FINALLY! Nader calls for UNITY to overthrow

Is that old nut case still around? Here's the deal. Even democrats can't defend scandal after scandal in the crooked Obama administration but instead of criticizing the democrat party they get all crazy and call for anarchy or legalizing drugs. The modern libertarian party might as well change it's name to the pot-heads.

They are the pot head party because it always comes down to legalizing drugs.

Like Nader said, alcohol causes more deaths by far than illegal drugs.
Ralph Nader's America: Impeach Obama, decriminalize drugs, libertarians & progressives unite!


One of the people on my list I would trust to start a mixed ticket and pro-liberty movement, and sure enough, Nader comes out saying what needs to be done and is already happening.
"Nader expects there is going to be a growth of left-right alliances in Congress, pointing to the war on drugs and bank regulatory efforts as areas of possibly confluence. On the war on drugs, Nader said that the United States should entirely decriminalize and move to regulate all drugs in the same way alcohol and tobacco are regulated."

Nader recognizes how nothing will change if US voters continue "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat when they cast their ballots. Millions of Americans should take his advice and FLUSH the DC toilet next November:eusa_pray:
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Emily, I do not like to brag about myself, but in the future, my videos will prove themselves to be the bible of the world politics, and this portion brilliantly explains WHY I stated what I just did:

Yeah, you really hate bragging about yourself, Peeves.

Or should I say, Voice of the New World Government? :lol: :lmao: :rofl:
Is that old nut case still around? Here's the deal. Even democrats can't defend scandal after scandal in the crooked Obama administration but instead of criticizing the democrat party they get all crazy and call for anarchy or legalizing drugs. The modern libertarian party might as well change it's name to the pot-heads.

Have Democrats actually had 'scandal after scandal' or do Republicans have nothing to offer the middle class?
"In UNSTOPPABLE, Nader persuasively demonstrates that there is an emerging Left-Right alliance which has the power to dismantle the corporate-government tyranny. Large segments from the progressive, conservative, and libertarian political camps already find themselves aligned in opposition to the destruction of civil liberties, the bloated and economically draining corporate welfare state, the relentless perpetuation of America’s wars, sovereignty-shredding free trade agreements, and the unpunished crimes of Wall Street against Main Street."

No fundamental change will happen if US voters continue"choosing"between Democrat or Republican in the voting booth.

FLUSH the DC toilet in 2014.
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Ralph Nader's America: Impeach Obama, decriminalize drugs, libertarians & progressives unite!


One of the people on my list I would trust to start a mixed ticket and pro-liberty movement, and sure enough, Nader comes out saying what needs to be done and is already happening.

nader is a malignant twit

I like old Ralph and think he is spot on with many things he says, but he is not a realist. Even quacks can be likable.
Nader is the only real Progressive, well him and Liz Warren, maybe Bernie Sanders too
Libertarians and progressives "unite"?

Apparently Nader has COMPLETELY lost his mind. He always has been a HALF-WIT.

What a coalition

Nader has never had any concept of American Politics

But the "Green Party" candidate did give us George Bush, one of the most environmentally hostile Presidents
Jeb Bush gave us his brother, and there's no way any of the 100,000 Green voters in Florida in 2000 would have wasted their ballot by "choosing" between Gore or Bush. (Frick or Frack, remember?)
Ralph Nader's America: Impeach Obama, decriminalize drugs, libertarians & progressives unite!


One of the people on my list I would trust to start a mixed ticket and pro-liberty movement, and sure enough, Nader comes out saying what needs to be done and is already happening.

nader is a malignant twit

Hey jillian:

At least Nader was instrumental in the legislation
that created OSHA, Consumer Protection, the
Environmental Protection Agency and Safe Drinking Water Act.

Biography of Ralph Nader - Learn More About Ralph Nader

He is credited for creating these major reforms in govt
WITHOUT holding an office in order to do so,
but as a citizen and consumer advocate who organized group efforts
to get these things passed and done.

What better example do we have that citizens can implement
govt reforms without depending on electing party leaders to do it for us?

How is that being either "malignant" or "twit"

That's a strong example as any I can give
how NOT to be a twit or a helpless victim
or let "malignant" politics get in the way of getting something done yourself!!!
Most people who call themselves libertarian are nothing of the sort.
My experience has been quite different. Those with whom I have interacted, who identify as libertarian, often are very well informed and tend to be very consistent in their application of the maximizing-liberty ideal.

But, most politicians running on the Libertarian Party ticket are noting of the sort. I will agree on that.
Ralph Nader's America: Impeach Obama, decriminalize drugs, libertarians & progressives unite!


One of the people on my list I would trust to start a mixed ticket and pro-liberty movement, and sure enough, Nader comes out saying what needs to be done and is already happening.

nader is a malignant twit

Hey jillian:

At least Nader was instrumental in the legislation
that created OSHA, Consumer Protection, the
Environmental Protection Agency and Safe Drinking Water Act.

Biography of Ralph Nader - Learn More About Ralph Nader

He is credited for creating these major reforms in govt
WITHOUT holding an office in order to do so,
but as a citizen and consumer advocate who organized group efforts
to get these things passed and done.

What better example do we have that citizens can implement
govt reforms without depending on electing party leaders to do it for us?

How is that being either "malignant" or "twit"

That's a strong example as any I can give
how NOT to be a twit or a helpless victim
or let "malignant" politics get in the way of getting something done yourself!!!
He also sold him self to big biz and lobbying organizations like his has helped drive new cars into an untenable cost for a large share of Americans. People too lazy to check the air in their tires and the type mandatory legislation that requires gadgets for every new car along with a manufacturer selling crappy tires made the cost of throw away cars go up about a thousand dollars per car.
My experience has been quite different. Those with whom I have interacted, who identify as libertarian, often are very well informed and tend to be very consistent in their application of the maximizing-liberty ideal.

But, most politicians running on the Libertarian Party ticket are noting of the sort. I will agree on that.

Well. I'm a tough critic. Generally, I would agree with your initial thought, but dependng on the company one keeps. I've seen great things done. We've set political records.

Libertarianism is a big tent. You have monarchists, aborists, ancaps, minarchists, traditional conservatives, libertines, anarchists, and awhole long list of different isms who hang out underthe libertarian tent.

It's often counterproductive in terms of educating because they fight one another on who gets to claim libertarianism.
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Ralph Nader's America: Impeach Obama, decriminalize drugs, libertarians & progressives unite!


One of the people on my list I would trust to start a mixed ticket and pro-liberty movement, and sure enough, Nader comes out saying what needs to be done and is already happening.

nader is a malignant twit

Hey jillian:

At least Nader was instrumental in the legislation
that created OSHA, Consumer Protection, the
Environmental Protection Agency and Safe Drinking Water Act.

Biography of Ralph Nader - Learn More About Ralph Nader

He is credited for creating these major reforms in govt
WITHOUT holding an office in order to do so,
but as a citizen and consumer advocate who organized group efforts
to get these things passed and done.

What better example do we have that citizens can implement
govt reforms without depending on electing party leaders to do it for us?

How is that being either "malignant" or "twit"

That's a strong example as any I can give
how NOT to be a twit or a helpless victim
or let "malignant" politics get in the way of getting something done yourself!!!

has nothing to do with him being a malignant twit and a megalomaniac.

sometimes people start believing their own press and become pieces of garbage.... like Nader did.

and for the record, the car he targeted in unsafe at any speed had a couple of problems that could have been fixed. he didn't need to destroy a brand. he only did so for his own self-aggrandizement.

now you can stop foaming at the mouth.
Ralph Nader's America: Impeach Obama, decriminalize drugs, libertarians & progressives unite!


One of the people on my list I would trust to start a mixed ticket and pro-liberty movement, and sure enough, Nader comes out saying what needs to be done and is already happening.

nader is a malignant twit

Hey jillian:

At least Nader was instrumental in the legislation
that created OSHA, Consumer Protection, the
Environmental Protection Agency and Safe Drinking Water Act.

Biography of Ralph Nader - Learn More About Ralph Nader

He is credited for creating these major reforms in govt
WITHOUT holding an office in order to do so,
but as a citizen and consumer advocate who organized group efforts
to get these things passed and done.

What better example do we have that citizens can implement
govt reforms without depending on electing party leaders to do it for us?

How is that being either "malignant" or "twit"

That's a strong example as any I can give
how NOT to be a twit or a helpless victim
or let "malignant" politics get in the way of getting something done yourself!!!

has nothing to do with him being a malignant twit and a megalomaniac.

sometimes people start believing their own press and become pieces of garbage.... like Nader did.

and for the record, the car he targeted in unsafe at any speed had a couple of problems that could have been fixed. he didn't need to destroy a brand. he only did so for his own self-aggrandizement.

now you can stop foaming at the mouth.

Dear jillian I am not "foaming at the mouth"
you are by being so "rabid" against Nader.

I believe what he set up can serve as a model
for setting up a system of grievances to check
abuses of party, corporations, and govt.

I am looking at the good purpose of the model we
can replicate.

I am not looking at Nader as some figure to elevate,
you are the one looking at him as someone to bring down.

Quit accusing others of what you are doing yourself.

First you call him a "malignant twit" which is how you come across,
both malignant in only focusing on bad consequences and not the greater good.
And acting like a "twit" instead of being more fully informed
about the bigger implications here that serve greater benefit
than just the bad things you point out. That's fine but don't be
so small minded you lose the good points too!

And now you accuse me of "foaming at the mouth"
when that's what you were doing not me.

I was sticking to practical points about what
will lead to solutions. You came in with rabid
and malignant comments not me.

Sorry to see you project onto me and Nader
what seems to reflect more on you!
The modern libertarian party might as well change it's name to the pot-heads.

Most people who call themselves libertarian are nothing of the sort.
Anyone who calls himself a ‘libertarian’ is a fool.

Dear C_Clayton_Jones
It depends on the Libertarian.
Some seem to be more anarchist with no better ideas
how to reform or change anything, so it ends up getting decided by govt anyway.
Just objecting to govt as unconstitutional isn't going to change anything alone,
so that does indeed look foolish and impractical and ineffective.

However, some Libertarians are actively investing and organizing
around better solutions. That is the more effective way to protest
or object to bad govt. By building and exercising better alternatives
to replace or to model govt after instead of just complaining about it.

So it depends.

Same with the difference between Democrats/Progressives really seeking
to empower and liberate citizens so we have free choice, local ownership and representation, and don't depend on govt for rights; vs. those who claim to be prochoice but keep voting in politicians and policies keeping people dependent on federal govt to
regulate choices for the public. That doesn't make sense either.

I wouldn't call all Liberals fools, and neither with Libertarians.
It depends if you contradict your own principles,
or whether you practice what your preach
and put your money where your mouth is.

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