portugal's footsteps.

Treatment and education are the tools to wipe out drug use.

Libertarianism should never be about making life harder, but instead, making people free.

Wrongful persecution of political foes, is not a Libertarian platform ~
Ralph Nader's America: Impeach Obama, decriminalize drugs, libertarians & progressives unite!


One of the people on my list I would trust to start a mixed ticket and pro-liberty movement, and sure enough, Nader comes out saying what needs to be done and is already happening.
I stopped watching the video at 10 second mark when ABC logo appeared and I realized that the leader of this newest "movement" is on the main stream media.... NEXT....
Emily, I do not like to brag about myself, but in the future, my videos will prove themselves to be the bible of the world politics, and this portion brilliantly explains WHY I stated what I just did:

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Ralph Nader's America: Impeach Obama, decriminalize drugs, libertarians & progressives unite!


One of the people on my list I would trust to start a mixed ticket and pro-liberty movement, and sure enough, Nader comes out saying what needs to be done and is already happening.

For the most part the GREEN party believe in commie style socialist dytopia. That is the polar opposite of the libertarian party.

Even if they did unit, what would that equate to at the polls. 0.5-0.8% of the vote. Congrats losers like Nader are reaching for the basement when they just barely make it to ground level!

I hate the Green Party - they are a bunch of ass-kissing do-gooders who would just love for America to be returned to the Indians, bankrupt the country to pay restitution for slavery and outlaw freedom to replace it with "security."

A vote for the Green Party is a slap in the face to working folks who had naught to do with the problems of the last few centuries.
Ralph Nader has no chance to ever become President - zero. Time to move on from this silliness.

What the country really needs is to start thinking outside the box a bit. Until voters start voting their own interest, we will forever be beholden unto special interest, special people and special money.
Libertarians and progressives "unite"?

Apparently Nader has COMPLETELY lost his mind. He always has been a HALF-WIT.

What a coalition

Nader has never had any concept of American Politics

But the "Green Party" candidate did give us George Bush, one of the most environmentally hostile Presidents
Who cares about Nader? Obama is stuck at 40% approval from the usual suspects: the union assholes, the uninformed, trial attorneys and hopelessly duped lefty utopians who havent grown up yet and the big bankers. THATS IT!! LOL.....Nader would beat Obama in a primary if it were held today!!

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